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Daughter going to the prom?

My daughter is 15 and although she is allowed to date as in going to a school event she has never been allowed to date and leave town. We live in a town of 3200 no movie no nothing. On the few occassions she has dated out of town then either I or the boys parents have taken them where they were going more to keep her out of a car with a teen than anything else. Well she was asked to the prom and our concern is it is at the banquet hall in another town 20 minutes away and the boy who asked has already had 2 speeding tickets and a few minor accidents. Her dad and I both said no as long as he was driving and understandable they dont want to be dropped at the prom by mommy. Our solution was to rent a limo for them but the boys parents got offended and said we dont trust their son, we trust him just not his driving. How can we resolve this.


She will be 16 by the time prom comes around in 6 weeks and she has always been a very reasponsible kid and she isn't the one upset over the limo his parents are the one throwing a fit.

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    As a mother of 18 & 16 yr old boys...get the limo! Did the parents actually say that to you, or is that what the boy told your daughter they said it? Does it really matter what the parents think of you either way? This is your daughter you are talking about, and you need to do what you feel is best. Teenage drivers are not experienced, and I am leary having my boys drive with their friends, and especially leary of having them drive a car full of kids--way too much distractions, and too much peer pressure to act cool and not drive safe. A limo is an awesome compromise, so if he doesn't agree to it...that is when I would get concerned about letting your daughter date him.

    BTW--don't trust any teenage boy with your daughter no matter how good of kids they are--hormones control their minds and bodies... I have heard and seen way to much about what goes on--and my son and his friends are all "good" kids--never in trouble, respectful, but very hormonal and still "kids" that are bound to make mistakes, just like we did.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most teenagers would jump at the chance to go to the prom in a limo (I know I would have when I was in high school). If both her and her date like the idea then I really don't see the problem. His parents will just have to get over it (they probably will if he says he is ok with it).

    Its really not safe to drive to the prom anyways. Most of the time there is a lot of extra parties after prom which include drinking, having sex, drugs etc. Neither you or his parents should want to take that risk on them getting in an accident IF they choose to be involved with these types of activities.

    I think you are doing the right thing - my prom was only 5 years ago and I know exactly what happens at the prom and after. I didn't do any of it but I sure did see alot of the kids in my class do it.

  • TX Mom
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    When my daughter went to the prom, they got a stretch limo for the evening. About 6 couples went together, and each took a picture of the two of them popping out of the sunroof of a beautiful black limo. They all went to the loveliest park with a stream and took picture after picture. NOBODY drove their own car unless Mom & Dad owned a Lexus or Mercedes. The limo was part of the luxury of the evening.

    Under no circumstances would I allow my daughter to get into a car at night with a kid who doesn't drive well. What if some alcohol is making its rounds at the party? That could be tragic. NO,NO,NO,NO,NO. You can't go to the prom unless limo, helicopter or responsible adult driver (over 25).

    Watch the after-prom activities!

    TX Mom

    My daughter is still alive after prom!! My son's prom is next year, and HE'S NOT DRIVING!!

  • SoBox
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Your daughter's safety is more important than the parents' feelings. I say rent the limo. It's all in how you present it, though. If you say you're renting it because you don't trust the boy's driving, of course they'll be offended. Instead, say that because it is a special occasion for both of the kids, you wanted to do something nice for them by renting a limo for them to use. If they still balk at the idea, stay firm. Again, your daughter's safety is more important than anything.

    Good luck, and I hope your daughter has a great time.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    that would be cool, id actually prefer the limo, and for pretty much everyone in my town we go to prom in a limo. to not offend anyone just say its a present for them, and if your daughter objects just say its that or nothing. and will people seriously get out of the 1920's? i had my first boyfriend when i was 12, that doesnt mean im having sex or have a baby seriously. and plus not everyone has sex on prom night thats such a

    cliche sure there most likely will be alchohol but so what?

    and you should lighten up with your daughter abit shell be wayy less likel y to rebel then let her go on dates to like the movies or something and if your afraid of her going by herself have her go on group dates

    Source(s): im a teen
  • 1 decade ago

    Rent the limo. The night is for the kids to enjoy, not worry about driving. If you are paying for it, the boys parents should be happy. Teenage drivers are not the safest, and with his record I wouldn't trust either. Good Luck!!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Tell the boys parents that its not the wisest move on parents part to allow kids to drive to prom - first of all its usually a drinking event after the prom, secondly too many girls lose their virginity on that night and thirdly - you as parents can relax and know a professional is driving.

    Also taking a limo to prom is very cool!!!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    ok why is everybody making such a big deal of dating, absolutely NOTHING happens on prom night all you do is dance goddammit!. well at least in bangkok.

    renting a limo is WAY COOL, why dont you try to talk to his parents about his speidng tickets....maybe they dont know he got speeding tickets before. and let htem know you do trust him, just not his driving. get hte point across.

    and of course, you were kind enough to give them a special treat. a limo. if his parents aren't happy with that, **** htem they'll never be happy with ANYTHING.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i personally think your daugther is not old enough to be going out on dates specially to prom.. Not that you don't trust her or that you haven't teach her morals and values wich I think you have!!! But there will be older kids plus is a FUN nigth for senior class.. I just think it will be best and safety to rent the limo plus more save.. If this boy and the parents are still not aware of what is going on ,specially on what could happend if he doesn't drive with safety then I will suggest you to rent the limo just for your daugther and let the biy wait at the entrance of the banquet hall...I guess it will be best to be safety than sorry.Plus your daugther needs to understand it is for her own good.... She will say maybe that you are not cool parents bla, bla,bla.. But still she is not OLD enough to be going up and down like a grown up... The last word is your's you will decide what is best and if she doesn't like your choice then tell her not to worry every year until she graduates there will be more proms and her senior prom is the on she will be enjoying the most... :)

    Source(s): Happy mommy of 4 !!
  • Tell the parents it's his driving you don't trust, surely they know about his speeding tickets. Tell them it's also nice to have a professional drive when there are going to be more teenagers on the road, especially being prom and there might be some that shouldn't be driving that are anyway. It is very nice of you to let your daughter go to the prom, by finding a solution to the problem instead of just telling her no.

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