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If you do not believe in God, what do you believe in?

can we trust ourselves to do the right thing, alone I am nothing

can we trust others, who only think of themselves. Man has never been trustful. If God is then one can get strength. W/o where does one turn to.


Mo-please answer the question and I am far from programed

Update 2:

It is so sad that one cannot answer a question. Not even a good thought.

Update 3:

2 or 3 good answers. Thank you all, you were such a help for my lack of trust in man

33 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    ... ... ... all i know is that I do believe in god... and i know who I can count on... and as far as im concerned thats all that really matters... you cant help those who dont want to be helped...

  • 1 decade ago

    First, nobody knows the mind of God. People have opinions on it, but ultimately people tend to choose a religion or a variation on a religion based on which interpretation of God fits with their own set of values. It's a little bit of a circular argument when you choose the version of God that you agree with and then say that you agree with God. People have always had disagreements about what God says or wants or does. Every Christian that I know, picks and chooses among passages in the Bible to obey or disobey, according to their own sensibilities. Recognize that what you say about God is really what you are saying about what you think is Good and Right, not about what God actually says.

    When you say that you believe in God, what you're really saying is that you believe what other people say About God. The texts that make up the Bible were written by people, people chose which texts to include or discard in the Bible, and has been translated and interpreted by people.

    One doesn't have to use the God word to recognize good and evil. We can all look to history to find people who rose above the common defects of character that we all share and did something noble and great, advancing the causes of truth, justice, liberty, and equality. One can also look at your own family or friends or others in your life to see the difference between those who are Good and Bad without having to use the Bible to decode the nature of their behavior.

    People may have different religions, or no religion at all, and still be guided by the same fundamental idea that there exists right and wrong, and good and bad, and that you don't need to be a religious scholar to figure it out.

    Indeed, history has shown that when religion becomes too powerful, it tends to pervert the idea of good and bad so that things like slavery and genocide are "justified" because someone is able to twist scripture to say that it's what God wants.

    Just because you use the God word doesn't make something any more true or valid. People can use the God word on both sides of almost any argument and ultimately it's YOUR choice on how to interpret what you think is the right view. Again it's you, not God providing the answer. If you are a good person you see God as a loving and compassionate being that wants to help the helpless. If you are a bad person then you see God as a divine justification for hate and violence against those who you disagree with. It's not God that's good or bad. It's you.

  • You can trust yourself to do the right thing, you don't need some fake belief to encourage you. Others do not only think of themselves...some people you can trust and others you can't. Without God, i turn to what I think is right. Think, if you found out God wasn't real... would you suddenly do horrible things just because you know you won't end up in hell?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes,people believe in NOT BEING CUT, that is the majority of people. It is a deceitful world, how can i believe in these people? i was betrayed by people,religions,bible,coran,family and others, should i kill all of them or find the truth? i have found the truth because soon or later i would have too. Killing them would put me in the same situations next life so i am taking care of this now. I BELIEVE IN THE REAL GOD FROM MY RESEARCH OF 5 YEARS, i am free of these influence from people of my planet. I am completely independent from others. Only the real GOD is my guide. look at my questions and answers and you will know the real GOD, keep looking for GOD never give up and tell me if you found better.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow - well there was an all powerful loving and forgiving god but Christians seem to have given up on him in favor of intolerance, hatred, egotism and bigotry!

    Thank goodness there are people in the world who are not like that!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Man cannot be trusted, nor can god for god is man made.Therefore look around you, at all that you see and know that it was here before man and before god. and believe in the powers that be.(of course I'm talking about the earth,trees,water,mountains...etc.)And think.What god would let us do this to a beautiful world??

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe in doing good without an incentive to do so. I turn to a friend when I need something. I prefer people that can talk back to me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe in love. I believe in people, who have proven to be infinitely more reliable than any god. I believe we are on the verge of something much greater in human history than anything else that has happened before.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think love is the only thing really worth holding onto...hmmmm, but then again I think I read somewhere that God is Love... so I guess nothing but God will do for me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe in trees and the sky and roads, and all that real stuff.

    If "man has never been trustful" then why do you trust man so much? You're the one believing people who claim that there are "gods", not us. Believers in gods are the people who are putting too much faith in what people tell them. Atheists are the ones who are being appropriately skeptical of other people.

  • 1 decade ago


    we can trust ourselves to do the right thing... its much harder to trust christians because their morality lies on that of god and the bible, rather then whats beneficial to humanity.

    i.e. if god says to kill your son. you'll do it no questions asked. whereas non-believer wouldnt even give that a second thought, the idea would be dismissed before it even became an issue.

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