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jody c asked in SportsMotorcycle Racing · 1 decade ago

bradley smith?

i know we probably cant read too much into it but young bradders topped final timesheets in jerez by a whopping half a second!

This surely must be a massive boost to his confidence and give him every chance of scooping the 125cc crown what do you think?

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It was a fantastic achievement by young Bradley and I was delighted to read it. I will be rooting for the wee guy this year but I don't think we should get too carried away. It is qute a leap of fiath to go from topping a test session to having every chance of winning the title. I really would love it if he does though but remember the 125cc class is the best one out there competition wise, with the closest racing and it is a different thing altogether posting a fast time in a session than in a race with twenty other nutters fighting for your bit of tarmac, lap after lap.

    "Goan yersel Bradley " - that sounds better spoken than it looks written by the way.

  • 1 decade ago

    Very good point made by Mr Proc there about talking to long to get going.

    Some say, it was down to the full load in the early stages of the race, and as the bike got lighter it really started to fly. The good thing now is, he another year older, a little bit bigger, bit stronger and the Aprillia carries it weight lower due to the new sub frame, so with any luck, it wont be such a challange for him.

    I really have big plans for Bradders in 2008. We know the bike is the fastest thing out there. Look at Pasini last year ( when it worked ). He was too big for it, and still went like a bullet. With a tiny little Bradley on it, it will be very fast.

    Roll on the first race.

    Source(s): Good question!
  • proc
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes i think Bradders has a very good chance. My only worry is he takes a bit to get going. If he leaves it too late he cant catch up. I was watching young Scott redding. I think he might be amongst the runners too. but the 125s is going to be tough. If we use Talmasci as a reference point there were 20 riders within a second of him. either quicker or slower. and Danny Webb was one too. I'm going to be welded to the screen with a few drinks to hand.

    Source(s): Hey wiggysan I see your little boyfriend is still here giving you the bad marks. he must really like you. he hasnt seen this one yet.......... yet.
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