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Does your partner's gaming interfere with your marriage/relationship?

My husband is a serial gamer (WoW, ghost recon, counterstrike, Battlefield 1942, Unreal Tournament, Land of the Dead, etc.etc.etc.etc.) and doesn't seem to understand my dislike of the amount of time he spends gaming, and thinking about gaming, and going out to his gamer friend's places to game, instead of being home with his family, and helping out around the house - you know, generally being a part of the family and shouldering his responsibilities as a husband and father.

He has (literally) no interests outside of gaming, and kind of BMWs (his car). He can't be bothered pursuing any other activities or interests with me, and throws tantrums when I ask him to help me out in any way. He comes home from work, and 4 nights out of 7 goes out to his friends place to play games, before dinner time, and doesn't come home til around midnight - 1am. When I protest his leaving to go gaming, he sulks, stays, and then complains all evening that he's bored - despite any attempts on my part.HELP!


He shows no respect for me, or my concerns, and loses his temper regularly. He is sulky and bad tempered most days, and resents any attempt on my part to help him resolve his issues.

I hate the way he treats our kid/s, and though he never abuses them, he never loves them properly either, and yells and swears at them every day. They seem to be little more than things that get in his way. I feel the same often myself, unless he wants sex, then he is climbing all over me worse than our toddler. And I hate that too, because I can feel that the sex would be purely about him, no love and no thought for me.

Update 2:

I've tried getting into gaming too, but especially with him not helping out, there is too much housework and childcare to do. I used to game with him from time to time before the kids, and that was nice, but we have more responsibilities now, and he hasn't changed his habits to reflect that.

Update 3:

He also goes to LAN parties at least one a month, and they go from friday right after work, thru to as late on sunday as possible.

Someone mentioned I should be glad I know where he is, and not out cheating...

He did that already. So, I *think* I know where he is, but it still bothers me that I don't absolutely completely know - he *could* be out on the town again...doesn't seem to be, though. Who knows - !!!

Update 4:

You are all right, when you say he probably won't change...I am due to have a baby in 8wks (and its summer here - I am SO hot and tired!) I have thought and though about what to do - leave, or put up with it and stay....he only half lives with me and the kids at the moment, and sees that as an excuse to game more, instead of spend what quality time he can with us.

He has been talking about moving back in before baby is born, and I am becoming increasingly reluctant to let that happen...

We'll See!

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am sure you already know this.

    He isn't going to change.

    The ball is in your court...are you going to play it, or throw it out of bounds and let the clock tick...?

    At least he doesn't know about EVE.

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you tried getting into gaming? I know it may sound like bad advice, but my boyfriend is a gamer -- and so am I. To an extent, I play less than he does, but honestly, if I had the cash to buy an XBOX 360 and Halo 3, I would. We both have other interests as well (and they're the same ;D). We both love art, and music. We can enjoy lots of other things together, but I can honestly say I am glad I enjoy video games / MMORPG's.

    On the other hand, addictive gaming is a serious problem. It sounds like your hubby is the EXTREME. If you're not interested in getting into gaming... I suggest sitting your husband down and having a serious talk with him about getting some therapy. Gaming is just as addictive as alcohol or drugs, I don't care what anyone says. I'm not being over the top, I used to play an MMORPG and yes, it was addictive. You need to show him how his addictive gaming is having an impact on his family life -- and his marriage.

    Also, once I stopped paying for the online games, it became a LOT less "important". I didn't have to "rush" to finish things... it was a lot easier to level, and I got great items that made the game a lot more fun. You should tell him to try out some private servers and see if that helps on the MMORPG part. As for the system games... I have no idea what to tell you. If he is putting video games before his family, like I said. He has a problem. A serious one, that needs to be addressed asap.

    I wish you the best of luck with this situation and I hope it gets resolved soon!

  • 1 decade ago

    WOW! Okay, well, my husband also loves playing games, and boy did I think that he loved them. Now, I don't feel that way anymore after reading what you had to say! My husband plays his games after I have already gone to bed, or when I am not home! It works out this way b/c I work days and he works nights! We both have the same days off and on our days off he doesn't look at his games or I will pitch a fit! I think you should seriously sit down and have a heart to heart talk. He seems like he is still a child! sorry :( But, you shouldn't be completely against gaming! You guys should figure out an alone for each other and the family and also his own alone time with his gaming and friends. You should also have your alone time to do what it is that makes you happy, whether it be shopping, etc.! Anway, he should realize that family is number one, then work, then play!! It seems that he has his priorities out of order! Although, he may actually have an addiction, maybe you might consider having him talk to a therapist about it!

  • 1 decade ago

    My husband is a gamer and doesn't bother me. He works 5 nights a week, and the other two, plus if he has time in the day he plays his games. He'd like to go to LAN Parties, but they last 2 whole days so I put my foot down on that. If he wants to play, he has to stay home to do it.

    He will sometimes be late coming to the table because he's playing, and every Saturday night he spends until the wee hours of the morning online playing poker with his brother who he never gets to see.

    Now, the reason I don't mind...hehehe...I get the tv all to myself and I don't feel like I'm neglecting him when I'm knitting or talking on the phone. We each do our own thing, and are totally cool with it. At least he's home and not out partying, drinking, or cheating.

    As for housework, that's my responsibility. He works, I don't. So I take care of the house. He's not ignoring my requests to help me out because I'm not asking. And he does turn off the games to spend time with me and the kids if I want him to. He has all night to play so he does without complaint.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Honey, you either have to accept this, or leave his @ss. He is not going to change. He knows how bad he is treating you and the kids. You can try the counseling route, but if you ask me, you sound ready to leave anyways! He curses at your kids? Oh H*LL NO!!!!

    You need to put him in check and get him out.

    Women need attention. If he is not interested in understanding that, maybe he will be interested in reading some divorce papers.

    You can't change anyone but YOU! And think about what this is doing to your kids!!! Do you have son? Because imagine how he will turn out watching daddy on World of Warcraft.. so he grows up and does the same thing? Is that what you want for him?

    I bet not.

    I suggest you leave. But if not, the counseling for sure!!!

    However, no amount of counseling is going to make him change - unless he wants to.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know how you feel 110% my husband plays Final Fantasy 11 online on his ps2 and he is totally insaine about it. It has came between us. We never go no where because he might have some linkshell event (thats a game thing they do) I did what you did and got into playing games as well..i have always enjoyed it but i have stuff to do around the house and would love help but he never helps...Its his hobby and i have learned this will never change so i started up my own hobby scrapbooking, but when i think about it im only doing scrapbooking to fill in the emptiness i have from my husband be on his game 24-7. I know how that game WoW is and im not trying to worry you but you said yourself he cheated b4...well i know a few women whose husband have met women from that game so please keep your eyes open to that. If you wanna talk please feel free to email me Take care of yourself.

  • 1 decade ago

    My hubby does the same thing, in fact he's on his Xbox playing Mass Effect. Or he plays Call of Duty 4, Halo 3, or Two Worlds. He plays almost every night, and Tuesday nights he has a game night at his friends house-even though he plays on-line with them every other night.

    We just got married in July.

    Have you tried saying you can play 4 nights a week, but I get you to myself the other 3 nights?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sounds like hes addicted but be glad he isnt out cheating on you and hes home or at friends playing a game. My husband plays call of duty 3 all the time but spends time with me also tel him how you feel. You know where your man is cant complain too much

  • Marina
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    He has a gambling problem sweetie and if he doesn't get help for it soon, you could lose everything you have ever counted on. It always starts out as infrequent gaming and ends up devestating lives---a girlfriend of mine was/is a gambler and she nearly lost her marriage, her home---everything she cared about.

    Let him know that what he is doing is effecting the family and it better change otherwise you're going to move on and be somewhere without him, and a lot healthier and happier than you are now!

  • 1 decade ago

    i know exactley what your feeling my partner and i have recently spliy from the same problems we have 4 sons oldest 10 and youngest 10 mths i felt so neglected that i ended it we had been together 10 yrs now that we are over i feel as though i have been petty about it and wished id spoke to him more about it as having another child made memore emotional and vulnerable i turned to somebody eelse which didnt help he has now promised to change and has faced what was really happening problem is now 3 months later we have both slept with someone new and deeply hurt each other trying to get over one another he wants me back but i dont havea clue what to do i want to believe him please my advice is try harder to talk to him and make him see how bad your hurting i wish i had

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