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jody c asked in SportsMotorcycle Racing · 1 decade ago

alice ducati?

will elias be able to stay ahead of teammate guintoli the frenchman had some impressive rides lst year and elias hasnt really done much in motogp since arriving with a good pedigree

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    When I first read shuggies answer, I thought....I'm not gonna bother answering since I agree with everything he says.

    But then I had a think about it, and now I'm gonna go the other way. Sure, Sylvain really impressed me last year, and he wasn't on the most competitive machine. But neither was Toni. The Repsol Honda's didn't start to get competitive till towards the end of the season. The satellite Honda's (including Elias's) didn't stand a chance. They didn't get hardly any updates all year.

    Add to that, the horrendous broken femur injury (makes me cringe when I see that) that Toni suffered halfway through the season at Assen. Then Toni's final tally of 104 points compared to Sylvains 50, seems all the more impressive.

    So I'm gonna say that on equal machinery, Elias will come out on top.

    Remember his win at Estoril 2006?

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it is a really close call this one but if I was a betting man I would put my neck on the block and say that I think Sylvain will be the more succesful of the two.

    Tony is without doubt a class act but then again all the riders in Moto GP are but I think given the equipment that he has had, which has been a level above Guintoli, he has been spectacularly average throughout. Yes there have been a couple of high points but overall he has never really shown up on the radar. Sylvain on the other hand put in some spectacular rides bearing in mind the level of equipment he was on and the tyres.

    Don't get me wrong I think Elias is a good rider and I have nothing against the guy at all but in answer to your question, on the level playing field of new bikes then I'll punt a couple of quid on Sylvain over him in 08.

  • proc
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I totally agree with Shuggie mac.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have to agree with shuggie and proc.

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  • Dingo
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Hey Jody

    Ditto is a crap answer - but it's mine!

    Pretty unanimous so far.

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