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PFuller asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Are Obama supporters too young to have seen "Being There"?

"Being There" is a Peter Sellers movie from 1979 in which a man enters society after spending his entire life in isolation and even though he knows about nothing but gardening, he gets elected President. Seems everytime someone asks him a question, he responds with some irrelevancy about gardening, and everyone assumes he's speaking metaphorically and must be very wise.

As I listen to Obama speaking and try to pinpoint the substance, it's hard not to think of the movie. He talks about hope and people seem to be projecting their own hopes on him. That's not the same as him actually sharing your hopes. I'll still vote for him if someone can convince me he's more than a sharp talker in a nice suit, but it's getting a little late in the day for that.


Nick: Kennedy said "ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country". Inspiration is great, but if millions had signed up for the Peace Corps and Kennedy had let the USSR put missiles into Cuba, the world would be a very different place. I want someone to convince me Obama could wear the mantle of missile-crisis-JFK and not just the inaugural-address-JFK.

Update 2:

Joe: 1) I know the reasons not to vote for Hillary, I'm looking for reasons to vote for Obama. 2) I disagree that Clinton is a proven slimy crook, but I agree Obama is a risk.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    just watch and listen.

    Reply: The true strength of Kennedy was realized once he was tested, but he started his presidency on the idea of hope. He reflected the general consensus of the American dream and the public upon itself. If the country was to get any better, we would have to make it so.

    No one can predict how the next president will manage to face the challenges of today. But Obama's ideas are in line with the common good. He has the ability to unite us, and the ability to illuminate beyond our borders; to restore the name of our country around the world.

    I trust in his judgment, and those he has chosen to advise him. This affects, to an extent, the thought that if our nation was faced with peril, he would act decisively, and in tune with the best interest of our society.

    My hope is to share in the restored sense of our country's greatness. To live with the idea that the best days are yet to come. There is only one person in the field that can stand at the precipice of this idea, and I believe it's Barack Obama.

    Source(s): Yes we can.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's better to vote for someone new and take a risk than vote for someone who has been proved to be a slimy crook.

    here are a few of the Clintons accomplishments:


    the ransacking of Vince Foster's office

    her involvement in the various bimbo cover-ups

    the stealing of the whitehouse furniture

    illegal campagn contributions from the communist chinese

    Bills pardoning of criminals who were their supporters without

    aproval of the Justice Department

    Insider trading with Tyson


    her health care reform failure

    A lot of us would really like to know exactly what was on those papers that Sandy Burger stuffed under his clothes and stole from the national archive.

    Personally I can't escape the feeling that she stayed with her adulterous husband purely out of politcal expediancy. And I'm not just talking about Lewinsky but all the other bimbos back as far as Bill's time in Arkansas.

    And what say you to that?

  • 1 decade ago

    How you ever came up with that is way out there.

    You need to watch Wag the dog and see if that reminds you of anything.

  • 1 decade ago

    When he talks about "hope" and "change", he means it.

    He "hopes" to "change" all Americans' religion to Islam.

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