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So Britney got rushed to the hospital again....?

... what's the over / under on when she pulls a Margot Kidder and just no longer continues to function at all?


I say Margot because too many people make money off of Britney. I was reading another article on CNN where it stated that other people make about $120 million off of her. Some one will rush in before we get to "dead pool" stage because they don't want to lose their cash cow.

Update 2:

Good point James, and Lex... you're right... that would scare anybody straight.

26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    she should be forced to spend about 3 hours with Jeff Conaway from the celebrity rehab show...........that should wake her up

  • GK Dub
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Every time I think Britney's hit rock bottom, the next day she's on the news sinking even lower. I mean she's so pathetic that every week she's done a dozen things that are wrong, scandalous, or just plain stupid. Last night I saw something on TV where she was being followed around by the poparazi over the course of a few days, and she kept talking in this horrible British accent. She wasn't even doing it well! She can't even handle simple day-to-day routines like driving a car or buying gas without screwing it up, she's helpless! And she's constantly yelling at her boyfriend, who is also a poparazi (she's really stepping up with her boyfriends), while smoking and cussing at everyone. I'm glad the world finally sees that she isn't some queen, but really just a trailer-park basket case with the mentality of a 15-year-old.

  • 1 decade ago

    Some observations on this thread:

    Leave her alone? Media never leaves people who generate this kind of interest alone. If people are so worried about here well being, they should stop clamoring for the next story about her and let her be. And we all know THAT isnt going to happen.

    Everyone is making money off of her? She's a cash cow? Well yeah. See the first paragraph to explain that.

    Someone "heard she is bi-polar?" From whom did you hear that? Certainly nobody treating her, the only people who really WOULD know, would release that information. Nobody knows what her problem is. (Although bi-polar probably is a distinct possibility.)

    Death pool/death watch? Nah. She's way too media saavy to do that. I mean, she wouldnt be around to read the headlines.

    Somebody should do something before those two kids are without a mother? She hasnt been a mother since they were born. They would have been better off if they never met her in the first place. These kids are doomed to a lifetime of media spotlight and attention. All the money in the world isnt going to stop them from being basket cases. If there ever was a case for arguing against the presence of a mother, this is it. Sorry Brittany fans. This person has made her life the most important thing in her life for her entire life. Part of the problem is the realization that she may not be all that important after all. Kids have a tendency to bring people back to earth. In Brittany's case, she missed the mark.

    The fascination with this chick drives me nuts. Sure, she's messed up. Sure, she may end up whacking herself someday. But so what? There are people with bigger problems living in the inner cities, who have children who dont have enough to eat, no shelter, no decent clothing, no chance at education and no chance to get out of it. Brittany probably drives by them on Hollywood Boulevard every day.

    To a large extent, Brittany's lifestyle and overindulgent mother cashing in on her reckless parenting, Brittany's overfed misconception of her worth and invulnerability and a general contempt for morals, society and respect for people, and the blind fan adoration to a mediocre talent at best all contribute to this "downfall." Is it any accident that the press is there if she sneezes? I dont think so. This is the kind of thing she always wanted. Constant media attention and fan adulation. It got too big for her. It got away from her. But she asked for it in many ways.

    So here it is. There is a way to get Brittany out of the spotlight and possibly into meaningful treatment. The next time YOU drive by someone on Hollywood Boulevard who is destitute, perhaps a bit disoriented and unable to take care of her kids, stop and see what compassion you can muster for them. Instead of changing the station on your radio to get the lowest low down on Brittany. Or Paris. Or Lydsey. Or Amy. Or any of the other spoiled, talentless glamor media wh...res who permeate the airwaves with the latest tales of their pathetic lives. There are people who are much more deserving of your compassion, and who truly are in need of your help.

  • Good point!! Margot Kidder had serious brain-chemistry problems and went off of her Meds (I think Martin Lawrence had the same problem)

    I used to think that Brittany was just being stupid to try to get publicity - but I really think this kid needs to get some help - but so far, I hear that she's being stubborn about it.

  • Rckets
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think Brit is well beyond Margot. Unfortunately now, we should be talking more along the lines of death pool. I don't think she's long for this world. Too bad her family can't help. Oh yeah, I forgot her mom is too busy working on that book on parenthood.

    Common sense would make me think someone should've done something years ago. The fact that she's been allowed to run insane for all this time leads me to think it might be out of everyone's control, cash cow or not.

  • 1 decade ago

    We're looking at 2 to 1 odds on this one, $100 minimum bet, 10% house comission

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Her lapses of judgment just lead to her continued celebrity.

    If Britney's in the "news" again, I can say "goodbye" to Polls and Surveys after school let out (Eastern standard time) for the next few days!


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Britney needs to accept help, and soon. Before those poor children are left without a mother.

  • Sookie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    She's gone from being comical to being sad. I'm starting to miss the days of her attacking SUVs with umbrellas.

    I still think it's ridiculous that this gets time on local and national news, though.

    Edit: right on, Lex...he's a mess!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If it was You or Me would Nancy Grace be having orgasms over it?


    Celebrity Mania makes Me wanna puke. And the People who are making $120 Mill off of Her oughta have to eat it when I do.

  • 1 decade ago

    I could care less about Britney because she's done as a singer and a celebrity. All she wants is attention and all of us are falling for this nonsense because of this.

    Source(s): waste of talent
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