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I am an atheist?

Hi,yes I am an atheist however I need help.A few weeks ago some one put a link on Q/A.It is haunting me,it was showing animals being butchered for there fur dogs & cats.I have 64 signatures however need 200 for some one in the government to look at the petition.if you can find it in your heart to sign this petition.Please do & Thank You


There is no intention to disrespect anyone.i had to put I am an atheist to get a re-action.i have put the petition in different sections.

Update 2:

The link is not the one i looked is a petition for the Government it took me weeks to accept it.Thank You

Update 3:

has long as we sit back baby seals infact anything they butcher will carry on.I am no longer prepared to sit back & will do what ever i can to help.If nothing being an atheist caught your eye.

Update 4:

Rosie a boycott would be virtually impossible. i know this will have little or no effect yet if enough people sign the government have to do some thing.That's what is wrong hardly anyone believes that they have no power.We do we vote them into power.I can not sit by & do nothing.

Update 5:

Alan first i did not put a ? mark have no need to.Has for Peta having a pettition is it in the Government sector if so please give the link & I will sign it.

Thank You

Update 6:

Dennis Thank You if we ever meet I would gladly shake your hand.

21 Answers

  • Seán
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Damn. Sorry Ollie. I wanted to sign but I am not a British citizen. I'll direct some of my British comrades to the link for you however. Good Luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Being atheist doesn't have anything to do with feeling compassion for something. Every year I see on the news, savages clubbing down sweet little baby seals. There is always a cry of protests to the Canadian government who allows this kind of archaic practice, but it doesn't change things.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why the question mark? Are you unsure about your atheism. PETA already have a similar petition, as do BUAV... Why reinvent the wheel when the job is already being done?

  • Vampie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I would love to but it says you have to be a British citizen to sign it.

    Oh and um...what does atheism have to do with this?

    You should try posting it on animals sections, UK section and perhaps generally in the religious section.

    Religious people may not all be vegetarians but that doesnt mean they are for cruelty.

    Source(s): Atheist Vegetarian
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  • Alex
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Oh yeah. I'm all over this, dear. :]

    I'll bulletin this on my Myspace as well, as I'm one of those people with no lives and have a ridiculous amount of 'friends'.

    Argh. But it says you have to be a UK citizen. :[

    I'll post it in a bulletin anyway.

    Apparently, a certain 'Knowitall' doesn't know of the absolutely cruel ways they get the fur. :]

    Guess she doesn't know so much after all.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd sign if I could. You have to be in Britain to sign. I'm sorry. My mother sends me these sort of things all the time (she's a huge animal lover) and I sign them. If you want the links to hers I can message them to you if you want.

  • 1 decade ago


    Atheist or not,

    you care about animals, that means you are a good caring person

    disregard the word atheist' your feelings mean you have a big heart

    shake my catholic hand,

  • 1 decade ago

    Im not a British Citizen Sorry.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    of course i would sign it hun! but i live in Florida....that's a pretty long didsance away from the UK....

    i love the fact that you care so much as to have a pettition.

    good luck!!!


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Although I protest animals being used purely for fur and the treatment of those animals,

    I have no idea what this has to do with atheism.

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