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answer this .... I dare ya?

when will people of all faiths begin to realize that respect for someone elses differing beliefs does not mean you have to follow them???


THINK.... respect would never trample human rights....

Update 2:

a few stated that they do not respect others beliefs... but is not tolerance a form of respect??? in the sense that you would leave them alone free to follow their beliefs... so long as stated before that human rights , as we know them) are observed

25 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't have to respect anyone's beliefs nor do I have to repect them for anything at all... I do however have to be tolerant. I have to show compassion for those who are suffering no matter what they believe. That is the essence of christianity. Do not judge, and love thy neighbor, regardless of religious beliefs.

  • 1 decade ago

    Never, as a whole, this wont ever happen. It happens on an individual basis, you do get people in all religions who understand this, but your not gonna wake up one day and have the worlds entire population of catholics standing outside the Vatican with signs saying, 'I respect and understand your faith, even though I do not believe it myself', same with Protestants, Muslims, Hindus, it's just not gonna happen in a million years, at the end of the day no matter how old we get we are still basically little kids fighting over who has the best toy, and no one wants to admit they are probably of the same quality.

  • 1 decade ago

    Around the same time that they relaize there is no one true religion and that ALL religions are just different means to the same end. We must simply choose the best path for ourselves. I choose Wicca because it is where i feel more comfortable. Dose that mean that I shun all other religions and refuse to accept them as vald, of course not. I have friends who are Satanist and Druids and Jews and Christians. And that mix can make for some very interesting parties too. But we all accept each other and get along great

  • 1 decade ago

    I have wondered that myself. People have a really hard time accepting differences in beliefs. I think it would be wonderful if people would understand each others backgrounds and religions and realize that it is a lack of respect when you try to "convert" people who have different beliefs.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I really dont know. I'm atheist and I try my hardest to respect others religions. To me, people aren't their religion, they are them. But, sometimes that is REALLY hard. Mostly with Christians. A lot of them will try and shove the bible in your face and try and get you to believe in "their" God. I've had friends who were Christan's and as soon as they found out I was atheist they went all holy on me. And when I didn't turn Christan, they saw me as a whole different, horrible person. In America we are supposed to have freedom of religion, but a lot of times it doesn't seem that way. The whole government is run on what the bible thinks is right. I mean, some states are loosening the rings but, barely.

    Anyways, off of the rant, I dont think it is ever going to happen. In my time of being forced to go to church i have heard over and over that it is their "duty" to convert us or if we dont, not be around us because we will, i dont know, make them do bad things. lol.

  • 1 decade ago

    The people you for say, may not be right in there own religion. B/C I believe with any religion one should not judge.So many people try to focus on others instead of studying and knowing the truth; b/c that takes more work.When will people realize?When they have an awakening experience of their own.

  • 1 decade ago

    I do not respect the beliefs of others; if I did I would share them.

    I DO respect the right of others to have their beliefs.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have the same comments and I really wish not only the people with my faith but all reallize that.

    I see the next 100 years (if positive) with people worring and fighting not for relgious believes but other earthy compounding problems.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most people respect that someone else is religious, but don't respect their religion. I respect my grandmother is a christian, but i have no respect for the religion what so ever.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's all down to what you can get away with imposing on other people, isn't it? I mean, I've no doubt that there are quite a few religious people who would happily round up homosexuals and stone them to death, but we impose laws on them to stop them doing it. They would no doubt regard that as us making them follow our beliefs. What it comes down to is who wins control.

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