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Any ideas on ferret toys?

I bought a ferret about two months ago, and I have been trying to come up with some things around the house she might really enjoy. I'd appreciate any ideas. Thanks

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ohh.. Where to start.. First off I would like to congradulate you on your new pet.. Ferrets are a ton of fun... (they love when you let them play with plastic bags, but watch them carefully, they always like to be teased like with a blanket, pull it up and down and move it around they love to chase it, *just watch your toes, haha, also, and old pair of pants, lay them on the floor and your ferret will run in and out of the legs, and if they have holes they will stick their out head the holes.. haha, ours love old jeans..)

    They like things that make noise.. Here are some toys my little girl has and loves... - my little girl LOVES this bed, i can find her in it 95% of the time, and it has a bell inside which she LOVES... - is also likes to play in this, and i wait for her to pop her head out and i act like im goin to get her and she runs back in.. shes loves this as well.. - she loves her tunnels, but they dont fit on all cages.. (we have the ferret nation and we just cut the bars to make them fit, and we are glad we did because she loves them) - we dont have this for ours.. (YET! =) but my parents do, and their ferret loves it... - we have one like this, but you could easily make one...

  • 1 decade ago

    There's a lot of things you can find around the house that a ferret would enjoy playing (actually, in a ferret's eyes, EVERYTHING in your house would make a great toy, unfortunately not everything is safe for your ferret). Here's a few things that come to mind:

    - old blankets or towels - place your ferret on the towel or blanket, then drag it across the floor for a little ride, my ferrets LOVE this! You can also take the blanket/towel and flip it in the air over your ferret, this drives my ferrets wild!

    - empty boxes - anytime I get a package, I empty it out and my ferrets go to town exploring the thing. Sometimes I'll put them in the box and pull them around for a little ride. You could also fill the box with some shredded up paper for your ferret to dig through. To make it even more enjoyable for your ferret, add a treat or two or your ferret's favorite toy(s) for them to dig for and find.

    - empty bags (plastic or paper) - I don't recommend leaving them alone with a plastic bag, but I sometimes give mine one or two while I'm supervising them. They love playing in them! (To make a plastic bag safer for your ferret, cut a slit in the bottom and cut the handles open so your ferret doesn't get stuck.)

    - old jeans or long sleeve shirts/sweatshirts - my ferrets love going through the sleeves and pant legs of old clothes. The shirts also double as some good bedding in you ferret's cage!

    - a dig box - you might need to buy a couple things for this, but most ferrets love a dig box. I bought a large, plastic, storage tub and filled it with uncooked, non-instant rice. It's safe and my ferrets have a ball in it!

    - a water gun - ready, aim, FIRE!! =) Not all ferrets like this, but mine love it! Warning: Be prepared for the occasional leg attacks!

    These are just a few of the things I was able to find around my house for my ferrets. I'm sure if you look around your house you could find a lot more things that your ferret would love to play with and is safe for them.

    Source(s): ferret owner
  • 1 decade ago

    I have 4 of the lovely little rascals and mine just love tubes. Luckily my husband is a flooring contractor so we get the cardboard tubes that the carpet comes wrapped on and I use this for them. It's not flexilble but I cut it down to different lengths for them, you should be able to get these free from any carpet shop if you ask. They also love old cardboard boxes filled with shredded paper, rice or plastic bags with the handles cut off so they can't hurt themselves, sometimes I just throw the bags on the floor and they play for ages in and out of them, the noisier the better!. They also love my dirty laundry basket, I will sometimes tip the laundry on the floor for them to rummage in - this sounds gross but they love anything smelly. Whenever you get a pizza delivered put the box on the floor for them to sniff -LOL!

    They love it when I play chase with them or when I shake a towel or tshirt at them - they will jump onto the towel for me to pull them around. They like the cat toys that are a stick with elastic on it and some kind of soft toy on the end - I shake this at them and they love trying to jump and catch it, just let them "win" a couple of times to keep them interested. I have little hidey holes or cozy corners for them all over the house - just put the odd cardboard box with a ferret sized hole cut into it and some old t-shirts or towels in them for them to snuggle in and place them in the corner of your room or under your bed, that way they can hide from you and each other when they are playing and they will sometimes fall asleep in them. This is great because sometimes ferrets will fall asleep in the most unusual places and it will take forever to find them. e.g one of my ferrets fell asleep in our hi fi speaker. Since we have put the cozy corners around we seem to always know where they are because they will use these to sleep in.

    Sorry if I've bored you to death but I love these little critters and could talk about them forever!

    Hope my ideas help. Good luck xx

  • 1 decade ago

    Bottle caps off the sodas, how about ping pong balls in the bathtub. Maybe a large sweater box full of uncooked macaroni or rice as a dig box.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    for my chinchilla i make all his toys myself with mums sewing machine,hammocks a cube a teepee,tunnels held open with plastic circles of icecream lids on each end.

    also loo paper rolls,vine balls,a cardboard box with different level and things to explore inside,a running wheel etc.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How about a bare electrical cord,just make sure it`s plugged in before she plays with it..

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