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I have a 2003 dodge neon.I have a gas smell coming from exhaust.?

It has been using a lot of gas and a friend said you can smell raw gas from the exhaust.What could this be?


I think the motor sounds a little rougher but when the guys at work listened they said the engine was running smoothe so I dont know.Thanks for all the suggestions I was told it could be the idle air control valve.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Is your enginge running rough? There are many factors that cause a rich condition: Injector stuck open, spark plug not firing, catalytic converter not burning the excessive fuel (Hydrocarbons), improper engine timing, fuel pressure regulator that has caused excessive pressure to be fed to the injectors or the regulator has a hole in it allowing fuel to sucked in through the vacuum line.... Sorry, I can't pinpoint it for you. Feel free to give more info if you have any; I'll be on for a while longer.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's possible that you might not be firing on all cylinders if there is kinda of a lawn mower sounding exhaust. Also your fuel injectors could be dirty.

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