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  • what would you do if someone you had to sit near picks their nose and smells real bad?

    I do some volunteer work proofreading for a charity, i've been doing if for a year off my own back to help out a charity but recently, the past few weeks a lad has started there (he was forced to go as part of a New Deal scheme so he gets his dole/benefit money, his papers were left strewn about in the room one day). Anyway he smells absolutely terrible. I've opened the windows wide to give him the hint but the smell is still overpowering and it was so bad last week that despite walking home in the fresh air, his stink was all over my cardigan, trousers etc that I had to put them straight in the wash. To top that off he picks his nose for long periods of time, then eats it, then puts his dirty fingers all over the shared computer mouse & keyboard and regularly strokes his greasy long black hair afterwards. The full time employed workers, all ladies, work in a separate spacious room so haven't got to put up with it but I'm now sadly going to have to stop going as his behaviour is so repulsive I can't bear being in the same room as him. Why can't some people bloody wash? It doesn't help that he smokes as well. I think I ought to tell the women there, it's only courtesy, why I won't be going again so at least they know what the problem is. I know the New Deal scheme is 13 weeks long so perhaps they could phone me back when he's gone so I can resume work there, I think he's got about 8 weeks left to go). One of my relatives thinks that maybe he's waiting for someone to complain so he gets transferred and that the other volunteers who go there have either just stopped going or haven't had the guts to say anything). But either way he's absolutely gross. I'm intrigued what would you do if you were in my place?

    9 AnswersEtiquette10 years ago
  • BGT:- Sour grapes Amanda Holden, it's not about who you'd like to see win...?

    it's about who the millions of people at home want to see win the show. Silly cow. Trying to steal Jai's shine out of winning, by wait for it ....mentioning Ronan again straight after Jai was declared the winner. Talk about brainwashing. Anyone else watch Louis Walsh on Britains Got More Talent, it was cringworthy? He still couldn't admit Jai won because he has a great voice instead trying to make out it was simply down to the song choice and the fact he's scottish. Louis you're an idiot. Despite all the over-the-top hype for a kid singer who was no better than Jai, he still didn't win. The novelty is that he's a kid, there have been other kid singing acts in the past that have been better but they didn't even get in the top three (Farrah) and yet they hype this boy up like he's something amazing, he aint. Wonder when his voice is going to break, I thought it was going to last night as he was straining his voice so much. Kids should be banned from the show, he should be focusing on his education etc, plenty of time to pursue singing when he's 18. Guess Simon is worried though that he won't have the same "cutesy" appeal.

    10 AnswersReality Television10 years ago
  • Jobless and depressed?

    I'm 27, living with my parents and really depressed. I can't find a job and the Jobcentre have been utterly useless. I want to go self employed and I already have a company name, some materials etc that I got out of some savings but now I need some additional funds to start up properly but everywhere I turn no one wants to help. The Princes Trust only want to hear from people from ethnic minorities, ex offenders etc and when a man from there did ring me up he didn't want to help at all. Business link have been no help either as they reckon there are no loans or grants available in the south west. I have tried getting a full or part time job to help fund my idea myself but i've gotten nowhere due to a lack of jobs, and have only had one interview for a job in the whole year i've been on JSA at that lasted only a mere ten minutes with the guy interviewing me totally disinterested and didn't even bother shake my hand. I'm having regular suicidal thoughts and the only thing that's barely kept me going is the thought of how much that would hurt my family. However i'm not sure if I can keep it up. I've applied for loads of jobs to no avail and I avoid socialising to avoid awkward questions about my lack of a job. I'm a very quiet person and i've never had a boyfriend, which hasn't bothered me too much but with the depression i'm feeling more and more of a social outcast and i've had enough. My life isn't worth living if I don't even have a career or future prospects. If anyone who's been in a similar situation can give me some helpful advice would be much appreciated. Thanks.

    18 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Anyone know of a USB modem that is compatible with windows 7?

    I was told by my internet provider that USB modems are not compatible with windows 7 and that I would need an ADSL modem/router, is this true or not as some people on here say USB modems are compatible so it's a bit confusing? Thank you.

    3 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • If a computer is wi-fi compatible can you still connect to the internet via a wired modem/router?

    I've only recently discovered that Windows 7 is not compatible with USB modems, after purchasing a new pc. My internet provider has said I will need to purchase an ADSL modem/router, however as I only have one computer I do not need or want wireless connectivity. My desktop is right next to the phone socket and wireless is less secure so there's no point having it if I don't have multiple pcs. I didn't think a computer had to be connected via a wireless connection even if a computer had wi-fi ability however now i'm not so sure. I don't even know which wired modem/routers are even compatible with Windows 7. Anyone in a similar position?

    Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you.

    10 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Anyone heard of a company called FM cosmetics/perfume, are they genuine?

    I've had a phone call from a lady claiming to be from this company after I asked about more information on a website regarding selling perfume. She has sent a link to her own website however there is no headquarters address on there and it clearly states that isn't simply a website set up by herself. I'm astute enough to realise anyone these days can set up a website so i'm just curious if it's a scam. They also want money for start up kits etc which makes me rather dubious as they'd then want my bank details which in this day and age is rather risky, if anyone has dealt with them before please let me know, cheers. I won't be doing it anyway as it sounds too much hard work for earning little money in return, rather like the Avon catalogues where it's the person above you that makes the big money out of you.

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know of an opticians that is happy to put lenses in frames you've bought someplace else?

    I would like to buy some designer frames online, they are MUCH cheaper than if I bought them from Specsavers etc(they'd cost over £125 and they don't have the particular brand i'm after) however, my sister who bought some lovely frames online went to a couple of opticians including Specsavers and they weren't prepared to put lenses in frames she'd bought elsewhere even though she was happy to pay for the sight test and lenses. There are lots of sites these days that sell designer frames for a much cheaper price compared to the high street opticians, however there is one wee problem which Optician(s) is prepared to put lenses in them for you?

    4 AnswersOther - Health & Beauty1 decade ago
  • To anyone who uses a facial steam sauna/mask.....?

    What are the advantages, have you seen any skin improvements, why I ask is cos I suffer really bad from blackheads (have done since the age of 12, i'm 25 now) and wondered if the mask might open up the pores and help make it easier to eliminate the blackheads, i've tried everything else including various treatments and pills from the doctor over the years but nothing has worked, they are just too stubborn and won't go away, anyway thanks in advance, any tips would be greatly appreciated.

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Where does the term "Hang over" come from?

    had a few too many drinks Friday night and yesterday was poorly all day but i'm just curious where the term derives from/what it means, thank you.

    12 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Dancing On Ice is officially a farce, anyone agree?

    So Jason has been allowed to spout off only days before the final that he believes Chris shouldn't win because he has skated, kindof before, but why didn't he say this at the beginning, Suzanne has dancing and live preformance experience so though Chris may be more confident with basic skating she is much stronger with the dancing unlike him, but Jason doesn't remind people of that does he, why did the programme makers ask Chris to go on the show only for Jason to now say after all these weeks of Chris's hard work, that he shouldn't win, after loads of people have spent money on phone calls keeping him in, he should be fired as it ruins the legitimacy of the show,this show was set up from the start for Suzanne overrated smug face to win, she bores me to tears and is no better than Zarrah, yet the judges hype Suzanne up and never quite give Zarrah the same marks, pathetic, Suzanne has never blown me away with her performances, hope Zarrah wins, as Suzanne thinks she's got it in the bag.

    17 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Help, i'm depressed and had enough of life?

    I've got no job, suffer Tinnitus, Dysmenorrhoea(agonising period pain) and severe acne, no medications over the years the doctor has given me have worked and now even she has given up, I detest just going out the front door, i've had acne since the age of twelve and i'm now 25, everythings got too much , I've never even had a boyfriend and all my friends at college have gone their separate ways, I've wanted to work in the arts industry since the age of 12 but despite applying for loads of jobs can't get nowhere, I just don't see the point in going on anymore.

    29 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Its my birthday today, what should I do?

    I don't have any friends and there is only me (and my parents who've gone off for the day to Cardiff), so any realistic suggestions would be helpful,i'm 25 and finding birthdays these days a grim prospect as I never do anything special, thanks!

    12 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Do men really prefer women who have totally flat stomachs or do some like a bit of meat on them?

    I'm a naturally thin woman with regards to my legs and arms etc (which is a pain in the butt as they are very thin) but I've never had a totally flat stomach though in magazines women who are much larger about than me in terms of their overall build still appear to have flat stomachs,(though many may be holding their stomachs in) it often makes me feel ill especially when you can see their ribs, do men really like this look as the media often makes out, I personally don't mind if a fella has a slightly tubby stomach but what are your views on the subject?

    19 AnswersOther - Health & Beauty1 decade ago
  • Do you know of a good shaving cream for women (legs)?

    Often when I shave my legs despite using plenty of soap, I get a painful red rash of tiny pimples come up afterwards on my legs, does anyone have any recommendations of good shaving creams for sensitive skin, thank you!

    14 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Looking for the name of a particular Christian rock band.......?

    My friend gave me a cassette some years back with Christian rock songs on it that she'd recorded off one of her CD'S, i'm unable to contact her to ask but she'd forgotten to put down the band's name, tracks on the album include: - Get real, amazing love, eye to eye, say a prayer, already done, Rev 7 and to my surprise, any ideas of what the band are called and oh I believe they are an American band, any help would be much appreciated, thank you!

    6 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Gentlemen do you really find the bleached blonde look that appealing?

    I'm just curious, i'm not talking about natural blonde/golden hair but the bleached blonde colour, why I ask is cos my sister who used to have lovely brown hair dyes her hair bright blonde, I mean very bright and the quality of her hair is ruined as a result she says brown is too boring and she likes to stand out, I have long brown hair and don't see anything wrong with it, when we go out people point and laugh at her and sleazy guys come up thinking she's a slapper, which she isn't she does indeed have a boyfriend, I have given up trying to convince her she looked better with her brown hair and spanish features,she even dyes her eyebrows blonde, what's left of them and as the colour is so bright and she has dark brown eyes, it is obvious its not her natural hair colour, her roots are too dark as well, but fellas be honest do you like it that much, would you like your girlfriend going around like it,i'm worried she'll go bald and what do you really think of someone with hair like it?

    13 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Anyone know of any reliable websites where I can sell my artwork?

    I mainly produce fantasy themed paintings, i've tried Ebay, but its useless as its bogged down with so much artwork, your own hardly gets noticed, any recommendations would be highly appreciated, thank you!

    5 AnswersOther - Visual Arts1 decade ago
  • Advice on getting an art or media related job?

    I'm in my mid twenties and still looking for a media related job, its frustrating as I know I have a lot to offer, however most jobs who ask for juniors then contradict themselves by then saying you have to have vast experience in several media applications, like they want to pay minimum money but get loads of hard work done in the process, I find this annoying, does anyone who's been in a similar position, have any useful advice other than "give up", thanks!

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Anyone know what the difference is between non-bio and biological washing up powder?

    A strange question I know, but back along someone asked me in a supermarket what the difference was and I honestly couldn't answer, which is better, biological or non-bio? thanks!

    6 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Advice needed regarding verruca removal (aftercare)?

    Two days ago I had a persistant verruca dug out by my doctor, unfortunately its in an awkward place on my foot so I am finding i'm unable to walk on that foot,and it still bleeds now and again which I presume is normal. I redressed the wound yesterday with a gauze dressing not a plaster and it looks clean, has anyone else had a severe verruca removed in this way, if so, how long approximately did it take to heal (or at least to the stage where you could walk) Its very tricky having a bath(any tips greatly received) i'm using some wood to rest it on at the moment while I have a wash. I'm hopping around on one leg and its getting very tiring, I'm also not sure if i'm supposed to redress it every day or every other day (to avoid making my senstive skin surrounding it sore) My doctor and the nurses didn't tell me what to expect etc but to be fair they were more concerned about me getting home before the general anesthetic wore off, any advice would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

    4 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago