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Any Wife Swap fans out there?

I like watching Wife Swap and seeing how other people lead their lives, and how families run their households. For whatever reason, I find people in general very interesting.

Did anyone happen to see Wife Swap last night, Feb. 13th?

It was "Christian family" vs. "Christian Family". Watching this particular show really made me sick to my stomach, literally! Its amazing how 2 families, who both claim to follow Jesus Christ, can be so different. I'm a Christian too, but my gosh!!

What are your views? What other Wife Swap show have you enjoyed?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well the one Christian family was insane though. They just pulled things out of their butt and then used the Bible as an excuse to do it where-as the other family had the guy with the degree in it. At least when he said something about it he actually knew what he was talking about but I found the one family very disturbing how that women were only supposed to stay in the home and be "help-mates" to their husband and bear children. The one daughter wanted to go in the medical field and go to college but she was afraid to ever talk about it to her parents because that is rebellious.......I mean wow most parents pray their kids go and be a doctor and these parents were like thinking its bad. I also liked how they were all homeschooled, like ya you bet thats the only way you could ever have your children that brainwashed into thinking this is the only way of life to live.

    BTW. not against homeschooling, I myself was home-schooled but it was more self-taught through an institution that had instructors you could email and call on the phone for help. My mother had no agenda for keeping me at home and I went to public school for a number of years before deciding it wasnt for me.

  • 1 decade ago

    I've only seen the show two times. The two I watched made me so angry and upset, it was almost like having anxiety....LOL. The way the people acted really, really bothered me -- so I don't watch it anymore. The ones I saw were when a born again christian swapped with a family with a new age nature belief system; and the other one was where the strong leadership woman traded with the woman who's daughter was a "beauty queen." The man in the beauty queen one really pissed me off. And the born again christian woman bothered me with her religious spoutings and condemnations of hell for the new age family.

    That said, my friend absolutely loves the show! As do many of my family members. I just can't watch something that ends up making me angry by the time it's over (by the people's behavior). I know that may be stupid, but there it is.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't watch that show on a regular basis, but I did happen to catch that episode. I too was amazed at the differences in two families who are both strong Christians. It amazes me how different people can interpret the same religion and the same bible. I had a difficult time understanding the family that was so conservative in their ways, but most parents raise their kids to believe in what they value and those kids have similar values for that reason. I had to agree with Kim when she questioned what the Dad would do if his kids ever chose to think differently from his values. I got the impression he is not the type of Dad who would love his kids unconditionally. I think he loves them as long as they follow his rules. I think both families were very judgmental of the other families ways and I thought Christians were not supposed to judge.

    That show is interesting how families can be so different and how what is important to one family means nothing to another.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I find things like that guilty entertainment. I watched the one where they swapped a lesbian wife with a Christian wife and all hell broke loose. It seems that the religious always come off as looking like nuts, though most religious people would say that it's only the way they're portrayed in the media and they're being persecuted.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I like how in the end, everyone seems to learn something and their families are better for it! It's truly amazing how some people live and raise their kids! I missed the Christian episode, to bad it probably showed how bad people claiming to be Christian really are!

  • 1 decade ago

    I like Wifeswap sometimes. Sometimes I wish they would swap 2 normal families though instead of 2 families that live by extremes. I guess there would be no real drama there though, huh.

  • 4 years ago

    I didnt see it, i forgot :( yet I do undergo in ideas seeing an episode an prolonged time in the past (it would have been "tradeing spouses" the place there became a very christian woman and a verry wiccan woman. The Christian woman offered the kin bibles. She wouldnt even study the letter of issues the wiccan woman offered her kin, she ripped it up and blessed her domicile. That became way too severe. human beings like her ruin the Christian image.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree that these shows provide viewers insight to how other people live, and their beliefs. My favorite episode was the farming unclean family verses the wealthy uptight neatfreak family.

  • 1 decade ago

    I used to like that show, but it became so repetitive. In every episode their is always a spoiled wife who is treated like a princess and doesn't have to lift a finger and an overworked mom who doesn't get any time to herself.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What a waste of time. Read a book.

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