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fayra_elm asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

I have physical symptoms due to my depression, anxiety, and OCD. How long before Effexor helps this?

I hadn't told my new doc about my disorders and he figured it out because of my physical problems, like trouble breathing, nausea, shakes, weakness, and tiredness, with no medical reasons causing these symptoms. He suggested depression. I told him that I have it and have had it for 15 years, along with general anxiety disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. He prescribed Effexor. My breathing has gotten worse and the other symptoms have not changed. Do you know how long it will take to change?


hmmmm.... I'm done 4 weeks, I think....

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You should notice something in two weeks...but I think it is like 4 or 6 weeks for the full effect.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    most meds like that can take up to 2 months for there full effect. but if it doesn't take the full effects by that time you should talk to your dr it may be the wrong med for you. you should also have your dr monitor your meds it least once a month when you start a new med like that. Also, be carefull effexor has horrible side effects and is horrible to wean off of. Everyone I know that has taken it has the same side effects. So watch out for that. Good luck.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Over the last five years I had begun to have increasingly withdraw into a downward spiral of depression..

    But now with the method I can fully focus my energy and thoughts into a decisive line on how to make my life better constantly. And it works like magic! I'm beginning to attract people to me once again and things have just been looking up since then.

    Helping you eliminate depression?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You will usually start to see the effects after a few days but usually your doctor will need to play with the levels a bit to get ti right. If nothing has chaged by about 4 weeks, go and see your doctor because he made need to play with your levels.

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