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What should I do or how do I handle this?

Okay this is the deal I just got out of a relationship about a month ago that i was in for like 2 years (a little over) but I met this guy (well I had known him for like 3 years but just never knew him outside of work)He was a cop and came into where I worked for reports and stuff.Well anyway he asked me out and so I went and we got along great day he had asked me to come over but I already had plans to go out with the girls(which I hadnt done in those 2 yrs I was involved)so I told him I couldnt until the following day.He made the comment well ifyou dont you're gonna see a side of me you're not gonna like.It kinda freaked me out.I told him to leave me alone.Hes apologized and gives me the sad story and all but I still cant help but feel like this was a threat.Now he's trying to say I probably hooked up with my ex which I did not do and he knows that.Anyway what should I do?He's been so nice since we started talkin other than this.I just felt uncomfortable.Am I overreacting


He had made a similar comment earlier but Ive always been upfront about takin everything really slow cause im still hurt(my boyfriend cheated numerous times-3 that his friends told me about)anyway he just kept tellin me hes always had a crush but he's kinda pushy too.He already told me he loved me and asked if things did progress if I would let him adopt my kid.I told him it was too fast but he just keeps going.He sent me roses today and I feel bad cause I didnt even want them with them a card that said ....Happy Valentines Day dont give up on me...what should I do?

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    run away, if hes pushy in dating he will be in other aspects, kindof goes with the whole police thing, (no im not saying all are this way, but it does go with the job)

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