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If God is the Creator of everything......?

why did he design Humans with so many flaws?

the Human body is always breaking down and succoming to desease.

The Human Mind is often going on the blink...

if the Great Designer was capable of creating the Galaxys and our Planet with its many great and wonderful things and perfect syncronicity why is the Human body so CRAP!


jojo m

I am in very good health.. thanks....

Update 2:

I dont believe in any gods BTW

48 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You have to realise that God had only six days to make everything, and he was working flat out, (He didn't rest til the seventh day)- He made man on the sicth day, and you know as well as I do, that if you've been working flat out for six days non stop, you're not going to be at your best.

    On Sunday Morning he made Heaven, which was pretty good by all accounts, but by Wednesday ( when He made the Stars etc ) he was flagging a bit (Look at the orbit of Pluto and what was He thinking when he made that pair of galaxies that look a bit like a scrotum?)

    There's your answer- the poor Sod was very tired, which is why our bodies don't work properly, and quite a few of the sticky-out bits seem to have been added as an afterthought.

    Apparently, when He makes Universe II, He's going to job-share with his Son and the Holy Ghost, so we ought to get a better built universe.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well God created man to never die then man went ahead and committed a sin and death began. Just like The Bible says Adam could have gone forever without getting sick before he sinned but after that death began.

    However if we evolved from one celled organisms then why do we get sick and die? There are turtles that live for hundreds of years why did then we become people that cannot live past 120 years?? God created us thats why if we evolved we would have kept those longer lifespans. Also in the Bible God declares that no human can live past 120 years old and we are the only creatures on the planet with such a perfect lifespan that cannot be passed. There are dogs that lived 30 years instead of there average 10 but yet no human ever past 120 years. If one person even made it to 121 then we could say the Bible was wrong but it will never ever happen.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is an Elementary question. Every educated atheist knows the Christian response. God did not create us like this. It was only after the fall that sin came into the world and destroyed that perfect thing God had created. If you would have attempted to have read the bible and find the truth out for yourself you would have known and read that God said " and it was Good". IF it had not been perfect, an all knowing and great God would have not called it so. You only see the results of Gods wrath, which you will see again and you say " See God cant be perfect or even exist because he did not create perfect beings " this logic is silly, who said God has to create perfect beings anyway? so what..whats your point? Stop with your silly reasonings and bow down before the Lord of hosts.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well first of all this is only the spiritual development plane of existence, not the permanent plane of existence. So keep in mind:

    He absolutely does NOT need us, He just loves us. If you were God and had all the power He possesses and were all by yourself wouldn't that get old after a few trillion years? But He certainly does not want a whole world full of satans running around His Holy Dwelling turning it into another planet of the apes either. So that is why we are here to grow spiritually and go the extra mile to keep peace, you know trillions x trillions x trillions x zillions plus years is an awful long time for a bunch of beings to be around eachother. The only way for Heaven to remain Heaven for any length of time is for every being to be going the extra mile to keep peace.

    Take care

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  • Skatta
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I don't believe in God for other reasons but this isn't a strong argument against his non-existance.

    A-God is all powerful.

    B-God is all good.

    C- God is everywhere.

    D-God made man in his image.

    in order for A and B to be possible God If a and b are tru then god is not bound by time. in other words 100 centuries or one millisecond is the same thing for him.

    If god created man in his own image and god is all good then he created man with the intention of making him all good.

    In order for a being to be all good, they must be capable of evil.

    Therefore it could be possible that we are in the production phase. god created a scenario where man will fail and hurt himself and do evil things until one day he learns how to be all good. when that day comes, the masterpiece called man will be complete.

    the human body compared to planets is nowhere near crap. planets are just inanimate mixtures of elements, I would say galaxies too but they might included lots of life on the planets and i don't know if you count that when you're saying galaxies. human beings think and have complex moving parts and sense and reproduce.

  • 1 decade ago

    its a good point raised by many people. take the eye for example, lots of people say that it is too complicated to be random occurance. it seems designed. what a load of BS. the eye is a crap design, and so is most of the human body. it is the way it is because of adaptation to randomness, some things are still in the body which have no use, other things are yet to be adapted to. but the world is changing so nothing will ever achieve perfection.

    Edit: in response to some people's answers i must say that what they seem to be saying is that the body is amazing despite what u say, or that the flaws are punishments for sins. are they saying that this "amazing" body has the ability to go mental, succum to disease, kill, manipulate, and act more like a virus than an organism, but yet is still amazing.


    that if nobody had ever sinned, we would have a better design for the eye, or the brain or the heart. all of which are currently well below perfect standards, and i could probably design better organs than some of them in our bodies. this is due to sin eh? right? if they say so.

  • 1 decade ago

    you try to understand the complexity of your dna, such amazing design doesn't just come from nothing. We have disease and flaws in our flesh because of sin, God even caused us to eventually die, sin brought forth all these flaws, read the book of genesis, God has answers for those who seek him.

    sometimes our very imperfections are the things God uses to show us his great power, If we didn't have any problems, how then could God work in our lifes? why would we need God? theres a plan a purpose. the world and life is all together far to perfect to be the cause of pure increditable accidents..

  • 1 decade ago

    There is nothing in this world that is perfect. Everything has a flaw. flaw might be a bad thing but it might also be a good, like when your trying to fight something, wouldnt you be happy about the fact that you can use its flaw to advantage. And besides... if humans were perfect in every way, then we wouldnt exactly be human, we would more be like...well....god

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He didn't. He designed humans perfect, I mean, in comparison with humans today. But humans degenerated. But this is a natural process. The celestial bodies also degenerate. They only take longer. Haven't you heard of super Nova going dead into a black hole? There you go. That's Creation through Evolution.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If any argument for the existence of God was completely fool- proof, there would be no point in living. We would all believe and there would not be any free choice, so we would not have any urge to commit transgressions, as God's presence would be obvious to us at all times. The religious person believes that life is all about overcoming moral challenges, if these challenges were to evaporate, life itself would lose meaning.

    There are many great arguments for God's existence. When each one is analyzed with depth though, cracks do appear. You have eloquently illustrated this with your query. If God's existence is ever "proven", He would cease to have purpose for His Creation. Just one point of view.

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