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My 12 yr. old signed up for myspace and lied about her age. This is the second time I caught her.?

I got a call from a family member in another state to let me know that she had found it! I guess it has pictures and everything! I am freaking out because she lied and it is not safe. What should I do? Okay, I know confront her with the page up. Also, grounding is a definate, along with no computer privlidges. But, I am wanting to just take everything away! And for a long time, I mean long, months. I don't want to go overboard though. Some thoughts would be appreciated! Remember this isn't the first time!

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'd say the best thing to do is have myspace blocked from your computer at home.

  • Mary
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    As you know, your daughter could be in dangerous territory. Predators love places like Myspace because they often can get first names, a picture, hobbies, and schools just from a Myspace page. I am a teacher of children this age and they have shared some of their experiences on Myspace and it is scary stuff!!!!

    If this was my child, I would move the computer out of her room (if it is there) and put it in a public area (living room or some area where people are always around). If this is not possible, or won't work, I would download a pc spyware program where you can track EVERYTHING she is doing on the computer (emails, instant messages, myspace, etc.) without her knowing. This would only be for her protection. the last thing you want to say is "I wish I did more"

    I commend you for taking this so seriously. I would ground her for 2 weeks for disobeying you and I would, like I said, remove the computer from her room. She may say she "hates you" now but she will love you for it later. Just hang in there.

    Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Definitely suspend computer privileges. A month? Two?

    When enough time has passed, restore them slowly. At first, no getting online. (Another month or two.) After some time, she can get online, but only with you in the room--and she has to work around your schedule, not the other way around. (For several months.)

    Many families who've had a child deliberately go behind a parent's back online move the computer to a common area and allow its use only when a parent is there. Try in view of the kitchen or near the TV. Angle the monitor so the screen is in plain sight. Others move it to the parents' bedroom, and install a keyed lock on the door. The child has only herself to blame for no computer access at all.

    Assuming you let her use it again, learn to research the computer's history, especially once she goes online again. See for yourself whether your daughter is using it in ways she is not allowed. Spell out in clear terms what will happen if you find she is--or that she's altering the history to hide what she's doing. (Suspend all computer use for a long, long time.)

    Make sure she understands that she has violated your trust and that it will take a very long time for her to rebuild it and establish herself as a responsible person who does not do what she is forbidden.

  • 1 decade ago

    Keep the lines of communication open. If YOU are comfortable with her having a page that is private, only accepting acess from her friends. Let her know that YOU will get into it. Not to read private messages but to make sure there is no perverts (for lack of a better word).

    If you aren't comfortable at all with her havign a page, block myspace & facebook from the computer.

    Password protect the entire computer and only allow her on when you are around.

    Let her know she may think it is "unfair" but she was dishonest and this is a consequence for that.

    Talk to her about internet dangers.

    Make sure you know her friends, and where she is going. She needs to know what to look out for on the internet...if she goes behind your back again and makes a page (at anotehr person's house).

    Good luck!

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  • 1 decade ago

    If she has a computer with internet in her bedroom, remove it immediately. At that age a computer should only be in a common place (kitchen, family room, etc) where you can be around to see what sites see is surfing. There are many programs around that can help you block what sites your kids can visit on the computer. Also, have a talk with her and explain that lying is unacceptable in your family. You might also want to explain that myspace is not appropriate (for anyone in my opinion) for someone of her age. This is one of those times where she will hate you now but thank you later.

  • 1 decade ago

    Myspace is NOT dangerous, if you know how to be safe.

    Make a myspace yourself, make sure that she's on your friends list and vice versa. Make sure you know her login email and password.

    That way, you can watch everything she does.

    Yes, she may have lied about her age, but is it really that bad? Tell her that she can only use it to talk to her school friends and family, no random people.

    Make her profile private, so people have to add her before they can see anything about her. Watch what she puts on there. No provocative pictures, don't say where she really lives, no phone numbers, etc.

    I know third graders with myspaces. Don't think of it as an enemy. Your child will just sneak around again and make another, but she'll continue getting smarter about sneaking around.

    You, as a parent, should trust her and not be so narrow-minded.

  • 1 decade ago

    Block Myspace from the computer. Also ground her from the computer for 1 or 2 months or as long as you need to until she learns responsibility.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you feel that you have absoultely no need for a computer in the house then take out the one that you have that way she cannot get online....if you need to have a computer in the house but want to confine her usage of the computer...then get a laptop that will allow you to be able to use the computer and allow her only to use it for homework research....but to make sure she doesnt use it for any other reason sit with her to be sure she doesnt go anywhere shes not allowed....If that is not enough then check out ways of blocking any and all websites that she may visit. You may want to also consider not allowing her a cell can get internet access on those as well.

  • 4Him
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I sympathize! I would think of this too, but she can get an account from ANY computer. I would have to say that you need to search google for stories of girls who were hurt by an internet predator. Then have a conversation about what you are doing to keep her safe. Let her know that experienced predators can find you by a school mascot name, a picture of you at your local park, and your name. Let her know that you appreciate her need to socialize and that you want to support her. But more and more people are getting hurt by predators, and by identitiy thieves and you don't want her to be one of them.

    Then you may possibly consider telling her that if she can earn back your trust, you may be willing to open an account with her, making it closed to everyone except her friends-with the knowledge that you have to have the password, and that she does not post pictures or personal information that could be used to find her. This also goes for messages that she leaves for anyone else, because their pages might not be protected from strangers.

  • 1 decade ago

    my daughter did the same thing, when she was 11. i got really angry i grounded her and put a password on the computer. My freind told be i should find something else she likes. i got her a webkinz and she thought it was a dumb idea at first, but now she loves them so much. i know some of my daughter freinds play on this other website, these sites are much safer.

  • 1 decade ago

    Firstly, I would end internet activity. Period. SEcondly, look up some articles or programs that show underage girls being victimized. Show her Dateline's To Catch a Predator. Show her what can happen. Unfortunatly, most 12 year olds don't understand that logic. So.....back to my first suggestion. No internet. I lived without internet as a teenager, so did can she.

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