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I'm a long tall Massachucian, I enforce justice for the law,not. people looked at me and said Hurah hurah is you not avatared? Had avatar just not enabled... I love God but HATE typos...

  • Where to find Michele Obama praising liquor stores fresh vegetables offering?

    In late September, Michele Obama commented favorably about liquor stores offering fresh fruit and vegetables but I cannot find it online.

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Where to find Michele Obama liquor store comment?

    First Lady commented liquor stores offering fresh fruit.

    3 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Are you a "tinfoil hatter", quite mad, if you think 2 drunks don't make all crop circles?

    The two blokes who "pinted up" and demonstrated how they spent several hours of several nights making intricate crop circles? Most of us don't think they are "microwave capable" or in sufficient numbers, assuming they had the time, transportation, organization, stick-to-it-iveness to make a simple crop circle much less the "fabulous fantastic" ones. What about the flying lights filmed while the things were creating a crop circle?

    6 AnswersOther - Science1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know the penalties for voter fraud in Ohio, Las Vegas, Houston etc as allegedly done by ACORN?

    In Las Vegas,the entire Dallas Cowboys starter lineup were all signed up to vote Democrat. Rulers may come out and wrists may be slapped. Serious "talkings to" and scolding may cause unrepentant ACORN hold-outs to be more careful. Does anybody think $10 fines will prevent this? If the penalty is, in fact, a $10 fine. ACORN has an $800,000 "war chest" donated by democrats.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • How can answers staff guess who an unvetted pol might be who happens 2b running with an older/stale person?

    Can thin-skinned ans. staff be doing favoritism or did a thin-skinned guesser cry,"FOUL". Is the TRUTH too hard to handle...Oh...THE LAST WORD

    “When Regular Jim Five-Pack Bluecollar fellow tried to match newcomer on the Main Street credo, it rang slightly wacky. ‘Look,’ he said, ‘All you have to do is go down Union Street with me in Wilmington or go to Katie’s Restaurant or walk into Home Depot with me, where I spend a lot of time.’ Why? Is he moonlighting as a checkout clerk on the evening shift? Or is he stalking that nice lady in Lighting Fixtures? As for Katie’s Restaurant, ah, I’m sure it was grand but apparently it closed in 1990. In the Diner of the Mind, the refills are endless, and Master Debater is sitting shootin’ the breeze over a cuppa java with a couple other regular fellows on adjoining stools while Betty-Jo, the sassy waitress who’s tough as nails but with a heart of gold, says Ol’ Put-Name-Here, the short-order cook who’s doing his Sloppy Whatchamacallits just the way the FELLOW likes ‘em, really appreciates the way that, despite 78 years in Washington, Joe Biden is still just the same regular Jim Five-Pack he was when he and Norman Rockwell (the painter not the American Nazi) first came in for a sarsaparilla all those years ago. But, alas, while he was jetting off for one-to-one talks with the Deputy Tourism Minister of Waziristan, the old neighborhood changed. In a conventional presidential environment, Bidenesque fake authenticity would be enough. Up against Sarah Palin’s authentic authenticity, I’m not so sure.” —Mark Steyn (modified to mask who feller is...)

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • What three main web sites would yield effectiveness of US Senators?

    People will be voting for persons with known and unknown backgrounds. HOW EFFECTIVE were these people during their short time in the Senate and ONE with L-O-N-G time in the Senate.

    1 AnswerElections1 decade ago
  • Why was 1844 a big turning point year for Africa?

    What got started and which areas and who was involved? Did something "release" so that this could happen?

    2 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • What do you think ANSWERS should do with their imaginary "Action Bar" that cannot extend a ? since non-existan

    t? Received answers from two who obviously read the word "PUNK" after," feel lucky?"

    If u r not one, guess 5 numbers 1-37 and 6 from 1-56 and we'll see if WE win and U win 10 points

    for being BRIGHT!

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Feel lucky? Why not mentally predict?

    5 numbers from 1-37 and 6 from 1-56.

    I have had good luck....THANKS and God Bless!

    Easy 10 points for best?

    2 AnswersGambling1 decade ago
  • Will the Serbs?

    ever be noticed for having over 300 Orthodox Christian churches burned by wild-eyed head-loping off Albanian Muslims (hell) bent on taking over? Or will a deaf-to-screams, blind-to-atrocity Euro-Press ignore them into oblivion? Albanians have what it takes to take what Europe has! Good-bye Europe, ya buncha slugs!

    1 AnswerPolitics1 decade ago
  • Did Bush (W) REALLY come out for amnesty or was the press "blowing smoke" to infuriate Americans against Bush?

    Jay (Bird) Leno and "comedy" writers frequently monkey with the facts just to be "funny". Maybe AP, Routers and other news services do likewise? We already know Routers buys up dollar store teddy bears and places them at Israli misstle landing sites for photos to make the world think Israel kills Palestine's kids...

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Can Serbs survive in Kosovo?

    or will more than 3 be beheaded by Albanian Muslims?

    from “Albanian Nazi troops in WW2 Launched a Wide Spread Terror Against Kosovo Serbs” by Carl Kosta Savich

    On April 6, 1941, Nazi Germany and the axis powers invaded Yugoslavia, Operation Punishment, and Greece forcing the capitulation of Yugoslavia on the 17th, and Greece on the 23rd.

    To create an ethnically pure Shqiptar Kosovo, which Albanian called "Kosova", the Shqiptari (Albanians) launched a widescale campaigns of ethnic cleansing and genocide. Ethnic Serbs in the Kosovo-Metohija regions were massacred, and their homes were burned, and survivors were brutally driven out and expelled in policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide.

    The Balli Kombetar (BK or National Union) was an Albanian nationalist group led by Midhat Fresheri and Ali Klissura whose political objective was to in incorporate Kosovo-Metohija into a Greater Albania and to ethnically cleanse the region of Orthodox SerbsIt is not possible to ascertain at the present time the exact number of victims of those atrocities, but it may be estimated that at least between 30.000 and 40.000 perished.

    Bedri Pejani, the Muslim leader of the Albanian National committee, called for the extermination of Ortodox Serbian Cristians in Kosovo Metohija and for a union of a Greater Albania with Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Rashka (Sandzak) region of Serbia, into a great Islamic state. The grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin El Husseini was presented to Pejani a plan which he approved as a being in the interest of Islam. The Germans however rejected the plan.The SS high Command planed to create a mountain division of 10.000 men. The Skanderbeg Division was formed and trained in Kosovo and was made up mostly of muslim Shqiptar Kossovars. There were only a small number of Albanians from Albania proper in the division. The Skanderbeg division engaged in a policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide against the Serbian Orthodox Christian populations of the regions under occupation by the division in Kosovo Metohija, Montenegro, and southern Serbia. Balkan Historian Robert Lee Wolff, in the "Balkans in Our time", described the genocide committed against Kosovo Serbs by the Shqiptar 21st Waffen Gebirgs Division der SS Skenderbeg as follows:

    In the regions annexed by the Albanians, their so-called Skanderbeg division, made up of members of the Albanian minority in Yugoslavia, massacred Serbs with impunity.Historian L.H. Stavrianos, in "The Balkan Since 1453", described the genocide committed against Orthodox Serbs by the Shqiptar Skanderbeg Division in these terms: Yugoslav Albanians, organized in their fascist Skanderbeg Division, conducted an indiscriminate massacre of Serbians.The Skanderbeg Division played a role in the Holocaust, the genocide if European Jewry, by rounding up scores of Kosovo Jews in a group roughly 500 persons deemed enemies of the Third Reich when the division occupied Prizren in Kosovo Metohija.

    The division sought to create ethnically pure Kosovo, ethnically cleansed of Orthodox Serbs, Jews and Gypsies the untermenschen (subhuman), who were targeted for extermination.The Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal declared the Shutzstaffel or SS criminal organization and every individual member of SS was found to Be a war criminal guilty of "planning and carrying out crimes against humanity". The Shqiptar Kosovars in the 21st Waffen Gebirgs Division "Skanderbeg" committed war crimes and genocide against the Orthodox Serbian population of Kosovo. The Shqiptar planed and carried out crimes against humanity in Kosovo. Orthodox Serbians of Kosovo were the victims of ethnic cleansing and genocide. This genocide would contribute in the Shqiptar goal and policy to create an ethnically pure, Shqiptar Kosovo, in an attempt to create a greater Shqiperia or greater Albania.

    5 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Who do you TRUST?

    to take the US leadership and WHY?

    Hillary is well known mega ego who will get Bill back in if she can. Doctors will quit med and join/form vitamin and suppliment companies until Hillary forces them to go to Alaska,etc. But everybody knows something negative about her if only her pepper pigout story/fib. Sheesh!

    Osama is a Messiahic unknown who has accomplished little beyond a smiling charm. Will he clear up his 3-4 year Kenya Madras education as a Muslim to age 10 or 11? Doubtful as media will not ask and he wont tell.

    McCain has "fleas" of his own, but will unify beyond that.

    Who do you trust to steer America for 4 years?

    Try to be logical as WISDOM/advice count a lot as president. Which candidate would get the best crew/advisors?

    8 AnswersCivic Participation1 decade ago
  • How will the GOP?

    unite voters behind ONE of the top 3? McCain, Ron Paul and Huckabee? It looks like we have no PURRfect candidate as usual. Bush's big mistake was not immulating Clinton and FIRING all the US Attorneys. This later returned to bite him severely from behind and he needed to frame the lacerated trousers so-to-speak so as not to forget. I would have threatened firing them all if Democrats didn't clam up and FIRED ALL saying better late than initially because they had cases going, etc.blah blah. THEN at least RESPECTED for awhile. But he had SG Argerra (?) fall on his own sword...Oh gee I'm sorry for weeding out these jerks...I must have been trying to do the right thing without any backing from my boss...

    We will undoubedly think smart and GO WITH THE TOP DOG despite his "fleas". But how to make "fleas" less obvious...other 2 have their share of "fleas"...

    PLEASE PUT ON YOUR THINKING CAP! or at least get witty,eh?

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What's YOUR take on...?

    A US President did an awful thing...I wonder how he sleeps at night. Even if the Serbs were NOT demonized by the world press...why did we have to bomb them from almost 3 miles in the air (16000 feet?)

    Why didn't we respect their soverienty and let them handle their own civil war. Contrast this with an earlier Rowanda REAL genocide with Tutsis and Hutus silently entering villages, kicking in hut doors and hacking people to death, men, woman, and children...because they were Tutsis Tribe or Hutu Tribe...yet we bombed NO ONE there...chose NO side. Now with a pipeline going through Kosovo...we GIVE this land to people who pillage and burn over 300 churches and behead at least 3 people...see Michael Savage website if over 21. KLA is MUSLIM...even if the Serbs were bad in the 1990s what gives Muslims the right to kill them NOW and burn their churches?!?!

    2 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • The way politics is going, a felon will run for President in 2012?

    Even the books have changed. Kennedy's book was "Profiles in Courage". Later candidate books describe drug use, being a street person, etc. Another is ghost written, paints a rosy picture of cheribic child-like innocence and fetches $8,000,000 in earnest money before it sells at all. At this rate, the candidate will talk about his prison life and people will choose him to run for President of the US.!

    Declining standards

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Why are Albanians who stole Kosovo from the Serbs who owned it 100s of years getting recognition "Kosovoistan"

    For the record, 650,000 Muslim Albanians got the "boot" from Albania. If only 10% were "bad apples", that was 65,000 "bleep heads". These "displaced persons" with their "we must take over as Allah wishes it" attitudes went all over Europe as "refugees".

    Many went to Kosovo,began ambushing Serb police, but press decided "Serbs BAD Albanians freedom Fighters". Finally, Serbs went in with enough firepower to find cop killers AKA murderers. Then it really got nasty as Serbs were accused of gathering villages and executions en masse. Did Albanians do these things so Serbs would be blamed?

    Kosovo had belonged to the Serbs for 200 years. All of a sudden the Albanian Muslims KLA were the good guys and Serbs dissed by the entire world. USA paints planes NATO colors and bombs Serbs from 16000 feet (for safety). This is almost 3 miles cannot "see" what you hit...bad Bill Clinton idea.

    Only ONE US plane was ever shot down and miraculously...the pilot survived and was rescued. A chinese Embassy got bombed presumably by US pilots flying for least 3 Chinese killed...bad, old data said it was a Serb target!

    Later Christian churches hundreds of years old were torched by Albanians. This continued until Albanians controlled Kosovo.

    Now they say,"We're Independent of Serbia". The Albanians murdered and killed and burned and pilaged for this land. Pres. Bush and other nation heads endorsed the NEw Kosovo "Republic". Only Spain said,"B*ll Shiite". Spanish know Irish slang! But they also know Albanians! Source(s) Did you know the Mau Mau of Africa were also Muslims? Their slogan was,"Kill,kill,kill!" I think Kosovo Muslims have a lot in common with them. Who is advising Bush? These kind of decisions make people think Bush is retarded!

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago