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Isn't life in the USA going to be wonderful once we chase all the evil Corporations out of this country?

Then we can all just work the land for food like all the other third world countries. Of course we cannot hunt much because all the endangered species.


Trollbuster, I am glad. It went right over Davion's head. Mabe he did not read the details.

Update 2:

Trollbuster, I am glad. It went right over Davion's head. Maybe he did not read the details.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Funny. If like without corporations is better, how come you're still here?

    Your internet provider is a corporation. Yahoo is a corporation. The car you drive, your gas, your heat and electricity come from corporations. Corporations aren't evil, only the evil people that run them are.

    Without corporations, we'd scratch to survive. Life would be short and miserable. We get a high variety of goods at inexpensives prices with corporations.

    Hooray for capitalism!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We cannot say that corporations are evil, if we do then we don't know what are we talking about. We need corporations, they give us jobs and with this jobs we take care of our families. The problem is when this corporation start buying our government representative which we elect to protect us and defend us, that's where the problem exist. When our government sell their soul to the corporations,..

  • 1 decade ago

    Stop the stupidities! Corporations--and the way they need to be operated in order to be a successful corporation--ARE evil. We don't need them, the world was fine and still turning before they were invented. Humans were able to provide for their families without them, until they came around and took over our food, water, and soon to be, air.

    We are using internet and other advanced gadgets (as someone stated) not because they are great but because it is what we are given. If we don't use them, you wouldn't listen. I was fine with just paper and pen.

    Corporations are evil but we will not let go.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They are becoming multi national. With globalism comes instant communication and a real lack of personal freedom.

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  • andy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It will make the liberals really happy that they do not have any water to drink or anyone to do anything for them. It would be a perfect society where we all starve to death.

  • 1 decade ago

    I can't wait for the Marxist Revolution!

    Overthrow the bourgeois social order!

    Source(s): HA! Just kidding! Apparently sarcasm is lost on some people.
  • 1 decade ago

    Corporations can't be evil. That is a human trait!

  • 1 decade ago


    I appreciated your sarcasm... :)

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