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Christians did you know?

that fellow believers in China are being tortured for teaching about Jesus and are put in chains and beaten for having services in their homes.


I got my info from The Voice of the Martyrs.They list of the persecuted is Li Mei. You can read about her experience in her own,go to media rooms and enter the pass code: LiMei.

Update 2:

No point Rumad I was just wondering if it was common knowledge and if we CHRISTIANS shouldn't be boycotting products from China and if we should not attend the Olmpics there.

Update 3:

Yes elaine that is Bible or prophecy but we are suppose to pray one for another and if it is not know how can we know how to pray one fpor another?

Update 4:

Sorry I meant not known.

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, I did. Christians are regularly jailed, beaten, and otherwise persecuted in countries that are either communist or Muslim by law. For centuries, Christians have been tortured, raped, murdered, had their houses burned, their children killed in front of them, and it has only served to strengthen the faith of the rest of us. In fact, every time there was intense persecution of the Church, Christianity spread even further as people saw the peace and even joy with which Christians responded. If you want a link, go to

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. This is true. People say that only Christians are descriminant. Yes some can be, but not to this extent. And to go even further, back in Ancient Rome Catholics were fed to lions for entertainment. They were also used for gladiator practice. They acted like they were just figuers at their disposal. And some Jews think that they were the only religion that was persecuted becasue of Hitler: The Second Anti-Christ. Yes, the Holocaust was bad, but it wasn't the only bad thing.

    Source(s): Catholic Templar
  • Jed
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes, and in many other places also.

    I got the subscription (free) to Voice of the Martyrs a few years ago. The conditions are horrible for many.

    What gets me, is while they are totally against Christianity, the stores in our country are filled with Christmas decorations made in China.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I did. Not from first hand knowledge. My daughter has been on 2 missionary trips sponsored by her church. The first one to Ecuador and the last one, a little over a year ago, to China. It was rewarding for her but she heard of alot of mistreatment of Christians in China. They were afraid to be too outspoken about it. She spoke to several who had experienced some pretty bad teatment by government officials. Never found anyone who had been chained but had been beaten but had been publicly ostrasized and humiliated. China's treament of its citizens and overall abuse of civil rights is well documented.

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  • 1 decade ago

    China, was a communist/socialist country before. The fact that now when people have services at home (like a gathering) would be seen as a threat to "over throw" the government.

    i think they're measures taken to prevent any social/political chaos, which are very brutal & ruthless

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes and it has been going on for a very long time. China has a state church that they want these Christians to belong to and they have refused.

    Watchmen Nee was imprisoned by the Chinese government for his Christian teachings. He has written many books on his experience in China.

    Christian magazines have carried many articles of the struggles of Christians in China.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    this has been true since before marco polo. what do you expect today from a communist country who insists it's people deny the existence of anything they can not see , even though their gov't hasn't given them anything good they can see. the gates of hell shall not prevail...lot's of fire, but not a victory. Christ's kingdom is already here...the work is much ,the workers are few. time to acknowledge the Pope's authority and stop pretending...he need's the cooperation of all christians. Worship where you wish, but stop the mockery. What's holy is holy...Unity is the only way to stop the persecution.

  • 1 decade ago

    I know that when googling Christian persecution for a question about Nero, I had to wade through pages of websites on current persecution, and it's not limited to China.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Voice of the Martyrs, on Also,

    Edit: We all should be so thankful for our freedom to worship our Lord, and Saviour, and pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ all over the world.

  • 1 decade ago

    Thats Bible,it says that will happen before the end.

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