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Is the world stupid enough to elect another Clinton?

Did we not learn our lesson from the Bush's?

Neither Bush was good for this country or our children.

So what makes you think that this Clinton is any different then her spouse?

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Is the world stupid enough? Yes.

    What makes this Clinton different? Nothing.

    I've been told not to hang the dastardly deeds of her husband on her neck but I really haven't. She acted as apologist and was as up to her neck in scandal as he was. What people remember is the economy was clicking along. They forget the other stuff. I've heard often that Hillary has a handle on foreign policy because of her experience as First Lady. Clinton Foreign Policy:

    --- The USS COLE

    --- Somolia/Kosovo

    --- Ruwanda


    ----The first World Trade Center bombing

    ----The Oklahoma City Bombing which has been said to have been Al Queda funded.

    ----The bombing of the American Embassy in Nigeria

    Yup, the Clintons had a handle on things. Coupled with all the other scandals, it was a very eventful administration.

    I believe that lovely 50% tax on your overtime pay was a Clinton "perk" He passed some pretty hefty tax increases overall. The only thing that masked the Feds raping you blind, was that the mutual funds didn't lose money. Since the President has so little impact on the economy overall, all his fans think he was so great because he was just darn lucky and he played a smooth Sax.

    Hillary is trying to have her cake and eat it too. When questioned for her part in the crookedness, she couldn't recall anything. Now, what she does seem to remember, she calls experience. What a liar.

    Bring on the thumbs down Clinton fans. I'm Libertarian. We don't like them kind.

  • 5 years ago

    Remember the ROMANS> Owned everything now GONE Well McCain stands the best chance, because the REPUBLICANS, work together, they work as a team. They realize there differences, but once there was a leader, they all backed off and worked towards a common goal of winning as a group. The DEMOCRATS, got stupid, and both I think had a chance ( Hilary and Obama ) but since they keep putting bad press on each other, all you hear is negative things from there campaigns. So you are left with the choice of a republican and all that comes with that, or two people who have made themselves out to be evil and even worse. Plus McCain being an Ex POW, pulls on the heartstrings of the masses in America. We don't war, but we like WAR heroes Personally I think it is all a scam. You get to VOTE, but they pick the two choices. Doesn’t seem really fair.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The world doesn't vote in this election. Only the U.S.

    Considering that the economy was absolutely booming under Bill Clinton and we were at peace, I'd say it would be great if she were no different from her spouse.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The United States doesn't answer to the world. If you mean is the US stupid enough to elect another Clinton, I can't answer that because who someone votes for is not an accurate assessment tool for intelligence.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Hey it took a Clinton to clean up after the first Bush, so I think it will take another Clinton to clean up after the second Bush.....

  • 1 decade ago

    The world does not elect the President of the United States...who's stupid?

  • 1 decade ago

    The reason we experienced peace while Clinton was president was because he did not have the guts to go to war. Everyone conveniently forgets that the original attack on the World Trade Center Towers took place when Clinton was in office. Because his administration failed to deal with it effectively they had time to plan an attack that would finally bring the towers down. If they would of had their way thousands more would have died that day. The towers could of held around 50,000 people. To see the Clintons back in office would be a nightmare.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ok this is how it goes Bill Clinton was a good President everyone knows that .... he got impeached based on his character not the President he was ...dont be stupid and compare him to Bush in any way ... use your brain if you have 1..What makes you think Hillary wont make a good President she will do right for this country shes a fighter and will fight for americans rights.... she was born and raised here and loves this country i trust her what i dont trust are people like you who voted in bush not once but twice.... so think about what you say before you say it...... HILLARY CLINTON THE PEOPLES CHOICE....This message was Approved by HILLARY CLINTON .......

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The "world" cannot vote in a US election...but Americans have shown how stupid they are by voting for Bush.

  • Esther
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Relax, she will never become President, we will not allow it. No, we are not that crazy. Clinton was not a good president. He did nothing to capture Bin Laden when he had the chance, 14 chances and he did nothing. 911 happened because he did nothing.

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