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Car for 16 year old?

Our daughter is turning 16 in a matter of weeks now and we are trying to decide what would be best as far as a car for her. She is a good kid, honor student etc and we feel she will be responsible. I say we should give her my car which is a 2005 Honda CRV because know that it is a safe car. her father thinks we should go to a place that rebuilds wrecked cars and sells them and get her one there. Yes they are newer cars but they have been badly damaged and I am concerned about this aspect. Parents that have gotten cars for their teens what did you decide on and why?


the deal with my car is it is what she is use to driving, it is paid for so only the minimum insurance required, it doesn't have too much power and it is a smaller suv which helps because she is a small kid. I already got a new one at Christmas we kept it for an extra car.

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree with you. Give her the 05 CRV. She's used to driving it. It's paid for and you've taken care of it, so it shouldn't break down on her and leave her stranded on the side of the road. I can't imagine buying a wrecked car that's been rebuilt and giving it to a teenager! I'd worry that it wasn't rebuilt properly, have weird problems (like steering pull to one side, engine catch on fire, airbags not replaced or working, etc.) You just can't take chances with your children. An 05 is not an old car. We bought our son a four year old car with good safety ratings. He wanted an old car, but I insisted it had to have airbags. Stick to your instincts and give her your car. Good Luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To me, it seems very dangerous to buy a car that had an accident once. You never know what damages the car had and if all of them were repaired. And even a small damage can cause severe problems, even if it doesnt cause an accident, it would be bad enough if the car just stopped late at night somewhere far from home and she wouldn't know what's wrong with it. In order to safe money, I suggest to buy a used car from a private owner, who signs a purchase contract, stating that it never had an accident. And the older the car, the cheaper it will be, even if it's still in good order. I could recommend a Mazda, they are very reliable and hardly ever fail to work. I bought a used Mazda 121 "Egg", which was a few years old, but still in great shape. I think, if you buy a used car, it's always important to go for a brand that is known for its reliability and which doesn't need to be repaired too often. As for the owner, pensioners and single women seem to treat their car better than other people, I heard, so maybe you should go for them. And I recommend that your daughter has the car checked by a specialist or car service before she starts to drive. Maybe she should try the new car out far from the road to get acquainted to it. Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    While the CRV is a nice car that she is used to driving, I would shy away from the SUV's, they are eaisly rolled especially for a new driver. A more senisible mid size care would be more appropriate. Nothing with more than a 4 cylinder engine so that speed and power would not be an issue.

    My first car at 16 was a Ford Taures, not the best looking car in the bunch, but safe and large enough if I had gotten into an accident I would of had protection.

    If you go with the rebuild cars, be sure to have a qualified mechanic check them out first, lots of times they are from totalled cars from accidents and pieced together.

    Good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    Do not give her your car. The "wrecked" car is rebuilt, so it's fine. There are probably very few parts used from the wrecked car--a door here and there, some windows, maybe the engine if the car was rear ended. Things like that. Teenagers get into accidents--get them an older car until they've been driving for awhile. Maybe get her a new one once she's partway through college and she's had her license for five or six years. School parking lots are AWFUL and kids hit each other, bang each others' doors, key each other, play pranks by "decorating" cars. I didn't get a car when I turned 16, I got mine when I was 19 and just had to share with my parents and I'm glad I didn't have one. One less responsibility to worry about and now that I'm with kids all the time, it gives teens WAY too much freedom. I overheard my honors kids (Freshmen) talking about getting their sophomore friends to drive them to a party where they got "wasted" and *Abby* slept with *Michael* and then threw up all over the back of the car on the way home. They then lied and told her mom that s he had the flu and her mom believed them because *Abby* is a straight A student and never does anything wrong. Point in case--no cars for my kids!

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  • 1 decade ago

    if you kept the crv for an extra car then by all means give it to her. but you can expect that most likely she will get into an accident with it at some point in time. may it be her fault or not. I got rear ended by a semi truck 2 weeks after i got my first car. It happened. by the way my first car was a 93 geo metro and all i had after the accident was whiplash. so older cars can be safe too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well im 17 and nissan maximas are really safe cars! Dont get a small car cause they are usually slide more easily when touched gravel[my friend drives a small honda car and she hit gravel 2 weeks ago and drove off the interstate and down into a hole took 2 tow trucks to get her out] and also dont get her a big car they are very top heavy and flip over easily!

    Medium size cars are the way to go like maximas and altimas and they are very nice cars!!

  • 1 decade ago

    My suggestion would be too find an older vehicle with low miles on it something from the mid to late 90's. Such as a Volvo because they are safe cars and they retain their value. The only other option would be to find a used car from 1999 on because that's when the next generation airbags were introduced. So, maybe look at a Nissan Altima, Ford Taurus, Ford Focus, Nissan Maxima if you find a great deal on it, Volvo S60, Volvo S80, Volvo S40 but for those you have too look at the mileage on them, possibly even a Mercedes if you find it at a good price. By the way Honda's Suck!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd sell the CRV asap!

  • 1 decade ago

    I got my teen a reliable car. A 2000 Honda Accord purchased in 2005. Good gas mileage, not flashy so he is less likely to do something stupid in it. Of course he wanted a sports car, which he is saving his money to purchase. This teaches him the value of money as well. The deal we have is when he sells the accord I get 1/2 the money that way he can't just use it to make a poor trade.

  • kaz
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think definately get a second hand car as everyone should have an older car for their first car. Honda would be good or a small ford. Not to powerful. You and dad should help her choose. Sales man can be a trail and she will need your experience.

    Your daughter sounds like an excellent girl and I wish her the best with her new so neat when they get a car and she can drive you to the shops...

  • 1 decade ago

    We got our daughtewr a 94 deville. It is large enough to have lots of metaland an airbag to protect her in a collision. It also is front wheel drive, that helps with all of the snow we get in michigan. One of her friends got a toyota minisuv and drove to fast anf rolled it several times. She was also know for taking 2 tracks with it with her friends in the car.

    Trust issues have arrived with the introduction of the car. My daughter was caught by me with people in the car she had not told us were going with her and she had gone places we did not authorize her to go to. She gets grounded from the car when she lies.

    CAR insurance should be looked at before purchasing a car for her.

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