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ez f asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

What would happen if tomorrow Obama, Clinton, McCain or Romney said this about illegal aliens?

I have come to the understanding that this is what we must do about this problem:

1) I will fight to seal the border as soon as I am elected, by putting 10,000 soldiers along our border, armed and ready to turn back any illegals...until we can hire and train 3,000 more additional border patrol guards. 2) I will announce a major crack down on all businesses who hire illegals with random raids,and will make fine them $5,000 for each illegal they are caught hiring and make sure owners and managers are prosecuted and jailed. 3) I will fight for a change where anchor babies are no longer considered citizens..only children of citizens and legal residents would be citizens. 4) I will fight so that social services are not provided to illegal aliens, nor college grants and aids to their children, nor do I want them to get drivers licenses. The reason I have come to this conclusion is I believe we need to make some drastic changes that favor american workers in this country and balance the


playing field between the interests of citizens and the country and the interests of big business.

Furthermore, I will fight to change all laws that encourage american factories to close and layoff americans here at home so that they can go overseas open factories there and take advantage of super cheap labor and then come back to USA to sell those goods back to americans who are increasingly making less money due to declining real wages and the outsourcing of their jobs.

What would happen ?? if one of these major candidates said this tomorrow?

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ha!ha!ha! You won't find a single candidate with a hope in hell of getting the nomination with the gumption to say that in public.

    Just as you won't get a single one to say that our foreign policy will be devised and carried out with ONLY the interest of our nation at heart first and foremost. You will not find a single candidate with a chance of winning who will have the guts to pledge NOT to give Israel a blank check,as a matter of policy, beforehand and in any situation.

    Think what we may about all our presidential hopefuls but none of them has yet expressed a suicidal political death


    BTW,I think that if point 2 of your programme were implemented conscientiously and with much stiffer fines than a mere $5000 ,you would find that point 1 was unnecessary. Our armed forces would be better employed not firing on civilians. Our police are for addressing unlawful activities and our armies are for fighting against an armed invasion by a sovereign state.

    I also think that point 4, if carried out literally as you state it ,could bring us, as a nation, to the brink of behaviour that is inhumane in the extreme. However, I would certainly try to get the countries of origin of recipients of our social services to reimburse us for the real monetary costs. We have the political clout and wherewithall to bully them into it,certainly. Or those costs could be deducted from the foreign aid we give those countries before the money even leaves our country!.

    I stick at refusing life saving measures for an innocent child. I am not going to vote for a policy of standing by while an illegal immigrant baby(or adult for that matter) dies of a ruptured appendix. That kind of pragmatism is all very well and good for whacko Ayn Randers and Eskimos but we do not live in the type of hostile economic or natural environment that makes such insensitive behaviour necessary. There is a big difference between that and giving that same child a STATE grant to go to college. (On the other hand,PRIVATE colleges can give grants to whomsoever they please.)

    I do agree with you that political candidates need to be more honest about what the people REALLY want and to be brave enough to address issues honestly without a lot of sweet talking circumlocutions and window-dressing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Aside from saying Duhhhhh!!!

    They'd think it was another "Love Fest" like

    the Hill of Beans Mafia, that twisted Obama into

    a corner. Remember Bubba accused Obama

    of being sprinkled with "Fairy Dust" about winning.

    Otherwise the putting soldiers along the borders?

    First you'd have to get them out of Iraq.

    Remember even

    the National Guards are over there?

    That's why so many Republicans and Democrats are

    pissed at and want to piss on Bush......

    But if you go and check out some of my immigration

    suggestions (the one's that didn't get yanked)lol.

    I was way sever than you.

    I suggested Computer Chips placed in the one's that

    were caught.

    But you've given me another idea, great minds think alike.

    I'm gonna suggest also that the unborn fetus's be implanted


    What to do you think?

  • 1 decade ago

    I would campaign for that candidate and vote for them if they made this statement and made those promises (and I knew they would stand behing them) because I believe strongly about this massive problem like you do and know that we are decades overdue for correcting it. More Americans need to stop giving our country away to the crooks and the thieves of the world who believe that skirting the laws of our land will result in their being rewarded handsomely. The answer to all the impoverished and downtrodden people of the world is not to reward them by giving away our homeland but to help them help themselves IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY, but not by coming here and taking the rest of us down. When too many rats jump onto a ship and breed in out of control fashion, the ship gets holes in it and eventually sinks. We are seeing the evidence of this now and need to get tougher on fighting this infestation which only seems to be growing. Close our borders to illegals, kick out the violators, and protect our homeland before it is too late for all of us.

    Source(s): Border resident for 21 years who has witnessed my own town go down the tubes because of out of control illegal immigration.
  • 5 years ago

    red is right it is just a smokescreen,congress is not going to hand out amnesty or other benefits,its just a ploy,why they are the biggest growing minority's and most would be going democrat.since they love the illegals.McCain is this way because he not a real Republican.Ron Paul is the only one that will kick those fence jumpers outta here.and rewrite the 14th amendment.No more anchor baby's

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They would have to drop out of the race the next day.

    I agree with the fines for hiring illegals, but it needs to be more than 5,000.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is more to this balance of labors and it appears to be a result of the global community someone has put to the test.It has an end time mentality of every one for themselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    That stand by one of them would go along way toward securing my vote. However that is just one of the vital issues we face as a nation. By the way Great question!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    With that Policy why don't you run for President? U might win. The problem is that no one including Hilliary has the balls to say something like that. They all seem like they are afraid to offend someone. I say who are the afraid of offending? Illegal Immigrants? Who cares what they think "They're Illegal"

  • 1 decade ago

    That (the troops part, especially) sounds like they'd be taking it too far. The conservatives would lose many votes, yet the democrats would, too.

    There would most likely be public outcry about it, a lot of bashing each other, and a lot of retracted statements and apologizing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    just build a cheap wall that costs under a billion dollars (i'm talking pretty much a 20 foot high - 4 foot deep concrete) and place snipers every half mile along the wall trained to take out the intruder's kneecaps so they starve to death. haha.

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