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auntkj asked in Pregnancy & ParentingAdolescent · 1 decade ago

my daughter a 16 year old girl and 19 year old guy?

they say that they are just friends and probably are but they spend more and more time together. mom and dad are waiting to hear they are more than friends and don't know what to do if it happens. what are the chances, if they are not just friends, of it being a respectful relationship?

he seems nice but he is a boy, maybe even then kind that would be ashamed if his friends knew he was with someone so young. what would you do?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    3yr age difference is nothing. Both are teens/young adults. Really you need to just wait and see how the relationship develops, trying to interfere will not go well. I'd just let things be, your daughter will date who she chooses period, include him in family dinners/activities to get to know him better.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have friends that are guys and we are just friends so maybe they are just friends, now question for your... do you and your daughter have a close relationship? and my guess is probably not since you think she could be hidding this relationship from you. do you let your daughter date and never get on her case about who she is with? talk to her and ask her the same question you asked us. would he be the type to be ashamed to have such a young girlfriend? if he is seing her let her to see the big picture and not let this guy treat her that way by hidding their relationship. she needs to stand her ground and also not be ashamed of her relationship with him if she has one. if you already know he is a good boy then dont worry if he is dating her... if you know your daughter well enough and know that she would not do anything unrespectful with this boy then let them be. if you make a big fuss over it she will do what every teenager does and that is do the opposite of what your parents tell you. good luck and trust your child....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i am 16 and just got out of a relationship w/ a 19 yr old, we were havin sex, he's 19. what do you expect? my parents couldnt do anything about it cause they new we were friends then when it got to be more they had allowed the facts till they wanted to press charges... too late. i finally got the nerve to break up w/ him which was scary cause he was older and controlled me. best advice is to sit her down and talk to her and explain what might happen since you know she is 16 and he 19. there will be no happy ending, any way some1 will have hurt feelings

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I guess it depends on how well you know this guy. When I was 16 my boyfriend was 19 but he was a great guy and because of that, his age didn't matter to my parents. They trusted him because they knew he respected the boundries they had set for me when dating.

    This guy may or may not be haning out with your daughter just to "bang" her but that will be a judgement call on your part. I wouldn't wait until they admit to dating before addressing the situation with either your daughter or both of them.

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  • 1 decade ago

    my boyfriend and i have been together since i was 15 and he was 18. We NEVER had sex until after i had turned 18 and we have been together for going on 4 1/2 years here. This is one of those situations which goes to show thats not all, all guys are after.

  • 1 decade ago

    I havn't got children, but I think if i did, I would probly sit my daughter down and explain to her that I would not be mad that I just want to know the truth about their relationship if there was one. And of course you can't stop them from having sex if they were so I would also talk to her about the consequence of haveing sex and that it is a sin before marriage. But if she still doesn't listen I would ask her to stop and if it continued, I would get the law to make it stop. Like, not really get the law and put him in jail because she would hate you, but just to scare them out of having sex. I hope I don't sound like a jerk, and I hope this helps.

  • I don't think you have anything to worry about really as long as you talk to them both together and let them know how you feel about them being together even if they are just friends or not!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. DO NOT jump to conclusion. There are MANY 19 year old guys who want NOTHING with sex!

    2. Your parents WANT her to get pergo to become Great-Grandparents.

    3. I would wait and see...

    Edit: For the realigious nuts on here, pre-marrital sex is NOT a sin!

  • 1 decade ago

    If you tell her she can't see him, she will sneak and see him anyway. So, be open to the idea of dating....Three years isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things. Make sure she is well informed about birth control and STD protection and let her grow up....

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    From what I read you have no evidence that he is indeed a threat for her in any way, talk to her to prevent her from doing anything she might regret, good luck.

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