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Anonymous asked in Social SciencePsychology · 1 decade ago

Racist or not racist?

The average IQ of a white man is higher than the average IQ of a black man (fact) therefore, ON AVERAGE, white men are more intelligent, as IQ (Intelligence Quotient) is a direct measure of intelligence, why is it therefore deemed racist for Prof. Hubbard of Oxford University to say "Statistics dictate, according to random IQ testing, White men are more intelligent"....this was heralded as racist. To me it is stating a fact, proven by testing, not just stating a matter of opinion. When did racism stop being about hatred of people different from yourself and start being the statement of results from tests!!!! I'm sick of people claiming every little thing is racist, even the true results of tests are considered racist....the tests must have been fixed...why?....because we're racist?


" by Elz =] Member since:

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I'm not sure if it's quite "racist" but it's offensive. Basically your saying there that every black man is less intelligent than a white man. Which sounds like the white men over power the black men with intelligence. That's not actually the case, there are some very intelligent black men out there, and there are some very dumb white men out there. So to say that every black man is less intelligent than every white man is just assuming that every single person in that race is the same, when infact they are not.

If you put yourself in the shoes of a black man who has worked hard his entire life, to hear that is going to be a bit offensive right?"


35 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The statistic itself is not racist. But the context that the professor used it in could be, or at least offensive. If a black student said, "why did I get a D on this paper?" and the professor retorded with that statistic, that would be pretty messed up.

    I don't see how IQ tests are geared towards white men. Everyone takes the same test. Last I checked, math wasn't different whether you spoke English or ebonics. If black people are upset that they can't understand correct grammar, they should pay more attention in school.

    I think the reason why whites are smarter ON AVERAGE, is that look at modern black culture. Math and science aren't pushed on black youths at all. A study came out a few years back that said the majority of black kids wanted to be sports stars when they grew up, but in reality, they have a better chance of becoming doctors. Hate and greed plague the black communities and only they can stop it.....but they won't.

    Racism is the Black Entertainment Network, the Image Awards, Black scholarships, etc. When are they going to quit calling themselves African Americans and just start calling themselves Americans?

  • 1 decade ago

    It is considered racist because IQ tests are not perfect instruments and cultural differences make a difference in how scores come out. IQ tests generally reflect, in a more or less manner, the culture they come from as well as the amount of education the person has had. The result indicating that black populations have lower IQ likely reflects either (or both) the fact that the IQ tests have been written in a culturally biased manner or that the particular population in question has not received as an ideal education as white populations. Thus, in reality, its likely that black populations are not less intelligent than white populations - just that they are more disadvantaged. To assume otherwise may well be doubly racist.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The IQ test is NOT a direct measure of intelligence. Hence Prof. Hubbard's statement is incorrect and racist.

    Plus the IQ test is biased towards white middle class males.

    Plus he did not test every single black and white person, so his comments are making vast generalisations; the backbone of racism.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you! The facts of the matter are whether you did or did not like the outcome of the study it was not racist it was just like saying a test showed that on average women are smarter than men! It does not mean all men are stupid and all women are smart as this is simply not true! People get emotionally envolved in subjects that are attached to emotive subjects but we must step back and look at things for what they are!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Actually - IQ tests are very culture specific and only measure a small part of "inteligence" (artistic intelligence is not a factor measured in the Stanford Binet tests). The standard IQ tests, even today, are very unreliable and can be influenced by a whole factor of things.

    For Prof Hubbard to have inferred that "White men are more intelligent" after this study is both unethical and unjust because of all the holes in his research and experiment. It reminds me of the old saying that men are more intelligent than women because their brains are heavier... a complete myth. Science has proven that brain size and weight is not linked to IQ.

    All in all - I dont think that the statement was racist, because he was commenting from so-called (debatable) fact. I think that the wording was rather insensitive considering it is such a touchy subject!

  • 1 decade ago

    I think its racist to come up with the idea that whites are more 'intelligent' than blacks, just because of an I.Q. test.

    We don't know who took the tests, what their educational background was, where they live, etc., - all these things make a single I.Q. test very dodgy.

    I'm white, but if you took a look around the area where I live (south Manchester, England), you'd realise that most of the whites there are as thick as pig-shytt. I'm ashamed to say it, but its true. In my opinion, there are clever and not-so-clever people across all races.

  • 1 decade ago

    Kemzie seems to insult you after confirming you are white, and for that reason only.

    Now thats racist.

    I have to agree with many of the other answers that the tests are probably created by middle class scholars - these are predominantly white and therefore the test is likely to represent thier idea of intelligence

  • 1 decade ago

    not only is it racist, it's also sexist because everyone know that women (white or black) do better on IQ tests than Men. And this gap is growing as more and more women are pursuing advanced education.

    So, by following this thinking, men should be relegated to lower level positions and women should be fast tracked into societies best jobs.

    Now, what do you think about that?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not racist. A genuine question.

    HOWEVER, if one looks at the Intelligence Quotient test, one quickly finds it is skewed towards a certain type of racial profile. If one was to take your logic to its extreme and assume the IQ test is unbiased and fair then Caucasians would come second. Central Asian people of Indian / Pakistani origin come top.

    If, however, the test is changed to shapes rather than abstract concepts the Asian and Caucasian have to defer to the negro as we get fairly stuffed in the test.

    So ... different horses for different courses. That's why some people are better suited to the caring industries and some are engineers etc.

    Your extrapolation of minimal data is flawed from the root. Negros are not genetically inferior to Caucasians.


  • 1 decade ago

    i completely agree with you, it really makes me angry when black people assume everything we say is racist. all i put it down to is that they are ashamed of their race, else they wouldnt let it bother me. if someone was to say something about me being white i would life, because im proud of it and dont care what other people say. and its true anyway that white men are more intelligent, and very obvious. if they cant handle that then they should make themselves useless and go back to school then it wouldnt be an issue anymore. so in my eyes if they claim everything to be racist then thats their problem, i dont care if anything used against them is or isnt they will just have to deal with that like we all do. what makes them so special to get the benefits we cant. its reasons like that that people become racist. so they only have themselves to blame.

    Source(s): oh no are you all going to call me racist for writing this?! boo hoo...
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