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How do your cooking and eating habits as an independent adult differ from those of your childhood family?

What foods and ingredients do you cook and eat regularly or always have on hand now, but were never served in your family when you were a kid?

Also, what foods and ingredients have you eliminated from your diet, which instead your mother used to prepare and make you eat?

I mean out of choice, NOT due to non-availability or for health reasons (for instance, pesto didn’t exist in the U.S. when I was growing up in the 50s-60s, and a lot of American products aren’t available over here).

When I was growing up, my Mom never used, cooked, or served garlic, olive oil, cream cheese, yogurt, honey, lentils, artichokes, eggplant (aubergine), chickpeas (garbanzo beans), anchovy paste, coarse salt, rosemary, basil, sage, curry spices, or hot red pepper (peperoncino). My kitchen, on the other hand, is never without them.

Things I have never cooked (and probably never will) include turnips, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage (except for raw, in slaws and salads), sweet potatoes, cooked carrots, and a number of meats – all things my Mom cooked fairly often. Only in the past few years have I found a couple of recipes that enable me to eat broccoli, something else that used to be on my “hate” list.

What about you?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    foods in my childhood were not as internationalized as they are today. my mom, being a city girl, only knew how to heat up foods that came in a can. We never ate fresh vegetables when I was a kid, so now I can't get enough of them. There also were not many restaurants when I was a kid and I can't get enough of them either. I married a man from the middle east and I cook everything my mama never knew! Spices, olive oil, rice. My mom never even used salt and pepper.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is not worth the effort But I will add

    IN the 40's & 50's mom only had about a $400 /mo. budget for the house food included..I think we eat well but often we had Like SOS,, lots of pasta,, rice,, or mashed potatoes,, then casaroles with potato dumplings goulash at least monthly there was a roast or leg of lamb

    Nothing has changed much since

    Like you some foods just were not popular or even in the markets... I never heard of an artichoke or brussel sprouts until the 70'sthat is also when Pizza came on the sceane

    Now today artichokes are $2.99 each,, I can buy a small steak for that,, so I am begining to cook like mom Cheep!

    Sorry 'check spelling' is not working here,,.

    Another tribute to Yahoo programers..

    xgrapkrtrp stupid application...

  • 1 decade ago

    I eat a lot less kid growing up every meal was either steak or some sort of a days as an adult I eat very little meat...I tend to eat my vegetables raw where as a kid they were always well cooked...I eat many more salads as a main course as a kid they were a side dish...only thing about the same is the amount of pasta (mother was Italian).

  • 5 years ago

    I've been reading comic books since I was about 10... I've gone through period were I have stopped buying them due to either money reasons or living in an area without a comic shop. However, I now buy more than I did when I was younger! It is mostly Marvel stuff, some DC and a handful of smaller publishers.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its interesting I think that today's Supermarkets and the immigrations issue effect our diet. In supermarkets in the UK you'll find food from every corner of the world. Yet most of it is uniformly bland!

    So we get a superchoice of blandness! With the immigrants coming in, they have their own food shops which are very different.

    My parents are very traditional in their eating habits but changed when my Mother become Diabetic. Yes they still have a proper Roast on a Sunday. Yes Monday is their left over from Sunday day! and of course Friday is fish day.

    My father is a tradional "I'll fry it" man. But he doesn't get the chance. Because they started travelling in their 60's they are more open to the world's food. Myself I'll eat anything and \i love proper sushi (hated the idea when I was a boy!)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My family tends to cook with a lot of butter and oil and when i was a kid i had to eat what was served. Now that i'm an adult I tend to bake ,broil,or steam food rather than fry . I was not exposed to a different variety of vegetables so now I try different types of vegetables and beans and whole grains. I try to find recipes that incorporate foods that i would like to try.

  • 1 decade ago

    when i was growing up

    my mom and dad cooked. so i cook alot

    of old country food.

    my children grew up with

    my folks tradition.

    my daughterinlaws, have

    my recipies.

    its great.

    but i believe we accure a taste for food, we are

    used to from childhood.

    for instance if your mom

    cooked oatmeal for you.

    you would eat that and give your kids and family.

    we are introduced by



  • 1 decade ago

    when i 1st got out on my own i was a junk food lover because we where not allowed to have in our home as children but when i started having my own kids i seen why my mom did us that way so now i cook healthly meals for my husband and kids plus when i was eating out all the time and snacking on unhealthy foods my waistline expanded and now i am paying for it lol

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