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question to mums about breastfeeding please?

I dont breast feed as my baba was born over 2 months premature with complications and my body just simply wasnt ready to produce milk. Baba is now nearly 3 months old and when ever i lay him on my chest to settle him after a bottle he goes directly for my breast as if hes still hungry. However when my husband settles him on his chest after a bottle he dozes straight off to sleep??? Is it possible the baby can smell my milk glands even though i didnt breastfeed? Ive looked all over the internet and cannot find the answer!! Its becoming a nightmare when i do the night feed as i just cant settle him down after his bottle.

sorry lots to read... be interested in mums who've experianced similar.


10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, I'm sure you're absolutely right. =)

    My little 'uns were the same, though I did breastfeed. Give them a male chest (dad, uncles, friends of family) and they'd just sprawl out and go to sleep. Females -- let 'em at anyone who'd had a baby in the previous year and they'd be squirming hopefully in search of milk. =D Clever little scraps, aren't they?

    I know mine stopped doing this by around five months, but that's still a long time for you to wait.

    One thing you might try doing is adopting a sweatshirt or fleece that's been worn by your husband, and wearing that or laying it over you so it smells of him rather than you.

    Best of luck -- and enjoy your lovely boy.


  • 1 decade ago

    My son was born during the 33rd week of my pregnancy and I pumped for the month while he was in the NICU and then my milk dried up right before I brought him home, Sense I no longer have breastmilk I of course bottle feed him and he does the same thing after his bottle, So I guess it's possible that the baby can still smell the milk glands or maybe the baby knows mommy is suppose to have milk. But my son is now 10 weeks and 4 days old and still does this. So I don't know when it will end. It is annoying but I hold him for 45 minutes after a feeding not only for the bonding but because he has reflux issues still on oxygen and an apnea monitor and I feel like he needs the extra attention but once that 45 minutes is over I swaddle him and put him in his crib and he normally goes right off to sleep at most he fusses for 10 minutes and then is out like a light. I don't know that thiis helped but Good luck

  • Pippin
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It sounds like he still has that instinct to suckle.

    Seems to me that you have several options:

    1. Are you opposed to letting him nurse? Even if he gets no milk, there is abololustely nothing wrong with letting him suckle at the breast if it comforts him.

    2. You might consider trying to relactate. It sounds like you got some very poor advice early on (even mothers of premies make milk) and if you are interested in providing him with breastmilk, you can almost certainly do so. Frequent pumping will bring your milk back and you can then let him nurse, or pump and feed by bottle, or some combination. (Even if you never make enough milk for his complete needs, any breastmilk will be of benefit.)

    If neither of those is acceptable to you, I'd try holding him in the nursing position if he seems to like it, and offer a pacifier or finger for him to suck on as he settles down to sleep.

  • 5 years ago

    I feed my daughter formulation and that i think of that it replaced into suited for me. i'm a 18 twelve months previous unmarried mom who's going to college and approximately to pass back to artwork. i've got not got the time to breastfeed and pump. With a bottle i'm able to do homework on the workstation or something i could desire to. additionally, whilst i choose help, my relatives or friends are waiting to help me. I do admire the mothers who breastfeed nevertheless. I had began out breastfeeding in the past i desperate that formulation could be a greater suited selection. Breastfeeding is a real committment.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It's still entirely possible right now for you to relactate and begin breastfeeding him again. Babies who are breastfed can smell milk even when their moms are 25 feet away. Your breasts probably still produce colostrum or small amounts of milk that are being stored far back. I quit breastfeeding 7 months ago and I still occasionally get little droplets when I squeeze my nipples in the hand expression way. So yes, he can probably still smell your milk.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm sorry to hear you couldn't breastfeed your babe.

    I'm not sure if they can smell your milk but I do know that babies do know their mothers smell better then anything. Your babe is probably rooting around which is a natural instinct all babies have. Maybe try giving him a pacifier?

    Source(s): Happy mama to a 12 week old sweet baby boy
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    there are also these supplemental nutrition devices to use if you want to try to relactate. a small tube is taped to your breast, and ends at the nipple. it is attached to a bag of formula, so while baby suckles on you he is actually being fed at the same time till you produce some milk or enough milk

  • 1 decade ago

    i breastfed my daughter for the 3mnths shes now 6mnths old. even now she still trys to root for my breast even to the point of sucking my tshirt when i have clothes on. its just a babys instinct to root for the breast try letting him suckle if you want to try breast feeding your milk will come in naturally.

  • 1 decade ago

    oh, absolutely! it's not your milk glands, per se, but the aureola - the coloured area around your nipple. it contains distinctive scent glands that your baby has been designed to be attracted to instinctively.

    if it's something you've been considering, it's totally possible for you to breastfeed him, even at his age. look up "relactation" and get information from if you're interested.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is a baby's natural instinct to root for the breast, even if they aren't hungry.

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