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Who do you TRUST?

to take the US leadership and WHY?

Hillary is well known mega ego who will get Bill back in if she can. Doctors will quit med and join/form vitamin and suppliment companies until Hillary forces them to go to Alaska,etc. But everybody knows something negative about her if only her pepper pigout story/fib. Sheesh!

Osama is a Messiahic unknown who has accomplished little beyond a smiling charm. Will he clear up his 3-4 year Kenya Madras education as a Muslim to age 10 or 11? Doubtful as media will not ask and he wont tell.

McCain has "fleas" of his own, but will unify beyond that.

Who do you trust to steer America for 4 years?

Try to be logical as WISDOM/advice count a lot as president. Which candidate would get the best crew/advisors?

8 Answers

  • jehen
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If I could give a thumbs down on a question I would (This is not a question, it is a diatribe, as most 'questions' here seem to be).

    Be that as it may - Lets See...

    We have a choice among 3 elected United States Senators.

    One A Harvard Educated Professor of Law with 16 Years Government Experience

    Another a Yale Educated Attorney with 20 years of Public Service - and dare I say 'Experience' in the Whitehouse?

    A third, An Annapolis Educated Naval Aviator, war hero with 25 Years of service in the US Senate.

    To suggest that any of these people are unqualified or untrustworthy indicates that you either don't understand the terms, or there is no one on earth that meets your expectations.

    I would trust any of them, and as such, that is not the issue. I will vote for the person that most fits my vision for the direction this country should be going in. Clinton. And if she is not the nominee, then Obama.

  • 1 decade ago

    Who to trust? Absolutely NOT McCain. We absolutely must get out from under the Republican "dictatorship" this time. They have caused America to lose all its status worldwide and has brought us to the brink of financial destruction.

    Nader? A Republican in disguise! Heck No!!!! Every vote for him is a vote for McCain.

    Hillary - About 95% since everyone feels Bill will actually run things. It's too bad people think that women can't think objectively or be tough. They can be great leaders - Golda Meir and Margaret Thatcher come to mind to name a couple.

    Obama - 99%. Since he can't mess things up any more than they are already, and don't say he hasn't enough experience. We've had many inexperienced leaders and they had good common sense and used it. And don't let prejudice of his name or race influence you. We NEED to go where we've never gone before and we may be pleasantly surprised.

  • #7
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago


    Always. Constantly. It keeps'em on their toes, and it might even keep'em honest. Nail'em when they do wrong or do poorly, but be fair and give'em attaboys/girls when they do right or do well.

    That being said, of the three likely nominees, I'll take Hillary Clinton for the following reasons (in no particular order): 1.) I will be voting for the Democrats' nominee; 2.)She most closely represents my views on how the country ought to be run and where it ought to go; 3.) I prefer her combined set of talents, skills, and experience to Barak Obama's; and 4.) Her personal and professional background has been more thoroughly investigated than anybody else's in the running, so there are likely to be fewer surprises popping up to interfere with her work.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'd go with the most varied education / experience. Better chance at wisdom. I also respect reason. Kinda looks like Obama from here.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I trust Hillary actually. She's best for the job.

    For God's sake, you think Obama, McCain, Huckabee and the others can be TRUSTED??

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Trust is not a word one uses with politicians.

  • 1 decade ago

    none of them.

    i think im voting for Nader. at least gas prices will come down because he hates big business.

  • M-420
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I don't trust any of them!! Look at our choices! A black man and a women! Thats right, I said it. and that leaves us with MCain.........PATHITIC. And now all the comments about raceism and sexism! Bring it on.............

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