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ASBOALI asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 1 decade ago

Will I miscarry again?

Hi, I am pregnant again for the 3 time. The first pregnancy ended in missed miscarriage last year. The 2nd was natural miscarriage early this year. I am now pregnant again (5 weeks) and terrified I will miscarry again. I had some strong cramping on Saturday afternoon and have been waiting since for the miscarriage to start!! So far no blood etc - boobs still hurting, and constantly hungry, but im going out of my mind with worry! Anyone else had similar experiances. Thanks in advance. Ali x

10 Answers

  • me
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ok first of all the person above me who said "Try not to stress because stress is the main cause of early miscarriage" is full of baloney. If that were the case, there would be virtually no unwanted pregnancies in the world because the stress of the reluctant mother (upon finding out she was knocked up) would cause her to miscarry her child. The real reason for early miscarriage is a problem with chromosomes, which is completely out of your control and not "your fault".

    Don't worry about "being worried", it is natural and normal. There were about 50 women who were pregnant when their husbands died in the World Trade Center, they all carried to term even though they were going through the most stressful and horrible time of their lives.

    Stress is not good, of course, but don't worry about being a concerned pregnant mama. Being worried about your baby's health is not going to kill your baby. It is completely 100% natural and normal.

    It is also completely normal to have cramping. In my first trimester I have had a wide range of cramping. From mild to painful. From "period cramps" to "stabbing knife pains!". From dull and achey/throbbing to sharp and shooting. Sometimes my whole abdomen just feels sore. And sometimes it's completely fine.

    I know how you feel, it took me a year to get pregnant and then I miscarried. When I finally became pregnant again, it was like walking on eggshells, expecting every moment of the day to be the start of another miscarriage. I was so scared I would jinx it this time. Each passing day felt like I was making it past a checkpoint, onto the next day. I would brace myself every trip to the bathroom and expect the worst, I was a nervous wreck.

    I am now 17 weeks (tomorrow) and going strong! My past miscarriage has had no effect on this pregnancy. Unless you have had three miscarriages or more, it is really just a roll of the dice. And even people who have had more than three still go on to have healthy children. I know women who have had two and have went on to have beautiful children with no problem. It really is just kind of a coin toss, unfortunately.

    I wish you good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know what you mean. I had a miscarriage in January and just found out I was pregnant again last week after trying to conceive for 6 months. And in the back of my mind I have that little worry, that every time I feel wet down there I'm going to go to the bathroom and see blood. But what I've told myself is I can't control if I have a miscarriage, it's going to happen. What won't help my baby is if I'm worried all the time and in a negative state of mind. So when I get to worrying, I just do something else to distract myself and try to put my mind at ease. I like reading, gardening and doing puzzle books. If my mind is busy, it can't be preoccupied on worrying!

    Stress is not helpful, so while you can't prevent worrying completely, try to minimize it in whatever ways possible. I'm right there with you though and I'm sure we are both going to have healthy babies!

  • 5 years ago

    I know what you mean. I've had 2 previous miscarriages but am now 34 weeks with our first. The good news is just b/c you've had one does not mean you are any more likely to have another than you were before. I hate to say it but miscarriages are a part of nature. It's hard to get over but once you're pregnant again you'll worry more but it will also be that much more special! I think I've been able to enjoy this pregnancy more than my friends who have never had a miscarriage b/c I'm looking at it from a prospective of loss. It makes you more grateful for every milestone, every kick, every movement, every good prenatal check up. So hang in there and keep trying and Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hi I am pregnant again for the 5th time with one living child. I am 5 weeks this thursday. I had a m/carriage last July and a missed m/c last Dec and 2 a few yrs previously. I'm actually reasonably calm, i'm not sure why- Maybe cause we're not telling anyone this time round till the 3 mths and it feels less pressure somehow. The best of luck with everything, I'll cross my fingers for ya:)

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  • 1 decade ago

    Its normal to be so worried with a history of miscarriage. I wouldn't worry about the cramping lots of women get cramping during early pregnancy its just the baby making room for his/her stay.

    Try to relax as stress is the main cause of early miscarriage.

    If your still worried about the cramping then go see your doctor he should arrange a early ultrasound to make sure everything's in order.

    Good Luck I'm sure you'll be fine. :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I had a m/c Dec. 29th '07 It was a early natural m/c. I'm 29 weeks today and I still freak out over every twinge or pain. It's natural especially once you experience that loss. Best of luck to you and your baby

  • 1 decade ago

    Take an opinion of the Ob-Gyn who will direct u to do the needful... since uhave a history of miscarriage..right way is for u to be on FOlic & other medicing before you had concieved

  • 1 decade ago

    Make an early appointment with your GP to check everything is ok and put your mind at ease. Best of luck, hope everything goes ok!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Go see your dr he/she has the answer and help you need.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well yeh i think this happens it once happend to my sis and she said that her stomich really hert and then she had her miscarrige i think your inside is not strong go to the docter they will help

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