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  • I need some relationship advice?

    Ok fist my kids dad and I got a divorce 5 years ago. For the first year we fought like crazy, then we both grew up and got to the point where we got a long better than we ever had. During that time I met someone and got married again. I know I rushed in to it but he was a great guy, would do anything in the world for me. We hadn't been married long at all when my ex started calling telling me how big of a mistake the divorce was and how we needed to be together to raise the kids etc. I never stopped loving my ex and of course the kids wanted us together. For months all I heard was he wanted me back, he wanted us to be married again to be a family etc and well as bad as it sounds I left my husband and came back to him. It has been almost 2 years now and I have to admit we are happy, the kids are happy etc but after I came back now it is like marriage isn't what he wants. Our kids will ask when we are getting married as does family and he just blows it off. I am beginning to feel like it is all a game to him. I try talking to him and I might as well talk to the wall. I am happy but I do not know how long I can stay that way feeling like there is no commitment. Now I have to decide do I leave and start over or suck it up.

    8 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Help getting through to sister that she messed her kids up?

    My sister walked out on her kids when they were 6 and 8 and sent them to their dad. For the next 10 years she saw them maybe a total of 12 times never called remembered birthdays etc because her new hubby and the drugs came first. My neices were loved and well provided for by their dad and stepmom and were good kids then mommy popped back in the picture. Now the girls are 21 and 23 with kids and no hubby. I have custody of my youngest neices boys because she got them taken away by the state now the oldest one has lost her son for leaving him alone to go down the block to a friends ( he is 3 ). The girls dont see where they did anything wrong and I say they are doing what they learned from their mom which she denies and says she was never a bad parent. I have three of my own with another on the way I can't keep raising great neices and nephews as well but how can I get my sister to see she needs to admit what she did and get into counceling with her girls so they can raise the kid

    10 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Help with 16 yo daughter?

    My daughter is 16 and has always been a good kid and an A student. Well they brought progress reports home and she had a D in Algebra II. I know the entire class is having a hard time with it but when looked at the grades she had 6 0's on homework assignments. When we brought that up she said she tried and it wasnt fair to judge her from one bad grade when everything else was good. It isnt as much the grade as I do not feel she is trying if she will not do homework so we took away her phone, computer,TV and she is not allowed to go anywhere until the grade comes up. Now she is on a rant how no matter what she does it is never good enough and how unfair we are being to her. Her dad got really mad and lost his temper over her tantrum and took the car keys away from her and told her she could now walk to school and if she fell off honor roll no more driving. Are we being unfair would you think it was trying under this situation.

    18 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Explaining to a 16 yo she will never have kids?

    My daughter has her entire future mapped out. College, then law school, marrying a great guy and having kids. She has been seeing our gyn for the past few months over problems with her menstal cycle and last week they did an ultrasound. The doctor called this morning and said her left ovary was covered in cysts and the right one had one on it as well, she also has a fibroid tumor in her uterus. The doctor wants to see her the end of the week but told me it was time to let her know chances were good she would not have kids and would require a hysterectomy at a young age. This will destroy her and I don't know how to go about telling her all of it. Should I just wait and let the doctor talk to her or she we both forget telling her that part and wait and see what the future holds.

    22 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Help with 8 year old boy?

    My son is 8 and in the 2nd grade. We have always had issues with him at school but this last quarter things have finally turned around and he is making good grades and doing a lot better. He goes to a councelor for ADHD although we have opted not to medicate him and this seems to be working along with other measures. he isn't in trouble at school all the time anymore but at the same time a lot of the teachers at the school have given up on him as a problem child. The problem we have now is there is another kid in his class that keeps taking his lunch. When he tells the cafeteria monitor they ignore him and side with the other boy which is new to the school. My son comes home upset and hungery to the point it is a meal instead of afterschool snack. I wanted to go to the school and say something but when I said so my son got really upset and started crying asking me not to because he didnt want to the kid mad at him. How can I handle this and not hurt my son?

    5 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • What is it without adults in todays society?

    The family unit as a whole is changing. More and more parents are more focused on what someone else has or does than on their own house and what THEY have. Owning a big house and new cars is suddenly more important than weekends at home with the kids and yearly vacations. Kids are being taught by their parents it is ok to lie to keep from getting in trouble, they make excuses for their children behaving like little terrorist and have their children thinking everything has a monetary value to it even love. Is it just me or has the world gotten so fast paced that we are forgetting to enjoy the simple things in life. I feel like we are the odd couple out because my husband and I have dinner at the table with the kids, do homework together, enjoy weekend trips with the kids. Please tell me we are not alone.

    10 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • My daughter and her best friend not talking?

    My daughter is 10 and has been best friends with a girl since they were toddlers, grew up together and were always at each others house this is the first year in school they have been in different classes and it is really hard. My daughter is a soft hearted kid and acts her age, she is more concerned with dolls than with acting like a teen and this friend has grown past her, she is more like 14 than 10. I am having a hard time explaining all of it to my daughter. She misses her friend but the girl is now so out of control I cn't handle her being around. Her mom lets her dress like a teen and run around all over town without adults which I would never let my kid do. How can I let my daughter know that people change and sometimes friends change. She has other friends and stays busy with them but she misses this one. Last night we were at a concert at the school and she said hi to her friend and the kid just walked on and ignored her so she left in tears. Help

    7 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • oral cancer ?

    I have had a sore throat off and on for a few weeks. Yesterday I had a thing like a wart in the back of my mouth, this morning it was all black and a big piece of it came off I have an appointment tomorrow with the doc but has anyone else had this. My hubby freaked and thought of oral cancer as I have a hard time with speech but I also have ms and that causes speech problems as well.

    4 AnswersCancer1 decade ago
  • Car for 16 year old?

    Our daughter is turning 16 in a matter of weeks now and we are trying to decide what would be best as far as a car for her. She is a good kid, honor student etc and we feel she will be responsible. I say we should give her my car which is a 2005 Honda CRV because know that it is a safe car. her father thinks we should go to a place that rebuilds wrecked cars and sells them and get her one there. Yes they are newer cars but they have been badly damaged and I am concerned about this aspect. Parents that have gotten cars for their teens what did you decide on and why?

    22 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Mother In Laws?

    Why is it that most womens parents accept their son in law, might not like him but accept him but most men's mothers cause havoc and don't have close relationships with their daughter in law. It seems it is always us women that are having problems with mother in laws. I know my mom gets on my husbands nerves but they have a great relationship but his mother and I seldomly speak unless have to.

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Daughters weight and size causing concern?

    My daughter is 10 years old. She was always small barely 6 pounds at birth but now the school nurse is sending home forms and asking questions because they are concerned at how small she is. She is barely 60 pounds now and stands 4'8. This child eats from the time she wakes up till she goes to bed. I took her to the pediatrician and she said she was healthy and would eventually grow but she is nothing but skin and bones her 8 year old brother is already 2 inches taller and 20 pounds heavier. We have tried pediasure anyone know of anything else to help her gain some weight.

    22 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade ago
  • Probation Violation?

    Long story neice was placed on supervised probation for 2 years for misdeamenor check charge. she went faithfully every month and was paying on her restitution. She gave boyfriend the money to go finish paying off her fines and he said he did then told her they said since she paid the fine she was off probation......she believed him now she found out after they broke up a year later he never paid the fine and she wasn't let off probation so chances are there is a warrant for her arrest, she is scared and so are we she is a good kid, has a job and a single mom. How can we get this resolved we dont want her in jail.

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Death Benefits?

    My daughters father got killed in Iraq. We had gotten a divorce so beneficiary of his benefits was his mother as our daughter is a minor. She took the benefits and plaed it in an account for our daughter no problem there. My uncle says that my daughter would still be covered under the medical insurance where do I go to find out about this.

    5 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Daughter going to the prom?

    My daughter is 15 and although she is allowed to date as in going to a school event she has never been allowed to date and leave town. We live in a town of 3200 no movie no nothing. On the few occassions she has dated out of town then either I or the boys parents have taken them where they were going more to keep her out of a car with a teen than anything else. Well she was asked to the prom and our concern is it is at the banquet hall in another town 20 minutes away and the boy who asked has already had 2 speeding tickets and a few minor accidents. Her dad and I both said no as long as he was driving and understandable they dont want to be dropped at the prom by mommy. Our solution was to rent a limo for them but the boys parents got offended and said we dont trust their son, we trust him just not his driving. How can we resolve this.

    20 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Unexpected pregnancy causing a war HELP?

    After my son was born 8 years ago I had my tubes tied because the doctor said it was to risky for me to have any more children. my husband and I were fine with that we had 3 kids and were happy. Well somehow I am pregnant, even the doctor that did the tubal is amazed but says it does happen although not very often. The doctor wants me to abort due to medical reasons ( I almost died having my son and I have MS and would have to quit a lot of my meds ) however I actually like the ideal of having another baby. My husband and parents agree with the doctor and tell me it is to risky and to think about the other 3 and what it would be like for them if they lost me. I love my kids and my family but I feel God wanted me to have this baby and it is truely a miracle how can I explain that to them. We haven't told the kids yet because my oldest remembers what I went through with her brother and know she will be scared. HELP.

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • New puppy wont sleep?

    We just got a new puppy and no one in the house is getting any sleep. She is really small only 2 pounds but very loud. We play with her and let her run the house until about 30 minutes before bed and then she lays on someones lap calming down and then we put her in the crate for the night, just like a baby she is up every hour on the hour whining until we are all awake. Tried putting her in our bed and all she wanted to do was chew on our ears and nose, tried to let her run loose and then she sat beside the bed whining. She has toys to play with and her blankie but nothing is soothing her HELP.

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Safety Warning for children?

    I am one of those moms who has always done what could to keep my children safe, locks on cabinet doors, chemicals locked away, blind cords cut and tied up etc. As the kids got older I didn't worry as much but still thought I had it all safe until last night. We had our 8 year old sons TV on top of his chest, as I have also seen a lot of others do. He jerked the top drawer open and it caused the dresser to tip forward sending the TV falling and caught him on the head. He required 12 stitches, has a nice knot on the head and a headache but thankfully he was ok. When we got home I took all TV, stereos etc off of the chests and dressers and will get actual stands for them today. Parents if you have placed something on top of a chest PLEASE take it down and put it lower to keep the child from getting hurt we just got lucky last night.

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • How to not offend mother in law?

    My husband and I recently turned our basement into a family room and game area for the kids. Last weekend while his mother was over she was looking at what we had done and loved it and I told her we weren't quiet finished yet we still had the furniture to get for it then we would be done. After she left we didn't think a lot about it until later that night when she called and said she wanted us to have the furniture out of her den. We really appreciate what she is offering but that furniture is not tough enough to withstand the abuse from our three kids and their friends. It is a really nice couch and recliner but it is an off white suade furniture. I feel if we take it and it gets ruined she will feel we didn't appreciate it but that type of furniture and kids is an accident waiting to happen. She already thinks I have a problem with second hand things which I don't I just like being reasonable. How can we say no and not start a war.

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Why do men always have to procrastinate?

    My husband is a great guy and I love him dearly but he drives me up the wall by always putting things off. Example our dryer went out and we went to the store and got a new one then it set in the garage for 2 weeks before I could finaly get him to take it down to the basement and hook it up. He drags all the tools out to fix a simple project and two days later the project isn't finished and I am tripping over tools and he is watching football on TV. This is so annoying and even the kids have gotten into it and started calling him procrastodad. Are all men like this.

    42 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Right or wrong?

    My daughters best friend (15) came to the house last night all upset and crying wanting me to call cps on her parents. I know these people so instead I called them and asked what the heck was going on. The mom said her daughter was mad and got in her face yelling and called her a stupid b**** and she needed to just die so the mom smacked her in the mouth that is when the kid ran to my house. She didn't even have mark on her so needless to say i toldf her i thought her mother was right and she's lucky she still had a tooth in her head and she needed to get home and apologize. I have known this mom since our kids started school and became friends and she is the most laid back person I know very protective of her kids so I know she isn't abusing them anyway now my daughter is all mad because I didn't take the friends side but I don't see as the mom was wrong what do you think.

    12 AnswersParenting1 decade ago