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On the 18th of May i had to have my girl (dog) Josie put to sleep.Life can & is so unfair. Its been a while since i have been on here.I have had 2 eye operations.Missing my josie. Hope everyone had a good christmas & sorry its late Happy New Year

  • What has happened to the Olympic games?

    I always thought the Olympic Games was about the country.Seems like it's the London 2012 or The London Games.The rest of England as vanished ?

    26 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Chinese Fur Trade?

    This is to the Chinese Government they allow the most horrific treatment of dogs.cats & other animals all for the sake of Money.Animals skinned alive.I read on here a girl from China asking what she could do to stop it.Her hands are tied has she could end up in serious Trouble.Three months ago I started a petition to our governmet only people living in England can sign thats one way to keep signatures down.Up to now i have 151 so desperately need your help.

    Thank You

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Year Of the rat?

    The chinese place a lot on animals will some one tell me why

    they treat animals horrendous.I have seen 2 links on here the first was a few weeks ago.It sickened me so I have put a petition to this government about the chinese fur trade.Please will you sign it.Thank You

    the link may not work untill you click on answer.

    The other link I seen today there was a lion on the back of a terrified horse then a tiger.How low doe's this country stoop

    8 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • barbaric fur Trade?

    Hi.please will you sign this petition its against the horrific Chinese Fur Trade.I seen a link on how they murder animals

    I would not inflict what i saw has it is haunting me.This link is to petition the government into doing something & yes i know it will be rough going I am prepared for it.

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Barbaric Fur Trade?

    Hello,please will you sign this petition to try & get the government to act over the horrific treatment of animals in China for there Fur.Sorry only British can sign

    Up to now 75 people off Q/A have signed which is brilliant however need at least 200 to get an Mp to look at the petition.

    12 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Chinese Fur Trade?

    Please will you sign this petition its to try & get the government to act against the horrific cruelty that goes on in China.I seen a lonk & it was horrific.Up to now 70 people off Q/A have signed

    which is brilliant however I need at least 200 for an MP to look at it.Thank You

    3 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • I am an atheist?

    Hi,yes I am an atheist however I need help.A few weeks ago some one put a link on Q/A.It is haunting me,it was showing animals being butchered for there fur dogs & cats.I have 64 signatures however need 200 for some one in the government to look at the petition.if you can find it in your heart to sign this petition.Please do & Thank You

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Please will you Good people Sign a petition?

    I have finally managed to have a petition approved against the barbaric treatment of animals by the Chinese people.All for the sake of fur.A few weeks again some one placed a link which haunted me.I decided to try & do some thing to help.

    I know we live in a cruel world.We need to stand up & be counted.Thank You

    20 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Please will you Good people Sign a petition?

    I have finally managed to have a petition approved against the barbaric treatment of animals by the Chinese people.All for the sake of fur.A few weeks again some one placed a link which haunted me.I decided to try & do some thing to help.

    I know we live in a cruel world.We need to stand up & be counted.Thank You

    12 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Chinese Fur trade?

    Hi.I have finally got the government to allow a petition to try & stop the barbaric Chinese Fur trade.Please will you sign maybe we will be able to get this horrific practise stopped.

    Thank You

    10 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Chinese Fur trade?

    Hi.I have finally got the government to allow a petition to try & stop the barbaric Chinese Fur trade.Please will you sign maybe we will be able to get this horrific practise stopped.

    Thank You

    2 AnswersCommunity Service1 decade ago
  • Calling all animal lovers Please Will You Sign?

    Hi,about 2 weeks ago I seen a link on here concerning the chinese fur trade.I was upset, angry so decided to set a petition going to our government.It has took this long to get it accepted.They accused me of using false names etc.To my surprise it has been accepted.Please sign,Thank You

    21 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Please will everyone who is against animal cruelty sign this petition.?

    Three weeks ago on Q/A I read & watched a link on the horrific treatment the chinese are doing to dogs & cats.It haunts me & has took this long to get the petition accepted.

    26 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Yahoo Mail?

    Hi,is anyone else having problems getting into there mail.I keep getting server cannot be found mailed yahoo they said error 999 have no idea what that is.Thanks

    13 AnswersSending and Receiving Messages1 decade ago
  • Fund Raising For 7 Year Old Boy?

    Hi,anyone in the Teesside area,North east reading this have you heard of the 7 year old boy who has cancer.He would love to have a holiday away from the chemo.TFM are trying to raise £35,000 for a holiday home.Please can anyone give a pound infact a penny will help there telephone number is 01642 616666 or mail them on Please Help I have give evry penny that i can & still looking at how to find more.Thank you

    18 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • Undercover Housewives?

    Here we go hope this time this is put into the food section.

    Did anyone watch the above program last night it was on Tyne & Tees.The housewives discovered that wetherspoons are selling Zebu never heard of it nor me.Well there selling it has British Beef.I wonder how many more food chains are passing this rubbish off has 100% British Beef.Well for me it's the farmers market or do without meat has I am not prepared to eat that.Also anyone think the meat you buy is tasteless.Chicken piles of water comes out of it.Also medicines have health warnings on them about additives in them.There in our Food, Sweets everything yet no health warning.No wonder all these mysterious allergies are apppearing.

    10 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Housewives Undercover?

    Last night on Tyne Tees did anyone watch the undercover house wives about wetherspoon selling Zebu for beef.Well I will not be buying anymore beef unless it's from a Farmers Market.I have been saying for a long time meat tastes different

    even lamb you cannot tell its lamb.How many people have noticed that our meat has no taste.

    12 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Vivitonin Prescribed By Vet?

    Hi,my girl (dog) has been prescribed vivitonin by our vet.She is 12 & vet says she has muscle wastage.The drug is suppose to help her blood circulation.I have looked on web sites everyone says the drug is used for strokes,dementia etc.Has anyone's dog been prescribed vivitonin for muscle wastage & to help the blood circulation.I am worried sick.Thank You

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Please will you vote if you consider my answer to be a violation or not.Got dispute with Yahoo.Cheers?

    Question: isit a bank holiday on monday 23rd?

    Question Details: Not in the Uk thats 100% has my husband is home Monday night got to book taxi & its normal rate.We do not have a bank holiday for ST George.Next one is the 7th then 28th then on the 27th of August its summer bank holiday.

    Deleted Answer: Not in the Uk thats 100% has my husband is home Monday night got to book taxi & its normal rate.We do not have a bank holiday for ST George.Next one is the 7th then 28th then on the 27th of August its summer bank holiday.

    43 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Please can anyone help i need to find the connection between Sir Bobby Moore,Sting & Jessica Taylor?

    Bobby Moore was captain of the 1966 World cup.Sting is a pop star Jessica Taylor is out of LibertyX.I am trying to find the 4th person.Had no luck surfing the net

    2 AnswersMusic2 decades ago