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We all seem to know where Heaven is, but where is Hell?

12 Answers

  • Lenio
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The graveyard. Hell refers to the common grave, and contrary to popular belief, is not a place of fiery torment for wicked souls.

    Romans 6:23 -For the wages sin pays is death, but the gift God gives is everlasting life by Christ Jesus our Lord.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most religions teach that GOOD people go to some sort of paradise, usually heaven, after they die. Heaven is usually characterized as a place of unsurpassable happiness-the ultimate paradise and that all who go there will live joyfully forever.

    Yet, considering what a wonderful place it is supposed to be, it seems no one is in a hurry to go there!

    Death, which according to most traditional beliefs is the gateway to heaven, is generally viewed as something to be avoided at all costs. Through medical science we usually do everything we can to prevent death as long as possible. If such a journey to heaven could be by means of express, wouldn't we find that almost no one would buy a ticket? Wouldn't we see that most people would prefer to continue their life here on earth than to take up residence in heaven? Our actions indicate this is the way most of us think!

    Besides-most people who expect to go to heaven admit that they can find little in the scriptures about it. If heaven is the goal set for us by God, why has He revealed so little about it in His word?

    An excellent reason why we encounter a vacuum when we look in the Bible for what the " saved "-will do in heaven is simply because " the Bible does not say the righteous will receive heaven as their reward." The Bible reveals that God has something else in mind-something far more superior to most people's concepts about heaven.

    Many people who profess Christianity believe that the wicked will burn forever in hell. They claim to find this teaching in the Bible.

    But-would a merciful God inflict excruciating pain and torment on human beings throughout all eternity? Would our Great Creator be that unfeeling and uncaring? Even though " the wages of sin is death " (Romans 6:23), the God of love, justice, and mercy has no desire to see anyone, even the incorrigibly wicked, suffer in agony for eternity.

    The Bible does say that God " has appointed a day when He will judge the world in righteousness " (Acts 17:31). At that time those who have repented and accepted Christ as their Savior will be given eternal life, " There is no salvation through anyone else; in all the world no other name [than Jesus] has been granted to mankind by which we can be saved " (Acts 4:1, revised English Bible).

    The idea that HELL is an fire-pit of torment is from a misunderstanding of Revelation 12:9-10: " If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark...he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presense of holy angels and in the presence of the lamb."

    Matthew 25:31 tells us that Christ at His return, will be accompanied by all the holy angels. At that time He will destroy the idolatrous system called Babylon, and those who have become part of that system will come under the wrath of God.

    The scripture does not say that these people are being tormented in hell. It states that the smoke of their torment ascends forever (verse 11). As smoke rises it becomes diluted into the air. David wrote in Psalm 37:20 that " the wicked shall perish [not be tortured forever in hell]...into smoke they shall vanish away."

    The verse says nothing about punishing people forever in hell. Those who say that the Bible teaches eternal punishment by fire should ask whether such a belief is consistent with what the Bible teaches us about God. Could God justly deal with those who have lived and died without having ever received an opportunity to be saved? This would include the millions who died as babies, as well as the billions of unbelievers who have lived and died never knowing God or His Son.

    The Bible does teach that the wicked will be punished by fire-but not the mythical HELL of men's imagination. God is a God of mercy and love. Those who reject His way of life, will die, not suffer forever. They will be consumed by fire and forgotten. Theres a lot more that can be said on this topic alone...!

  • 1 decade ago

    Hell is where passion/hatred and ignorance are, heaven is where calmness/kindness and self-control are. It is obvious, God lives in heaven and rules in hell.

  • 1 decade ago
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  • 1 decade ago

    On the "other side of the tracks" from Heaven.

  • hog b
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Underground, of course.

    It was known that hell was hot. and that it was underground, way before geologists knew about the heat at the Earth's core.

    This is what has persuaded me that everything that anyone says, when they refer to hellfire, and who will suffer it, is true.

    It's the religious scientific method in action.

  • 1 decade ago

    On the freeway, during rush hour, surrounded by American drivers obliviously yakking on the phone, shaving, trimming their toenails and doing everything imaginable EXCEPT paying attention to the road.

    Pure horror.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'd like the location to this heaven you found.

  • 1 decade ago

    We Muslims says (Wallah Aalam). God Knows Better. Prophet Muhammed PBUH never answered this question as he himself didnt know about it. It is Only One God Allah who knows the locations.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They say that hell is "separation from God"> to be cut off from God is hell.

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