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Making backup copies of DVD's on a Mac?

I'm looking to make backup copies of my DVD's. I will be using my Macbook. I know that there's a few different apps out there (Mac the Ripper, Toast, etc.), but I've never used any of them before.

Could someone please let me know the one they most recommend and/or have had the best experiences with, or the most popular one among users?

I'd prefer a free program, but am willing to pay if I have to :)

Thanks a lot!

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Handbrake. I use it all the time

    Rip them to h.264

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I always use this dvd ripper for mac to make copy of dvd on Mac, my friends recommend it to me, it's not free, but it works really nice for me, I think it well worth the money, you may download it for a try

    If you still have problem, feel free to contact me.

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