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I am a single mother that got the best gift anyone could ever receive thru a little boy named Cody.Hes wonderful,kind,and my saving grace.I am in love with everything about this little man that I have been entrusted with raising.Hes wonderful how I ever got so lucky I will never know.Im 32 and hes 13 you do the math.I have less time with him at home then Ive had with him now.I will miss him when he grows up BUT know he will do great things in this world.other than being a mom I am a friend,a daughter,a sister,a horse lover,and most of all a good hearted person.People mistake my good heart for weakness but they just dont realize everytime they do something for me to put them out of my life they only make room for someone wonderful to enter in.Im a giver not a taker.I dont take anything or anyone for granted.Life is too short.

  • how do I delete my recent recipients list from my text on my gravity 2?

    I cant figure out how to delete the recent recipients list from my gravity 2 does anyone know?

    2 AnswersNotices and Errors1 decade ago
  • I have a video for facebook?

    I have a video that I want to put on facebook but it says its too large of a file.Is there any way to load it smaller?

    4 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • My sons phone is messed up?

    My son got a prepaid tmobile phone from walmart its a nokia 1661-2b.He went to turn it on this morning and it says enter your security code but he didnt ever put one in.Does anyone know what to do to get it off the phone...anyone know the code to put in?

    1 AnswerPassword and Sign In1 decade ago
  • I have a riding mower question.Troybilt -pony!?

    I cant figure out how to get it to move backwards with engine off.I know on the john deeres they have a latch thing you can pull that will release back tires and allow them to move.Does anyone know how to get the pony to go backwards without having to have engine on?

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • child support question for NJ any help will be appreciated.?

    I have a friend named Heather that needs your help.We live here in SC but her new husband has a child in NJ.The mother has sent many emails and said on phone that the child is not his but he feels as though the child is.He does not in any way contest support payment.The problem is his payment is set at 1026.00 a month which is A LOT!! My question to you because Heather dont know what to do about this is this a right amount.I mean he makes roughly 19,000 to 20000 a year.Can they get this recalculated.They just got married in april 2009 and they are too expecting a child of their own.I am writing for Heather.She is so stressed and has been through so much in her short beautiful life.(cancer,loss of family) Im worried about what the stress will do to her, the baby and their new family.She has the biggest heart and use to smile all the time now shes so stressed.Its hard to make this amount each month and live.How can they get it recalculated so that the amount is correct and can he ask to see the child.The child is 4 and he only seen it when it was small.He wants to do whats right and they have to be able to live too.Any help would be very appreciated.Thank you.They were never married him and his childs mother.He does want to help he just dont know how it got set so high and what he needs to do to lower it.

    1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • How do I let him know that its just toooo much?

    Ok let me start out with I dont like to hurt anyone...ever.I started talkin to this guy and he just dont let up.I told him from the start that I didnt wanna be in a relationship and that we could friends but he just pushes and pushes.He does thinks like mows my yard and sends me flowers and asks me 8000 questions like hey will you go meet my mom or hey can I bring my kids over to meet you and okay you're thinkin wow why are you fussin right?Well because I dont use people and Ive tried tellin him hey this is just a friendship but then he acts like I just shot his puppy in front of him.I dont wanna hurt him but he texts and calls alllll day and then he wants to stop by everyday and if I was in a place to have a relationship this would be great but I just got out of a 4 year (not so good one) and I need to get me better first.I just feel like I cant breathe without him or Im gonna hurt his feelings.HELP!He says he's not pushing but I feel like thats all he does and it bothers me.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I need your help plz?

    Okay what in the world?

    Okay.I met a guy when he would come into work.Hes nice and cute and we instantly had a connection.He's a single dad.I'm a single mother but he is so hard to read.Hes like wishy washy.Ya see he will make comments like this girl at work seen him and said oh he's cute and I was like oh no back off him I like him and he said well why didnt you just tell her I was your man but then later when we meet up he talks about how he likes being single and not being anyones man.I dont get it.Or he will ask me to spend all this time with him and when I get there I can tell he wants to be near me but then he finds reasons why I or he has to leave.Is he just scared or do you think he plays head games.??He says that he likes me and enjoys spending time he just gets scared cause he dont wanna get false hope or give it.He says hes scared of one of us getting hurt??Guys what do you think?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Okay what in the world?

    Okay.I met a guy when he would come into work.Hes nice and cute and we instantly had a connection.He's a single dad.I'm a single mother but he is so hard to read.Hes like wishy washy.Ya see he will make comments like this girl at work seen him and said oh he's cute and I was like oh no back off him I like him and he said well why didnt you just tell her I was your man but then later when we meet up he talks about how he likes being single and not being anyones man.I dont get it.Or he will ask me to spend all this time with him and when I get there I can tell he wants to be near me but then he finds reasons why I or he has to leave.Is he just scared or do you think he plays head games.??

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I have a 2003 dodge neon.I have a gas smell coming from exhaust.?

    It has been using a lot of gas and a friend said you can smell raw gas from the exhaust.What could this be?

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know the difference in eheat and heat on a carrier thermostat?

    It also did say filter now it dont should I hit the reset filter button?Does that just let me know it needs changed??

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • what kind of bag is a carry on what Im askin is like a gym bag will it work?

    I have like a gym bag you know with the long strap and the two smaller ones its not huge but its what I travel in do you think it would work?Or would I have to check it ...Ive never flown before sorry.

    1 AnswerPacking & Preparation1 decade ago
  • why cant I log out of messenger on my blackberry curve?

    I dont know how to log out It always says im on how do I do that?Anyone know?

    2 AnswersPreferences and Settings1 decade ago
  • Im thinkin of purchasing a dell inspiron 1526?

    Does anyone have a review on it?I also was wondering what you have to do to get wireless do you have to have a card or like at the coffee shops can you get on their wireless without one?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • New country song??HELP?

    I dont have much on it...I know at the end it says something about as you lay there Im afraid I will lose you.I know not much help its real pretty.Talks about not wanting to face the world alone

    3 AnswersCountry1 decade ago
  • Ok me and my ex has a house together what will happen to it?

    He passed away with no will.I have one son with him that is 13 and he has two grown children that are 25 and 27.He never(not even once) paid child support.The house is in both my name and his.His children dont want to see the house sold because his daughter wants to live in it(its paid for)Its in NC I live in Sc.WIll the house have to be sold or what she says she will fight for it not to be sold but that she will not buy my half out but instead she wants me to sign our(mine and my sons part) over and if she ever sells the house she will then give him half of what it sells for.My problem is shes not very mature and sometimes makes stupid choices.What if there is no half if I do that and my son gets screwed over again.This would help us alot.Hes 13 Ive raised him on my own.This could be our better future where they have had a free ride for a long time.Am I being selfish?

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Where can I find this?

    Its a poem about apples and how the good apples are on top and guys are afraid to climb cause they may get hurt.So they take the rotten easy apples from the bottom but that there is that guy that will climb all the way to the top to pick that good apple?I would love to find that poem and have it framed for a wonderful friend of mine.

    1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • What should I do or how do I handle this?

    Okay this is the deal I just got out of a relationship about a month ago that i was in for like 2 years (a little over) but I met this guy (well I had known him for like 3 years but just never knew him outside of work)He was a cop and came into where I worked for reports and stuff.Well anyway he asked me out and so I went and we got along great day he had asked me to come over but I already had plans to go out with the girls(which I hadnt done in those 2 yrs I was involved)so I told him I couldnt until the following day.He made the comment well ifyou dont you're gonna see a side of me you're not gonna like.It kinda freaked me out.I told him to leave me alone.Hes apologized and gives me the sad story and all but I still cant help but feel like this was a threat.Now he's trying to say I probably hooked up with my ex which I did not do and he knows that.Anyway what should I do?He's been so nice since we started talkin other than this.I just felt uncomfortable.Am I overreacting

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Okay my question to you and only if you want to answer no rude a$$ comments please!?

    Im trying to get onto elf yourself and a blue screen comes up but thats it you know if maybe I need to install something or what do I need to do?Any suggestions??

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • In a traditional wedding who found the preacher?

    My friend wants a lady to marry her and her fiance but he wants a man.She says in a traditional wedding the bride finds the preacher...has anyone ever heard this?She says its okay even though he dont want it cause its her choice traditionally.

    7 AnswersWeddings1 decade ago
  • yahoo email help please!?

    My sons football team won last night 42-0 last game of the season and he ran the ball so....this being his first year and me being a proud mother I want to send an email letting everyone know.Well I want to do one with his pic already on it beside of this....When she was born she loved to be next to her moms heart so she could hear it beat that made her spoiled Then growing up she loved being next to her siblings that made her a pest When she wanted to be a wife she loved the idea of it being forever that made her an ex but when she was lonely and asked God to fill the whole in her heart she loved his answer cause that made her a mother.....Congratulations Cody.We are so proud of you!!!!So let me know how to paste it there if you know I appreciate it!!!!!!

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago