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to_sassy4_u asked in PetsFish · 1 decade ago

how to clear murkey water in fish tank?

without having to dump all the water. Is there something i can put in it to clear it up? It is a 2 gallon tank with air system and i have a male and female betta in it.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First you need to seperate those fish! Male and Female betta cannot be housed together! If you are trying to breed them they you need to reconsider! You obviously need to do a lot more reshearch on your fish before you even think about breeding! And if you're going to breed betta you bought at a petstore it's very irresponsible as you don't the age or history of the fish you have.

    Read this article:

    Second the murky water is probably just your tank cycling. Do a 50% water change just to be sure it's not something else, then let it be, don't add any chemicals, it's bad for your tank, just let it take it's course.

    Then you need to keep up with regular water changes, with those two fish in that small a space you need to do weekly 50% water changes.

  • 1 decade ago

    well first off bettas do not need a bubbler they have a labrith( can't spell it) organ that helps them Breath in shallow water which is where they live in the wild. That's why you'll see your betta come up for air. Second a male and female betta can't be housed together. At sometime on of them will attack the other resulting in a ripped up fin and diseaes. To get rid of the murky water do a 25% water change but since your tank is a small 1 you might as well drain the whole thing and clean it out. That's what. I do with my 7 one gallon betta tanks. You might also want to remove the female into a 10 gallon or something and you can even add some guppys with her! Good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    2 bettas in a 2 gallon tank isn't big enough. You'll never maintain water quality in that small of a tank and total cleaning and water changes would be the only solution. One betta should have a 5 gallon filtered heated tank.


  • 1 decade ago

    Its important to do regular water changes and to use your gravel vacuum to remove the muck, leftover food, and the poo your fish produce. In your situation, weekly changes of 1/2 a gallon should probably do the trick. 2 gallons is a fairly small volume, so it won't take you too long to do the required weekly maintenance, and you'll be seeing results in no time.

    If your tank is fairly new, its possible that your water is murky because of a bloom of the beneficial bacteria necessary for aquarium keeping. Its one of those things that happens a lot to new tanks, and it should clear up on its own.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Go to your local pet store and buy a water clearing product. It basically clumps debris together and clears the water. You might want to also clean your filter.

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