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what is my style?

im in 8th grade(13 yrs old)....if that even matters.

i am very dedicated to obsessed with high-fashion mags. uhh....

☼my makeup-on casual days i wear colorful eyeliner(dark blue, teal, purple, sage), or brown. lotsa mascara.

and when im in the mood to be "more fashionable" i'll wear my laura mercier lip stain in red.

☼my clothing-i love vintage tee's, skinny jeans, highwasted jeans, oxfords, boots, flats(i dispize tennisshoes), berets, fedora's, wayfarer raybans, headwraps, ruffled tops, wideleg jeans, colored jeans, casaul daydresses, layered necklaces(usually they have gold chians, like the kind at forever21), shirt dresses cinched w/ belt, leather jackets, black or red nails, vests.


but im just confused on what 2 call my "style"...



ok, iviebell-what? are you CRAZY!? get a life, 13 yr olds dont play with barbies. hon.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    vintage, boho, unique.

    i actually reeeeally like a lot

    of the outfits you made, usually

    when people use polyvore the

    outfits turn out to be hollister

    track pants and abercrombie

    logo tees and leather flip


    you sound pretty daring?

    not a lot of eighth graders wear

    lip stain or colorful eyeliner, lol.


    when it comes to clothing,

    here are things i love (own

    and not):

    cinch belts


    chunky necklaces

    skinny jeans

    metallic leggings


    bright windbreakers

    slouchy berets

    leather boots


    yeah, some things on your list

    i LOVE (oxfords, berets, skinny

    jeans, etc) and some i wouldn't

    wear in a million years (fedoras,

    wideleg jeans, vests, black nails)

    maybe your style is even a little

    "rock and roll glam"?


  • 1 decade ago

    The shoes are really ugly! Sorry, but they are a little too granny style for me.

    I would call your style "Mid-50's Vintage" with "A dash of 80's flair!"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your style is you. Its not like any other, I think. It is very cute and different. Don't change it, its not regualary you see a girl with their own style.

    Good Luck, Hope I helped.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Try this one, one of my favorite site.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    I WUD DEFINITELY CALL URS 'LA BLENDE'!!!!oh's got all kinda stuff.not my personal fav...doh i loooooooooooooooooooove d tops wid d shorts-SMART,CASUAL,CUTE,FASHIONABLE.n yea,u dress unique n confident......rok on gal!!!!(P.S:u've asked dis ques. lik how many times???i even got voted for my answer-best answer,by ya wen i did ans. dis q..(thanka!)(lol)REMEMBERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR????nike......................)

    Source(s): ma fashio instinct!!!!ROAR...................
  • 1 decade ago

    A bit trashy and too grown up for your age. Where are your Barbies? You should be dressing them up.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    You can buy from this site,

  • 1 decade ago


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