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Mr. Nobody
Hi everyone, my name is Daniel. I am 22 years old and I am an AVID (AVID stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination) instructor at a Junior High School in Topeka, Kansas. I am very open to the studies of all religion and believe that this is one of the most important aspects of my personaltiy. Politically speaking I am liberal and a big supporter of the democratic party as well as Senator Barack Obama. I am an environmentalist and a great supporter of the constitution and bill of rights. I love being involved in community services, especially ones that involve wildlife conservative and recycling efforts. I love animals, reading, writing, and just plain having fun. You can find more information about me on myspace, the link to my profile is: Feel free to add me as a friend
Athiests : Do you think that Jesus of Nazareth ever existed?
I'm not asking if you think that he was divine, I'm asking if you think that he existed?
21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoDo you think that Jesus appeared to the American Indians, Asians, etc.?
My roommate is Mormon and he says that Jesus appeared to the American Indians during the 3 days between his execution and the discovery that his body had been resurrected. Are there any other cultures that mention Jesus appearing to them (before or after his death). I know that some scholars believe that he traveled to Asia and implemented some of the teachings that he learned there into Christianity. But are there any cultures that mention him that aren't mentioned in the Bible?
15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoAre there any Mormon sects that accept homosexuality?
My new boyfriend belongs to the LDS church. He is extremely religious and gay. Is there any Mormon sects that accept homosexuality? He really needs support.
13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoMy new boyfriend is Mormon and ...?
has recently come to accept that he is gay, however he feels guilty anytime that we are intimate. Once the act is done (for him not me) he rolls over and refuses to look or talk to me. Then he goes to the bathroom and cleanses himself for hours sometimes. Is there something that I can do to help him overcome his guilt? (He just lost his virginity to me last week, I think this may have something to do with it because he feels bad about having sex outside of marriage).
15 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoCancer/Capricorn Love Match (Gay) ...?
Does anyone know how compatible a Cancerian and Capricorn are in a gay relationship (two males)?We both are very much like our signs. What should we worry about in our relationship (i.e. communications)? What are the good qualities about us that will make our relationship work as well as the bad qualities that might make it not work?
7 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade agoMy aunt wrote this poem about the Undertaker, thoughts please?
Tribute to the Undertaker
By M.E.A
When the lights go out
we hear the silence
we know the Undertaker
is here with rage of violence.
In a cloud of smoke
He inters in black
He stares straight ahead
He does not look back
The lights come on
As he enters the ring
All his victims flinch
Knowing the pain he'll bring
The Last Ride they take
They'll lose their soul
Under the Tombstone
through Hell's Gate they'll go
The Undertaker
Fights for your soul
With a count of three
your fate has been told.
10 AnswersWrestling1 decade agoDo you think that the U.S. government hides information that could contribute to the medical field?
Such as research that shows that there is a cure to some fatal diseases?
2 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoMy boyfriend was brainwashed as a child with the stereotypical views about homosexuality ...?
and it is really starting to affect our relationship.
He was raised in a strict Lutheran household and holds strongly to his religious views (which I admire about him), but he still sees homosexuality as "wrong and sinful". He has even stated at times that he thinks that it is wrong for two men to be sexually intimate and is disgusted by the thought.
Because of this he doesn't know if he will ever be able to live a normal life with a homosexual partner. Sometimes I feel as if he is ashamed of me because he is ashamed of being homosexual.
In the past few months he has made strides, he has told a couple people (his parents and bestfriend) that he is gay, and has introduced me to a few acquaintances.
I don't want to leave him in this crucial time but I just feel as if our relationship is doomed due to his religious brainwashing and the fact that he says he doesn't know if he will ever be able to be completely open about his sexuality.
Advice anyone? Has anyone been in a similar relationship where it worked out?
I really do care about him deeply and wish it would work.
15 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoShould I be concerned about a comment like this ?
When my boyfriend was introducing me to his friends last week one of his friends said to me "you better not hurt him". To my shock my boyfriends response was "you guys should have Daniel's back because he is more likely to end up getting hurt than me"
8 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade ago3 years ago I met my current boyfriend and had a one night stand - it was the most passionate ...?
of my life. I'm not even talking about the sexual part - just the physical and emotional connection was amazing. We ended up not seeing each other for 3 years and now that we have gotten together again I have come to the realization that the passion he once had is not there. I thought maybe it was because he was tired but it is everytime - the sex is just boring. There is no passion or chemistry any more.
Has this ever happened to you before? It's not like our relationship went sour over the 3 year period - we didn't see each other in the entire 3 year period ... it is like his entire sexual persona changed in the 3 years. It is like having sex with a totally different person altogether. (Even the kisses are bland now).
(this is the only thing that has changed - he is still an awesome dancer, great conversationalist, etc.)
Any advice on how maybe I can spark that passion he had last time?
2 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoIf homosexuality is really caused by genetics doesn't that mean that our parents have the "gay gene" as?
well as us and that it is just lying dormant in them? And even more important, on a medical level if homosexuality can be explained by genetics wouldn't that make homosexuality a physical disorder (much like other disorders that are caused by genetics).
18 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoIs this normal behavior at a gay dance club?
I am from a smal town in Kansas and recently went to my first gay bar with my boyfriend and saw him dancing with many guys who were grinding and rubbing his chest. I'm not a jealous person but this just shocked me. Also - when I was going into the club the bouncer who was doing the "pat downs" groped me.
I'm not a prude but this was just shocking and I actually find the idea of 5 or 6 men grinding on my boyfriend to be disgusting and I find the idea of people grinding on me even more disgusting. IS this normal behavior in all gay clubs or are there any out there where I won't feel like I am being violated on the dance floor?
11 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoWould you marry someone for the benefits?
Me and my lover have known each other for 3 years although we have just been dating for a little over a month. He told me that he wants to marry me so that I can be covered under his benefits (I need some work done on my teeth).
We trust one another and would have been dating a long time ago if he wasn't here illegally at that time (now he has a visa), I am also deeply in love with him. I just think that our reason for marrying should not be the benefits and that, when asked, is why he says he wants to marry me. Thoughts?
7 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agoAre dentists, like doctors, required to perform emergency operations regardless of whether or not a patient ..?
is able to pay for the medical services at the time of the services being rendered?
2 AnswersDental1 decade agoIs it true that Selena Quintenella Perez was killed because of her sexuality?
I always thought that Selena was heterosexual because the only real knowledge I have of her is from her biographical film in which she is portrayed by JLO but my boyfriends mother say's that Selena was killed because of her sexuality (she was having an affair with Yolanda Saldivar). Is there any fact in this or is it completely fiction?
3 AnswersCelebrities1 decade agoParents of people from the age of 20-24 please answer ...?
2 years ago I finished my college degree and since then my career has been at a standstill. I kept in contact with my college advisor and he was able to get me a job but the job is in another state then where I was born and raised.
This is the oppurtunity that I have been waiting for and I plan on moving to Iowa next month. My problem is that while I have some money saved up I am about $250 - $300 shy of the amount of money that I need to successfully move and get my career on the ground.
I come from a very poor family and I know that my father has saved up a little bit of money. I feel really guilty but I have to ask my father for the loan. His wife is incredibly selfish but I don't think that she would stand in the way of my success (especially since if my career does start off like I expect I could pay them back within interest in just a couple months after I move).
Could you give me any advice on how I could approach my father to ask him for the loan. I don't want my father to feel like my future lies directly in his hands but without the loan I am afraid I cannot make the move - so metaphorically my future is in my fathers hands.
Would you loan your child this amount of money (I've never asked my father for more than $20 and have always paid him back)?
6 AnswersFamily1 decade agoLately I've been getting numerous emails from a soldier in the army ...?
only, I don't think he is really in the army - I think he is a scam artist.
Does reporting the email address as spam report the scam artist or is there someone that I should contact?
I know it is foolish but the person almost convinced me that he was a real American soldier and I almost sent him a check ... I have the address (which is a PO Box in New York), his "name", and his phone number.
4 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade agoIn your opinion, what was the most influential religious movement in history?
10 AnswersHistory1 decade agoIf you could get in a time machine and go back into history ...?
to meet one person or experience one thing what/who would it be?
Me personally, I would love to go back into time and dine with the 6 wives of Henry VIII just to form personal opinions about the woman. I would most like to meet Catherine of Aragon because she has always amazed me.
10 AnswersHistory1 decade ago