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Lv 6
Gretl asked in Politics & GovernmentImmigration · 1 decade ago

Does this worry you?

Do you think Obama will take CA?

Feb. 2 (Bloomberg) -- The largest Spanish-language newspaper in the U.S. endorsed Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain, who are seeking their parties' 2008 presidential nominations.


La Opinion, which is the second most-read newspaper in Los Angeles behind the Los Angeles Times, made the endorsement, posted on the newspaper's Web site today, as the candidates campaign toward Feb. 5, when more than 20 states will hold nominating contests.

``Obama's approach to immigration and his inspiring vision are what the country needs to break through the current feeling of political malaise,'' the newspaper wrote.

La Opinion also backed Republican candidate McCain, 71, as ``the voice of reason and common sense'' on immigration. The Arizona senator has drawn the wrath of many fellow Republicans for pushing a plan to give illegal immigrants a way to obtain citizenship after paying fines and other penalties.

McCain's leadership on immigration has made him ``the ideal candidate to change the bitter tone that prevails in Washington,'' La Opinion wrote.

While the newspaper complimented Obama's Democratic rival Senator Hillary Clinton, 60, the Obama endorsement said it was ``disappointed with her calculated opposition'' to allowing illegal immigrants to obtain driver's licenses. The New York senator rejected the idea in November after her state's governor said he wanted to issue licenses.


Yes, but CA has the most electoral votes of any state, and Obama will take Ill. That just leaves NY. Those are the 3 coveted states. What does this say about the country's prevailing attitude towards this issue. Will our voices prevail against illegal aliens?

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why would I be concerned? California alone doesn't have enough electorate votes to win the election... and everybody in California deserves a say just like everybody in Texas, Hawaii, or Georgia.

    People talk and write things... it's how we communicate. I don't have to agree with it, nor support Obama (in reality, I'm still undecided...), to understand that speculation and opinion is just that.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that California is more partial to the Hilbilly or McCain then they are to the O..This is generally an extreme left state but they would rather see a woman get in there then a black man....

    Many years ago California had more of a balance between left and right but not anymore.. Mexicans are mostly Dems and there are more of them here then any other race!

  • 1 decade ago

    I absolutely do not understand why people do not understand the difference between LEGAL and ILLEGAL immigration.

    There is no other country in the world with this problem - even Mexico has strict immigration rules that are strongly enforced for people in Central & South America who want to immigrate to their country.

    Our country is under greater physical threat than ever before. Additionally, the illegal immigrants have made no commitment of allegiance to our country & seem to often hold us in great disdain. The money that legal citizens contribute to supporting our way of life is in jeopardy because it is expected to be used to support the welfare of people who do not contribute anything to our nation.

    There are many legal immigrants in our country. They went through the proper channels and became citizens. They care for our country and are proud to be here and to contribute equally by voting, paying taxes and becoming involved in their communities. The fact that there are politicians who are willing to over look this process, is a slap in the face to all of us. I believe what you have quoted is scary. There is no doubt that the way that immigration, particularly on our southern boarders, needs to change. It is a crisis and I do not think that there are easy answers. However, I believe that there are many who will take great offense to the passive McCain and Obama ideas.

  • Bambi
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Hillary, Obama and McCain all voted against making English our national language.

    Naturally Illegals want McCain to win. He's a dangerous threat to all that's American.

    Obama will lookout for ALL minority interests including that of illegals.

    I find it hard to believe illegals would be against Hills, but then again, how many of 'em will vote? We know illegals can't vote Legally, but hey, they got here, didn't they?

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

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  • 1 decade ago

    the problem here is not about illegal immigration, or legal immigration, millions and millions of hispanics are U.S Citizens they've been here for generations and generations even before the Europeans came to settle, even before your grandpa or grandma came here. Mexicans, they where here before you, specially in the southwestern states, texas, new mexico, california.

    they were the first inhabitants, this are real facts, don't believe me? go to college and take some classes.

    And also of course, there is this new wave of immigration legal and illegal. However this is not the real problem.. the problem is DISCRIMINATION, RACISM.

    STOP THAT PLEASE... im not even hispanic, im just some old white dude with a major degree in sociology.

    I’m sick and tired of racism. I’m sick of it from whites, blacks, Hispanics, and any other race that contributes to discrimination against someone solely because their race. As sad as it is I finally decided to take a stand against racism and discrimination. Please realize that when I say racism and discrimination I’m not just referring to racism/discrimination against hispanics and blacks but against all races. And yes that includes whites as well. I know you probably don’t believe it but whites are discriminated against just like other races, maybe not as much but it still happens to them. And just like other races they deserve to not be discriminated against just like Blacks, Hispanics, and any other race. But whether you realize it or not racism in America IS getting worse. I think now rather than later is the time to take a stand against it. Just think, do you want your kids or grandkids growing up in a racist nation. As they say history usually repeats itself, do you really want to look back 20 years from now and think about how you could have made a difference in your life, or your children or grandchildren?

    Source(s): law student.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    All of their stands on immigration are unamerican and unconstitutional and make me sick! I always in-visioned the first women in presidency would be a revolutionary, someone with better ideals than hillary clinton. someone to really put americans back in the right direction!

  • 1 decade ago

    It bothers me a bit.

    All illegal aliens are felons because they broke a federal law when they entered this country without permission.

    I would not vote for anyone that wants to aid a felon.

    Illegal aliens break into and live in our home without our permission. America is our home, and we should protect our personal space.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yeah it does but what the people say and how they will vote when it comes down to it are always not the same thing.

  • 1 decade ago

    I will be happy if either Obama or Hillary take California.

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