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wizbangs asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

40 Below in Minnesota? Where's Al Gore?

We can't get away from Mr. Global Warming in the middle of the summer, but it's funny how he disappears when winter bites down.

22 Answers

  • J S
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Think about it... how much would the one degree of warming so far affect Minnesota's winter temperatures of 40 below?

    A few days or months of weather, in one location, say nothing about long term global climate trends, do they?

    You're asking about weather (local, short term variations), not climate, long term trends that determine what survives in your local ecosystem (including continued availability of the food that you eat).

    As for short term weather trends, as noted by NASA, NOAA, etc., Northern Hemisphere temperatures are temporarily being affected by a strong La Nina cooling cycle:

    The El Nino / La Nina cycles do temporarily overpower and mask the underlying gradual warming trend, but they do nothing to stop it or provide evidence against it.

    Al bugs me too, but he is less than irrelevant.

  • 1 decade ago

    He's busy polishing his Nobel Peace Prize and counting all the money he's made with this silly hoax.

    The "man-made global warming" hoax is just another way of tugging at people's heart strings to get them to give in to government socialist control by making them feel guilty about "polluting" the environment. There's really no definite scientific proof of any of their claims. It's easiest for them to just claim that there's a consensus because they don't like when someone questions or debates these issues.

    We all care about the environment and animals and nature, so the environmental movement was the perfect vehicle for these socialists to use to further their own agenda. An agenda to cripple capitalism and the economy so the people will give in to their control. It's despicable, but it may actually be working. The politicians are all falling in line because they like the power it gives them.

  • 1 decade ago

    He's in Mexico City where they just had an earthquake. He's looking for the global warming sign there

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hey Al Gore did win a peace prize for making a slide show.

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  • Bob
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Global warming is not a blowtorch that eliminates winter. It's a small but steady increase in AVERAGE temperature that will cause great damage if we do nothing.

    For a short time, in some places, winter weather can overcome global warming. But, long run, over the whole Earth, the AVERAGE temperature is increasing. NASA data:

    We need to do something about that.

  • 1 decade ago

    on his giant private jet that uses more gas in a trip than your car will in a year.

    FYI some global warming advocates beleave that global warming causes the extream cold

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He probably ran to South America where it's summer so he can tell his lies there until it is summer here again.

  • 1 decade ago

    This disproves global warming.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There earth is warming, but not man made. Al Gore is full of it, along with the rest of the extremists.


  • guria
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    the global warming is proved not for isolated temperatures, but for a media from the temperatures all over the globe.

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