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Lv 7
Jim asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

Do diets really work?

Or is regular exercise a better way to lose weight?

19 Answers

  • gmirp
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    diets do not work! at least not if ur looking for a long haul solution!

    the key is "lifestyle change!" u can not expect to get results that are going to last if u don't change ur bad habits! eating right combined with exercise wt. training and cardio will bring about the results that we all need.

    strong, and healthy bodies

    see your dr. for a plan that would be best for you!

    and good luck!

  • Mike T
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago


    A diet that is stuck with will mean the body takes in less energy than it needs, and so will get the rest by burning fat stores.

    Regular exercise causes the body to burn fat stores for energy.

    Doing the 2 together is best, but exercise is the better option alone, as you not only lose weight but tone up and get fitter too. That doesn't happen if you just stick to a diet.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I heard once that weight loss is 75% diet, 25% exercise, so I have to think diet is most important. Of course there are hundreds of diet plans out there now, some more sensible than others, but the real challenge is to stick to the diet. In other words, diets do work, its our ability to stay on a diet that doesn't always work.

  • 1 decade ago

    You have to do both. Weight watchers has worked for me. I had around 40 pounds to lose after having my son. I've tried every diet in the book but I'm able to stay on WW because it's sensible. You can eat whatever you want as long you stay in your alloted food amount for the day. You should also do cardio for 20 to 30 mins a day. I have 8 pounds to reach my goal of 115 pounds.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They only work whilst you are on them. As I have discovered over many years of dieting. Yes, whilst on them I managed to lose weight, with some, more than others. But as soon as I stopped all the weight came back on again, plus more.

    So I came to the conclusion that in order to keep my weight off. I needed to change my lifestyle. 14 months ago that is just what I did. I managed to lose 48lbs in just over 5 months.

    I keep junk foods, alcohol, ready made meals you buy in the supermarket, takeaway foods to an absolute minimum. As these are full of refined sugar and high saturated fat. They add pounds to the waistline. I do eat chocolate, have glass of wine, a Chinese, or Indian takeaway. But only in MODERATION ONLY.

    I eat whole foods, which contain high amounts of fibre which keep me feeling fuller for longer.

    Drink plenty of water, snack on fresh fruit only (in between meals), cut my portion sizes down, stop eating when I feel full.

    But most importantly I exercise regularly. I attend a gym 4/5 times a week, along with jogging outside. Walk whenever I can, (instead of jumping in the car).

    But you will only lose weight if your burn more calories than you consume. To lose a pound, you have to burn, through exercise or life functions, about 3,500 calories. So you need to combine exercise with a healthy diet. Otherwise it doesn't work.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not on their own. It's 30% what you eat 70% what you do. Having an active lifestyle is far more important. worry les about what you are putting in your mouth and more about going for a walk, taking up a sport or generally being more physical. Tip - best way to lose weight buy a Nintendo Wii and play the sports game, do the physical challenges, it a god send for couch potatoes...

  • 1 decade ago

    Diets NEVER work. I unfortunately learned the hard way. yo-yo back & forth in weight, but once I started exercising , at 21 yrs old, till now..fabulous results, maintaining, keeping fit..

    Exercising is great, but Nutrition is key, only 20 % is exercising, 80% is all in nutrition.It took me yrs, to eat the way I do now, which is 6 small meals a day..we are sooo creatures of habit, in 3 sq .meals, which isnt heathy, for once you miss one meal, tendency to gorge ourselves-binge.

    I do not tlet me stomach get empty, grazing all day, so I cant eat big portions anymore, no soda(too much sugar & carbonation).Ask a nutriton near you or at fitness center.

    minimum 3-days at gym is good, I do 6 dys a wk..

    Good luck , keep it strong..

    Source(s): Certified in Nutrition, Women's Health & Fitness, Journal of Health & Fitness.
  • 1 decade ago

    Actually both are best. Losing weight is a lifestyle change, so you won't get very far if you go on a diet for a month and then go back to your old habits

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    It's the most basic thing in the world. Eat less fatty foods, exercise more and the weight comes off.

    Source(s): Lost 3 stone in 4 months due to cutting out all snacks and walking 45 mins a day
  • 1 decade ago

    regular exercise is the better way to go

    HELLO Jim, How are you doing

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