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Why have American's become sheep?

While I admit that Barack Obama is a speaker on the level of Ronald Reagan. He has offered no substance. He is left of Ted Kennedy and yet the Libs just keep marching along.

I believe in helping our fellow citizen. But, socialized medicine is not the answer.

The Dems want a nanny state and when a person gives up things like Health Care and Retirement to the government, than it make them less of a person.

Every socialist government has failed miserably. I actually heard a Lib use Cuba as an example of govt run right. I chicken in every pot. There is socialism for you.

We have become weak and apathetic in this country. That is why China, Russia, India and others are kicking our *** in the global markets.

We need strong leadership and the fair tax. Strong leadership does not mean govt running our lives. It means getting the govt out of our lives as much as possible. It means defending our borders and our interest from our enemies. Not passing out food stamps.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are wrong about Obama being on par with Reagan when it comes to being a great orator, but I will admit that he really does know how to raise false hope.

    You are right about socialized medicine not being the answer: think about it: As soon as the gov't puts minimum standard health care in place for all citizens, private insurance companies will undercut this and start to compete with the gov't by offering some sort of premium health care plan, which would allow you to have access to better treatment, facilities, doctors, etc and would no doubt be far more expensive than basic gov't insurance. Joe Blow will probably not be able to afford this so-called premium health care; and there will be a back lash: since only the rich would be able to afford "premium health care", the poor and middle class will feel like they are being thrown under the bus. You would probably hear such statements as: "Good health care is only for the rich!" and i'm sure the race card would be played many a time as well, probably something like: "only rich white people get the best health care!" and etc. Health care is and should always remain a private enterprise. Oh, well I guess you are damned if you do and damned if you don't.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think there are a variety of reasons we've got sheep out there.

    One is the constant drumbeat during indoctrination camp (aka school) where we are told that we are responsible for ALL the world's ills, owe the world everything, and are bad, bad people.

    The media and entertainment worlds echo that BS. They sing the praises of multiculturalism and spin everything to try to make America look bad and the rest of the world is "victimized" by us.

    When you constantly tell people how much more "sophisticated" and "humane" Europeans are and MISREPRESENT so much about them and their lifestyles, then there is no surprise that the victims of brainwashing (public) start bleating about how we should sign on to FAILED European ideas.

    Oddly, if one actually reads about Europe from the Europeans, you see that socialism HAS failed; their UHC systems do NOT work; their governments are nothing to write home about; unemployment is higher than in the US; they have problems with foreigners IN their country telling them how to live and threatening to kill them if they don't toe the line, etc. In other words, it's one big mess of where USEFUL IDIOTS want to haul America.

    Given that sometime after JFK's impact on schools as places of EDUCATION (you know, teaching science, math, reading, and writing) was beaten out of the system and even a bachelors degree signifies NOTHING in this country, it's no surprise that people feel overwhelmed and that they want the "security" the government can offer. Having no exposure to real history from "educators" they believe that we'll have a high standard of living if we sell our souls and rights to the power brokers and go socialist.

    Americans are just too tolerant of BS and we need to call the PCers on their load. They're destroying a great country with their constant negativity and lies. We need leadership that does respect America--our culture (which idiots claim we don't have), our values (the best in the world), and our CONSTITUTION.

  • 4 years ago

    because of the fact a individual isn't cynically skeptical appropriate to the information, likes their president, and does not contemplate conspiracy theories related to their government, that makes them a sheep? I say that's extra difficulty-unfastened to discover people who hopped on the bitching wagon and don't even comprehend why they are there. human beings and human beings everywhere could take each little thing on a case by potential of case foundation and not a generalized anti-government consensus. i'm American, like our president, and do my ideal to help others and be a physically powerful citizen.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Americans aren't sheep--that's why they are not buying into your right-wing propaganda. After 30 years of scheming and dirty tricks, the extremists on the right finally got into power.

    Starting in 2006, the American people told them where to get off. We'll finish the job--and them--this November.

    BTW--jsut to point out the inaccuracy of one of your bits of rhetoric: All those "nanny states you are talking about have better health care by every measure than the corrupt mess the right wing has made of our health care system--and for less money.

    The neoconservatives are the failed state.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Because the average American only cares about American Idol, Road Rules/Real World and the like nowadays.

    Theres also a huge "Whats in it for me?" push nowadays from the younger generation.

  • 1 decade ago

    Lemmings only follow the leader and do No research of their own and have a fatalist viewpoint! Whatever happens happens.

    Source(s): Web Searches:
  • 1 decade ago

    Darn, the title of your question gave me pause for a second, I didn't think anyone opposed to progressive incremental socialism would enumerate it like you have nothing more to add, myself tks

  • 1 decade ago

    When you consider the fact that you are merely spewing out propaganda most of which is ill founded... are you not sheep as well?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Brainwashing by the media, too much fluoride and chemtrails.

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