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Baby is Newborn (4 weeks old) and will only settle down if sleepin on her tummy?

I am worried about this as i know it can be related to SIDS. Anyone have any suggestions how to settle baby? She just doesnt get along with sleeping on her back?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    she may have gas...a lot of times when a baby is gasy on the tummy is the only way they feel better. you may want to hold her with her tummy down and then lay her down on her back. the doctors always go back and forth with babies sleeping on tummys. i let my girls sleep on their tummys and they are fine. but i was always watching them. my friend never let her babies sleep on their tummys. good luck

    Source(s): mommy of 2 and 1 on the way
  • 5 years ago

    Try Infacol before every feed - baby might be hanging on to that last bit of wind and Infacol or Dentinox Colic Drops are very good for helping to ease the wind problem. Have you tried swaddling her at night? Babies can sometimes feel abit overwhelmed with all the space around them and swaddling gives them that bit of security and comfort that being in the womb brings. My 3 week old grandson sometimes takes a long time to settle so I showed my daughter how to swaddle him in a cot sheet or blanket and he settles really well.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My daughter was also like that..she just would not sleep unless she was on someone..So around 10 weeks I started to put her on her stomach and she sleeps 8+ hrs through the night. I told my Doctor what i was doing and she didn't recommend it but she told me to swaddle her up real tight and use a sleep positioner and kind of put her on her daughter wasn't having any of that either!

    But when she was about a month until she was 2 months I slept on the couch with her on top of me (totally uncomfortable)

    Source(s): mommy to a 3 month old!
  • 1 decade ago

    I have two children age eleven and seven...they both slept on their tummies when they were babies. Like the other post said years ago the docs advised sleeping on tummy. I say whatever works for your baby do it. Use your mommy instincts.

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  • 1 decade ago

    they haven't concluded that ANYTHING is related to sids...just studies is all. my boys both slept on the tummies after about 3 months old, until then i would swaddle them with a nice thick blanket and lay them on their sides with a rolled up blanket on either side of them to keep them in that position. when nights got really rough i would trick them by warming up a very small beanie baby just by placing it on a heater vent or in the microwave for a few seconds and lay it across their torso so the little bit of weight would make them think they were laying on their tummies and the warmth would comfort them and settle them into a very nice sleep.

    the way i see sids is that if it's gonna happen it's gonna happen. i don't think the is a ryme nor reason as to why it happens. for god's sake i bet most of our parents slept on their stomachs in their cribs with led based paint while mom sat her rocking chair smoking a cigarrett in the same room and it didn't kill em. ur mommy and if it makes you uncomfortable ask the babies doctor. i don't believe that you should FORCE her to sleep on her back only for her to scream and cry because she doesn't understand. she only wants to fell comfy and secure. she's just a little thing.

  • 1 decade ago

    Both of my babies like to sleep on their tummies. I always let them sleep with me until they can lift thier heads and turn by themselves. (they are now 20months,and 4 months) I don't listen to everything the docs say. Use your instincts. I tried putting my youngest one to sleep on her back,and I came out of the bathroom from showering and she was choking and had spit up all over her face and coming out her nose. Never again has she slept on her back.

  • 1 decade ago

    You should really consult her pediatrician about this. People say babies should only sleep on their backs until they are able to roll over on their own. Have you tried swaddling her before putting her down?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    she probably has an under developed trachea flap and CAN not Exhale when laying on her back .....

    SIDS threat is WAY overblown ... just only use Afghan blankets after the age where she wriggles out of Receiving Blankets,get a mesh crib bumper and keep an eye on her every hour or so ....

    listen to your baby ,not all the "Medical Hysteria" of the "New Millenia" garbage ......... they are just trying to get yor baby on

    Zantac .......

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    say im a bad mom....shoot me.....take my birthday away....dont care what anyone thinks.

    my daughter (who is 3) had the same problem. from the time she was about a month she slept on her belly. i know they tell you not to, but they use to tell you (when my mom had me and my brother) to never put your baby on their my brother and i both slept on our bellies and made it just fine. i supose my daughter could have died of sids but she is just as likely as any other baby in my opinion sleep position has nothing to do with it. god has a plan for everyone and he takes loved ones from people every day. it is just harder to accept when it is an infant and not an older relative. people need to accept the fact that we arent in charge, god is.

  • 1 decade ago

    My son had the same problem, so I let him sleep on his tummy.He co-sleeps with me, so I'm always with him when he's on his tummy. Sometimes he'll sleep on his side.Have you tried that?

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