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  • 15 month old son - semi skimmed milk ok?

    He gets very very constipated to the point of screaming and straining all day when i tried whole milk. So i put him on toddler formula. now i need to get him off this really and start with normal milk... would half formula and half semi skimmed be ok? Just after your experiances please. He eats lots of fruits & veg and juice therefore its not a matter of trying other options because ive tried them all.... Just like to know of anyone who put baby on semi skimmed milk and baby didnt grow an extra head or limb etc!!

    Thanks in advance.


    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • grandparents smoking around my newborn son...?

    so i asked my husbands parents not to smoke in the same room as my newborn who consequentially was 9 weeks premature and needed booster injections to develop his lungs!! At first they argreed to take the smoking into the conservatory, but now they've said they are not following my rules in thier own house and will smoke where they like and if we are concerned for our sons health we shouldnt take him in thier house!! Is it me or does this sounds so wrong on so many levels? They smoke around thier other grandkids but thier parents are happy to allow it.... well im not!

    I cannot understand how they can disrespect me, my husband or my sons wishes not to smoke around him.

    Your thoughts on this please.


    9 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • question to mums about breastfeeding please?

    I dont breast feed as my baba was born over 2 months premature with complications and my body just simply wasnt ready to produce milk. Baba is now nearly 3 months old and when ever i lay him on my chest to settle him after a bottle he goes directly for my breast as if hes still hungry. However when my husband settles him on his chest after a bottle he dozes straight off to sleep??? Is it possible the baby can smell my milk glands even though i didnt breastfeed? Ive looked all over the internet and cannot find the answer!! Its becoming a nightmare when i do the night feed as i just cant settle him down after his bottle.

    sorry lots to read... be interested in mums who've experianced similar.


    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Boy or Girl? Scan on Monday...?

    Just for fun... what gender do you think im carrying...

    further details;

    *Mild Sickness from week 8 to 19 - (once a week vomiting).

    *Craving Jacket Potato's and bacon (not together).

    *Heartbeat a steady 150

    *Skin a little pimply

    *Carrying low (so far)

    *Hair gone dry and lank!

    *Minimal weight gain (7lb at 5 months)

    Be good to see peoples guesses based on the those favourable old wives tales.!! :o)

    17 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Constant Headache in Pregnancy?

    Hi all, im 15.3 weeks pregnant and this last week ive had headache everyday... some days its worse than others. I have taken paracetamol but dont like to take too many of them... any other remedies you pregnant ladies have tried and tested?

    Thanks Ali x

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Family Fortunes - have you ever been surveyed?

    Just wondered as i watch it occasionally and they always say 'we surveyed 100 people....' I dont know anyone who has.

    2 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago
  • What week did you find out gender of your baby?

    Just for fun really.. im so impatient and want to know if im carrying a boy or girl.. im secretly hoping for a girl.. :O)

    Did anyone take the gender blood tests you can buy? If so was it worth the money??

    Anyone have the correct sex according to the Chinese Birth Calendar?

    13 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 11.3 Weeks Pregnant and breats are sooooo itchy! Anyone else have this?

    Its only been for the last 3 weeks or so. I use Bio Oil daily so as not to get stretch marks on breast as ive jumped 2 cup sizes to a D cup! :o*

    5 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 6 weeks pregnant - constant cramping every 4 hours for 30 mins?

    Hi, as in my previous questions posted on here im worried sick about miscarriage... ive had 2 miscarriages so far (one missed and one chemical). But now im 6 weeks pregnant again and keep getting stretching/pain in my lower abdomen. It appears to be happening every 4 hours for about 30 mins or so. It also see more intense at night. Ive been having this for about a week now and its now interferring with my sleep. I have today brought some prunes incase its constipation (which i suffer from anyway). Has anyone else had similar at 6 weeks pregnant? Just after you own experiences to put my mind at ease. Many thanks

    *Note: I have early scan this Friday because of history of miscarrige.

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Will I miscarry again?

    Hi, I am pregnant again for the 3 time. The first pregnancy ended in missed miscarriage last year. The 2nd was natural miscarriage early this year. I am now pregnant again (5 weeks) and terrified I will miscarry again. I had some strong cramping on Saturday afternoon and have been waiting since for the miscarriage to start!! So far no blood etc - boobs still hurting, and constantly hungry, but im going out of my mind with worry! Anyone else had similar experiances. Thanks in advance. Ali x

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Bad Cramping at 4 weeks Pregnant?

    Has anyone else experienced bad cramping at 4 weeks pregnant? It was so painful it woke me up. It lasted about 40 mins... no blood. It was all over my lower abdomen and actaully hurt to stand up straight. I have been fine ever since.. just have dull achey bloated feeling since. I went to doctor who has checked for eptopic and that was ruled out. He has booked me in for early scan at 6 weeks. I experienced Missed Misscarrige back in 2008 and remember similar pains and also NO BLOOD. So im worrying myself silly that im going through the same thing... I would be grateful for your own comments about your cramping experiences.


    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • My baby has died at 6 weeks, Does D&C hurt?

    Im so upset. I went for 12 week scan today and told the baby died 6 weeks ago. Im going back in tomorrow for a D&C and im petrified.... How do they peform this? General or Local. nurse gave me some details but i was too emotional to listen. :0(

    12 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Why are my feet so cold??? 12 weeks pregnant?

    its beyond ridiculous now... i cant even warm them up under some covers or socks... i have to get the hot water bottle out! Anyone else have this in pregnancy?

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Is my baby teething at 4 weeks old?

    My sister can see and feel 2 bottom inscisors in her babys mouth.. but is she it too young for teething? What can we give her to settle her down? She is too young for calpol and other soothing aids?

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Baby is Newborn (4 weeks old) and will only settle down if sleepin on her tummy?

    I am worried about this as i know it can be related to SIDS. Anyone have any suggestions how to settle baby? She just doesnt get along with sleeping on her back?

    12 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • my breasts have stopped hurting... 11 weeks pregnant?

    My boobs dont hurt like they did 3 weeks ago? Is this normal? From the begining my boobs have been incrediably sore, but over the last 4 days they appear to be getting better? Should i be worried?

    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 11 weeks pregnant and have pimples and black hairs.. ew!?

    Hi Im 11 weeks pregnant and i have lots of little pimples on my chest (the part above the cleavage - on the chest plate/bone). I also noticed a single big thick black hair on my breast - disgusting i know.. but it freaked me out!! (plucked it out, or more to the point I yanked it out). Anyone get these symptoms? If anyone wants to guess the sex of my baby please go ahead.. .I have NO pregnancy symptoms to date.. execpt sore breasts!!!

    No smart remarks please.. thanks


    10 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How do i caluclate my Luteal Phase?

    Im struggling with this... I need the exact calculation how to work it out... i have found a couple of websites but its confusing me! I know my cycle length etc but cant figure out how to calcuate it!

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy Question about drinking Tea?

    Am I allowed to drink decaffeinated tea???? I know caffine is bad in pregnancy - so im hoping decaf is a good alternative?

    9 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • 10 weeks pregnant and everytime I finish my meal my stomach rumbles?

    Why does it rumble after ive just eaten? I am not hungry....

    It is definately a rumble sound like you hear when you are hungry - but minus the hunger pains.

    Its not wind as its a different kind of rumble??

    Anyone experiences this?

    Thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago