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DramaGuy asked in Social SciencePsychology · 1 decade ago

Why do some of us hate eating noises from people we love?

I dearly love my wife but I have to leave the room when she starts eating anything crunchy or otherwise noisey. She seems to love to chew with her mouth open.

Does anyone have any insight why some of us are so strongly affected by noisy eaters? I would like to understand my reaction to it.


I have mentioned it a number of times and she is aware that it disturbs me but she has apparently had the habit all her life and falls back into it constantly. While mentioning it when she does it seems a good idea, it seems to bring resentment from her.

I am interested in the reasons behind my irrational reaction more that suggestions on how to make her stop.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    People are very diverse in their ability to tolerate actions in their environment. You mention loud or noisy eating as one of your personal intolerances. How these come into our personalities is not nearly as important as whether or not we can overcome these.

    Because you used the word Hate in reference to this behavior, I can assume that this effects you very negatively. Blowing off steam when it happens is usually counter-productive in finding a solution. Just talking to your wife about this may also have little effect since this is a behavior pattern which seems to be well established.

    Your ability to hear is not the issue. I do not suggest ear plugs as a solution. Selective hearing, however, could be used to your advantage. When dining at home, put on some pleasant music. Concentrate on the music while you eat.

    Tolerance and understanding go hand in hand. When by yourself, spend some time practicing very noisy eating. Really get into it, be as loud as you can. How does this make you feel?

    You might even ask her to practice alone chewing with her mouth shut tight. Tape on the lips might be an extreme. Now talk to your wife again. Can the two of you plan a strategy that might work?

    This might include a simple clue to let her know when the annoyance begins (which is seldom at the first crunch). Offer to kiss her to "shut her up" or pull your ear lobe. Something silly is better than just a frown.

    Problems in any relationship depend upon two people. There should be two people involved in the solution. Often a counselor can provide some additional insight to make the job easier. The main idea is to handle it together and not let this push you apart.

    Back to your irrational reaction...

    Why people think and feel the way that they do is often beyond another human's ability to understand. Much of our behavior patterns are learned from infancy through childhood. You have probably suppressed the memories associated with you own training.

    I can only tell you where to look for these memories. Look at discipline at the table in your childhood. Look at how other children acted in the cafeteria at school. Look at you attitudes of acceptable and totally unacceptable eating patterns. You did not create the idea that noisy eating is unacceptable, you learned it. You learned it from someone who had such strong feelings about this that you picked up the feelings as well as the rules.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Stop worrying so much! I have a cat and two children and have never had a problem. For the most part, he ignores the kids. Cats won't smother the baby. That's an unfounded old wives tale. They would no more sit on the baby and smother it than they would sit on you and smother you. You are very unlikely to get toxoplasmosis. If the cat is strictly indoors, it can't even give it to you at all. They get it from being around wild rodents, like rats and mice. Even if the cat is an indoor/outdoor, you have to actually ingest or inhale the feces to get toxoplasmosis. During both of my pregnancies, my husband cleaned the litter, so it was never an issue. If you absolutely HAVE to change the litter, just wear a face mask and rubber gloves, then wash your hand immediately afterwards. My cat never scratched my daughter, and now he's declawed (unrelated to the kids, he was destroying the furniture). Keeping the cat away from the baby is a bad idea, because then he'd feel as if he was being replaced. It's like if you separated an older sibling from the baby for a few weeks, then expected it to accept the new addition. When you have the baby, you can have your husband take home a blanket the baby has slept in so the cat can smell it and get the idea that there's going to be someone new in the house. is hormonal! :) You'll be okay, and so will your baby, husband, and cat.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Did you tell it to hear that you don't like it the way she is eating with her mouth open ? Talk with hear and say what's on your mind.

    Now days people don't talk no so much any more if there is a problem in there relationship

  • 1 decade ago

    As for why it affects you I do not know, but I am the same way. I cannot stand having to hear people eat. One suggestion would be to ask your wife to please chew with her mouth closed if you are in the room. My husband does the same thing and if I ask him to close his mouth he does. It has to do with mutual respect and trying not to do things that obviously annoy one another. Have you ever told her that it bothers you? If you haven't I would suggest starting there. I know this may not give you the answers that you were wanting but I do hope it helps some.

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  • 1 decade ago

    perhaps you were just brought up with better manners. To think that an adult still chews noisely and uninhibited, probably reminds you of what you were taught not to do as a child...might be stemming back to that and perhaps your feeling frustrated at your lack of control to quiet her. Again the polite bit coming back at you, not wanting to offend her, even though what she does is offensive to you. Step up, tell her to act more ladylike. You know the reasons why its inappropriate.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not sure what it is about my mom, but it really annoys me when she eats. I just want to grab her fork and make her stop because the sounds she makes are weird. If it really annoys you this bad, you should come up with a way to politely tell your wife it annoys you....or just get used to it.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know what it is. But i am so annoyed when my brother eats like a pig. =)

    I think it has to do with our very high quality hearing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i know!

    I'm kinda weird but i dont scrape my teeth off the fork i use my lips

    but everyone in my family scrapes their teeth on the fork and the noise gives me chills like I'm being dead serious i get goosebumps!

    Source(s): but as an answer to your question i think its cause we are around them so much and we eventually observe every single little detail and we have to find somthing that make one another seem imperfect
  • Hank H
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I don't like eating noises from anybody, like the dog when they go to lick themselves and that slurping sound

  • 1 decade ago

    First, unless you lose hearing and become blind, I don't know how you could eat with someone eating like that nearby. I lose my appetite around a pig like her. Hey, maybe you could thank her for helping you invent the Next Big Diet Craze! A video of HER eating. People watch it for 10 minutes before every meal and each time they feel like having a snack. SHAZAM! The entire country gets thin and she's's an idea.

    Does she eat this way in public? I highly doubt it. She chooses to eat this way and it's disgusting.

    People are trained to behave differently around those they feel safe with. I'll let out a burp that could stop traffic while I'm in my house. Most of my friends would guess I could never burp loudly enough to win a contest.....but my husband knows differently. That said, if I knew my occasional loud burp disturbed him, I'd curb my grossness for his sake.

    When you love someone, your first instinct is to do things for them and to not do some things that you know annoy them.

    It's been proven in studies that the longer we're with people, the more we annoy them and they annoy us.


    Passive/aggressive behavior is also something that sneaks out in relationships with people who can't confront their lover about an annoying behavior.

    Is it possible that you annoy her in some way and she is a passive/aggressive personality who, instead of telling you, "Hey babe, could you spray some air freshener next time you do THAT in the bathroom," will choose to do something she knows angers you (eating with her mouth open) to get even with you?

    It's a sickness (passive/aggressive behavior) and it's impossible to nail down sometimes because they are so clever. They take joy in crossing the line but in not being caught red-handed. They also love to turn things around onto you by getting mad when you 'discover' their torture methods.

    Either she's;

    #1- deaf to your plea's

    #2 -doesn't love you enough to care what you like or dislike

    #3 -is passive/aggressive.

    For your sake, I hope she's deaf.

    Source(s): Me; 6 years married to a PA (3 years counseling to figure out what was WRONG) and happily 17 years divorced from 'IT'
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