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is msnbc joining fox on trashing obama for hillary?

fox is famous for quoting "some people say:" as there "source"

now the GE (war profiteers) msnbc is going heavy in slant towards hillary

i think a vote for hillary is a vote for mcain. mcain has a chance to beat hillary .. but no chance to beat Obama.

for people who can choose food or health insurance under obamas health care plan.. hillary would force them to buy healh insurance. how many more people would be unable to afford their house, food etc.. if hillary succeeds in ramming her for profit health insurance plan down american peoples throats. the health insurance industry exists to deny healh benefits. it was created by nixon. he's on the nixon tapes laughing at the thought of people paying the industry that would exist to deny them health care.

i say in america we should have the choice to decide for ourselves.. food or health care.

msnbc says obama has no record.. i'm sure if you got the congressional record you would see obama in fact has been active on many issues


this change is almost an overnight change. I was shocked when mathews put some guy on i have never heard of.. and since this guy couldnt answer mathews question about obama that makes obmama a bad guy? I'm watching msnbc now. and it seems totally shifted since just a few days ago.

Update 2:

it's almost like they got a note from (nbc's equivilent) murdoch saying ok guys this is what you have say now.

Update 3:

yes grape in teh past they have been i think that's why i watch them.. but turn on your tv and see for yourself.

Update 4:

ok grape the shift i saw seems to be just mathews .. and joe. well he's always been to the right.. but this mornings hosts seem to be fair with their "experts" and slant so i think your right.. but i do think mathews has shfited :/

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    well now get CNN to start doing the same then we would be alright.


    I am not aware of any plans where you can't choose food lol,

    and he not active at all, more or less 'passive' lol

  • 1 decade ago

    News reporting has become a soap opera and everyone knows it...or should. Straight reporting without a personal slant or opinion has become an ancient art! The public has fed the frenzy for ratings and anchor people are responding to the popular demand. Watch out when the silent majority gets fed up enough with all the nonsense and speaks up!

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, evr since that guy on MSNBC said hillary was pimping out chelsea during the election..I think MSNBC is trying to make up for it by giving Hillary more positive coverage

    But the secretly adore Obama...especially Chris mathews

  • 1 decade ago

    MSNBC or the anchor person? There is a clear difference for each show.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    we all know the truth. msnbc is microsfot soft and nbc togather what do you except

    fox is a bunch of b.s. lies most of the time..

    i listen to cnn the most

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The media is in love with Obama.

  • 1 decade ago

    print his avtivity. NOT THE ONES HE STEALS FROM OTHERS.

    Bet you cannot fill half a page

    give it a try lol

    Hillary will fill a book shelf with her experience

  • 1 decade ago

    Is this a trick question? MSNBC is in love w/ Obama.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    msnbc ? hear its pretty liberal , not sure who they'd want to see win democratic nom

  • 1 decade ago

    wasn't them who said Chelsea was being pimped ,i don't trust them they do and say shady stuff

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