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Rainbowz asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

Help, i'm depressed and had enough of life?

I've got no job, suffer Tinnitus, Dysmenorrhoea(agonising period pain) and severe acne, no medications over the years the doctor has given me have worked and now even she has given up, I detest just going out the front door, i've had acne since the age of twelve and i'm now 25, everythings got too much , I've never even had a boyfriend and all my friends at college have gone their separate ways, I've wanted to work in the arts industry since the age of 12 but despite applying for loads of jobs can't get nowhere, I just don't see the point in going on anymore.

29 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Please read this:

    Hugs for you from me...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Try to contemplate a positive future for yourself. There are some things in life we cannot change and other things we can change. Try to change the things that you can change? Set yourself goals and achieve them.

    Remember there is no point fighting life because it always wins. The world does not owe you anything it was here first.

    It all stems down to 2 choices you either love life and be ambitious or hate it.

    Stop worrying about the future. Just think if the angle of death came to you and said do you want to live or die? Most likely you would say I want to live. So let it be so now.

    Everyone suffers, even celebrities. its human nature to suffer. Trust me if I had everything in the world that I ever wanted, I would probably say something like “ life is too f**king boring”. You can always find someone who suffers more then yourself. Look at them.

    Life is tough but that’s the way it is. Stop pondering on worries and start acting. Actions subside worry. You know what they say, “every cloud has a silver lining”.

    Try to think, “God only gives me the burden because he knows I can carry the load”.

    I live my life because I don’t want to see my parents distressing over me committing suicide. Find out the reason you want to live. This will hopefully give you purpose and meaning in your life.

    At the moment you attitude seems like “life is a ***** and then you die”. As much as this might be true, you need to fix up and look sharp because you don’t know what the future might hold for you!

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe the answer is to be creative, I bet you have that in you somewhere, I bet you have a real talent for the arts in some way. If this is what you've always wanted to do, for for it, it might make all the difference. You needn't necessarily get a job in the arts, be self employed, be an artist, do a night class in fine art, collage, photography, creative writing, pottery, what do you like? I bet if you find your talent and follow that it will change your life and good things will start to come into it. Can you give up now when you know it's what you want to do yet never gave it a chance? Try exploring your artist inside a little more, try joining a group for people who are trying to explore their creativity more, have you heard of 'The Artist's Way'? it's a week by week workbook for exploring your artist within you, and a whole lot more, and there are various yahoo groups who work through it together - trying going to yahoo groups and searching for Artists way or Julia Cameron, and get the book secondhand on ebay or Amazon - you can join the webgroup and browse through answers even if you haven't got the book yet, you might just find someone there who can help and feels exactly like you do?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some of the most creative and talented people in the world felt exactly the same as you do now. I am sure you are very talented, follow your heart with the arts work, you may not be able to get a job in the mainstream arts area, but maybe thats's just not you, maybe you are different and unique and you're meant to do something more independently, explore your creativity, try and be positive, I also have read Julia Cameron's Artists Way as well as 'The Secret' and I think both of these may help you too.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    It's important to say that tinnitus is a symptom and not a disease. Some people will have tinnitus because their Cochlea is damaged. And in a few, it could be caused due to hearing loss. But of course, the most common cause of tinnitus is exposure to loud noises. The noise can be a sudden burst, or it could be a constant banging that hits the ear drum and travels inside.

    A good guide you can read about tinnitus and some good natural remedies can be found here:

  • Hi,please don`t give up.I know the agony dysmenorrhoea causes i had it for about 5 years in the end a hysterectomy was the only solution. With your acne,i would imagine you have tried most "covering"products lotions and potions,but have you tried Chinese herbal remedies?if not they may well be worth going out of the front door for,it has to be worth investigating.You say you are not getting anywhere with employment in the arts industry,maybe it is the jobs you apply for are not quite suited to you or your abilities,maybe a college course would improve your chances of getting the job you want.Another possible benefit from going to college is that there is just a chance you could even find a boyfriend or two there,why not go for it,it will get you out of the house,and a new interest ,and ,hopefully will take your mind off of suicide.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you need to seek professional help form a psychiatrist and then consider joining a support group for the things you suffer from. Then seek professional advice about writing a CV and interview techniques. Even look into starting your own business.

    Im not aware of your appearance, but try a spa weekend, go on a detox, start exercising - do someresearch in the causes of acne and change your diet to try and reduce the effect, it wont eliminate it, but it will reduce it.

    Then spend a day with a make up artists to learn how to hide the effects of the things mentioned. Spend a day with a personal shopper to learn how to wear clothes that flatter you and bring out the best and make you feel good about yourself.

    To make new friends, join clubs or societies that share the same interests.

    You only have one shot at being alive, please dont throw it away. You still have 50 years ahead of you, your only lived a third of you life, you can still change it and make the most of it.

    I suffered with deppression when i was 15-19 because i was gay and frequently thought about killing myself and started self harming and self caused asphyiation. But since, ive have had professional help, started regularly exercising, joined a running club and rowing club, and slowly i am starting to see i have a good life ahead of me.

    I wish you all the best, an i know that every person has the inner strength to make it through the tough times, an i know that you can to, you just need to try.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is always a point to go on. I am over 65. I never had a boyfriend until after I was 24. I didn't marry until I was in my late 40s. I was very self conscious. I was overweight and felt terribly unattractive. I cried myself to sleep many a night.

    Then someone said to me over and over of course because you don't believe them. That you really should try different things. Go to a class. Go do something. Most of the times when I did go I went grudgingly. But more and more I met and found people that were lonely and unhappy like I was.

    Finally after a very long time, I started to feel better about myself. I was born in Chicago and now I live on a farm in southern Illinois and I raise sheep. I never would have believed that would happen to me when I was 25. Oh What could possibly be in your future that would be truly unbelievable to you and that would be truly enjoyable. Stay around please and try something that you never tried before like a class. You have something to offer.

  • 1 decade ago


    You seem to have a problem of feeling inferior about yourself. You need to have a correct approach about yourself and the way you see your life.

    I will try and suggest you solutionns one by one. See mine are only suggesstions. But its you are human being who has to work. Remember you are better, that is why you are human.

    Friends: You can have as many as you want. They are readily available on net. I understand you may not get a quality friend easily. But i have come across people finally getting married and had mt on the net. So try and you will succeed. You may initially not get the right person, but remember you can only find something if you are looking for . If you stop looking, how can you find something.

    Tinnitus: I am myself a patient of tinnintus. There are many things which do work in this. It can never get cured specially if it is because of Cochlea damage. So firstly accept it. Try meditation, wheat grass therapy, cow urine therapy. I am doing all this and i am just fine. having full control on life.

    Job: See in life you hardly get what you want. I used to love music ans God. But i could never do that as my family are requirements were different. So i look in my children to do that. Also i work for few underprivil age people and can get lot of satisfaction. Visit and visit my village Nnyakateete in uganda for which i am trying to help the community. You can find a number of oranisations. So find direction for you life. Give some meaning, life is very precious, don't waste it.

    You are the one whom God loves the most because he has his part in you.

    Try and always smile. soon it will become your habit.

    Take care and may God bless you.Hold you life.

    Bye and all the best. Once you feel alright so let world know it.

    Source(s): Personal opinion
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Life is really filled with troubles but look farther and you will see the overflowing solutions. It's not that you don't see the point in going on but you just don't want to see it. If you are losing hope, it will make your life more miserable. Go on with life full of hope and gain more positive thoughts. You're still 25 to give up, I'm sure a lot more to come

  • Shadow
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Everybody gets that way sometimes, just get stubborn and hide away in your home and watch movies and de-stress until you feel less overwhelmed. Maybe spend some time drawing or painting or doing whatever kind of artsy stuff you like to do and put together a portfolio just for fun. You might want to think about applying for temporary jobs designing on contract for bigger companies. Use that pent up creativity to move past this, and it will pass.

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