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Has anyone noticed Obama's website does not list gay issues?

We just had a President who tried to pass an ammendment to the US Constitution and Obama does not address our community, I went to Hillary's website and there is an entire page dedicated to our community. What gives?


Let me clarify, I mean under issues, he does have a LGBT section on his site.

Update 2:

Britt, it's under strengthening our democracy under her issues tab ...

Update 3:

Yes, quite aware Bill Clinton passed Dont Ask Dont Tell which was an important "First Step" in the process of equality in the armed forces. As someone who has lived/worked on base for several years overseas ... let me tell you that getting kicked out of the military is much better than going to jail for being gay which was the policy before Dont Ask Dont Tell ...

9 Answers

  • Don
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Obama keeps saying CHANGE (just like G.W. Bush did)...and, just like G.W., he doesn't give any real details. Watch and listen closely...and, you'll see what I'm saying...all bones...NO MEAT! Obama doesn't have a clue!

  • Kedar
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Frankly, I am thoroughly confused, or Senator Barack Obama is confused, or both of us are very confused.

    Anyhow, apparently Senator Obama opposes same-sex marriage, but also opposes a constitutional ban on gay marriage.

    According to Obama's campaign fact sheet on LGBT issues, he supports full civil unions that give same-sex couples equal legal rights and privileges as married couples, including the right to assist their loved ones in times of emergency as well as equal health insurance, employment benefits, and property and adoption rights.

    Barack Obama voted against the Federal Marriage Amendment, which failed by a vote of 49-48.

    Senator Obama believes we need to repeal the 'don’t ask, don’t tell' policy, stating that the key test for military service should be patriotism, a sense of duty, and a willingness to serve.

  • Obama's support may be disingenuous.

    Barack Obama pandered to anti-gay people by having Donnie McClurkin as one of his spokespersons (McClurkin says that he has vowed to battle "the curse of homosexuality" & publicly boasts that he's in "a war" against gays, and that the aim of his war is to "cure" them). Obama also refused to have his picture taken with San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom in 2004 due to Newsom's support of same sex marriage. Obama not wanting to have his picture taken with a straight person who supports same sex marriage & supporting someone who thinks homosexuality is a curse show that his actions do not match his words.


    Prior to 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' gay servicemembers were not only discharged but sometimes jailed and sentenced to hard labor as well as being asked to reimburse the military for the costs of their military training. The book "Conduct Unbecoming" by Randy Shilts highlights how much worse the military was prior to DADT.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    can you give me the link to hillary's gay website?

    and yes, its shocking when future presidents ignore or blatantly state that they don't give two nickles about homosexuality. basically, they don't understand. they are not compassionate and that's just another reason why NOT TO VOTE OBAMA IN '08!

    thank you for the link!

    i like her ideas,

    at least she's trying to make the world better!

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  • 1 decade ago

    That's essentially the area on his site where he addresses some gay issues, but if he's already addressed things like marriage, don't ask don't tell, civil unions, and adoption in person, does it matter if he puts it all on his website or not?

    He's not shady, I assure you, otherwise he wouldn't even have had an LGBT section under "people".

    Source(s): Hillary is far too power hungry for me to consider...and she's lied so many times in the past, is withholding first lady documents until after the election...I mean hello! Is that not shady? I don't believe a word that comes out of her mouth.
  • 1 decade ago

    Did you know that Hillary is married to the man that implemented the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy. Actions speak louder than words and while her husband was enforcing this policy she didn't say anything against her husbands actions. I would much rather have someone who doesn't voice an opinion running my country then someone who voices one opinion when she openly supported her husbands opposing decision less than 10 years ago. Someone with no opinion can gain one - for or against - during their term in office.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    senator obama is the worst possible choice the gay and lesbian population could ever make . you vote for him it will mean your voting away what the meager rights we do have today . pass the word tell your parents your freinds your aquatneces DO NOT VOTE FOR OBAMA !!! gaurenteed if you vote for obama it will be the worst vote you have cast in your lifetime .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama is probably a closet homophobe.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Did not know that ...thanx for the info...

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