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What do you think ANSWERS should do with their imaginary "Action Bar" that cannot extend a ? since non-existan

t? Received answers from two who obviously read the word "PUNK" after," feel lucky?"

If u r not one, guess 5 numbers 1-37 and 6 from 1-56 and we'll see if WE win and U win 10 points

for being BRIGHT!

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My answer is that this is what I think at the moment:

    the thing about Omarosa is that she shows no accountability. maybe she was never taught the lesson of owning up to your misfortunes (what ever that one may lack) or mistakes (taking responsibility). in the 1st Apprentice, right off the bat, Omarosa said out loud to everyone on her team that she didn't know anything about that particular field of tasks. and in this last episode of celebrity apprentice, she did the same thing, saying she didn't know anything about art and saying in a way as if she shouldn't be held responsible for the results of this task: selling art.

    in the board room, you can tell Omarosa was quite literally shaken up, her head was nervously shaking quite visibly for awhile. i almost felt sorry for her to see her pitiful vulnerable side exposed. she was definitely out of their league. she kept on saying "Mr. Trump invited me on this show. Mr. Trump this Mr. Trump that" like a little girl seeking his daddy to protect her or relinquish her of all responsibilities. it seems like when she's pressured, she resort to her ghettoness, including not taking any responsibilities, as well as resorting to those below-the-belt ghetto tactics (because they are cheap, easy and convenient) using insults like she did towards Piers' family few episodes ago. and her excuse at the time was that the insults were directed at Piers, not his family. that is just a lame baseless cover-up, since the things she said was insulting to Piers' family doesn't matter if she allegedly meant it only towards Piers or not. maybe that is her true color: ghetto black girl. though, she needs to man-up (in an honorable way, not resorting to ghetto cheap tactics), especially in environments where she initiated the drama and conflicts. funny thing about that "man" part of man-up is that at other times, others found her to be too aggressive like a stereotypical man. at those times, she responded with "it's nothing personal. it's just business." it's just so convenient of her to use that excuse when it favored her, but during times like this and on 1st Apprentice, she took it all very personally and became a cry baby, needing Mr. Trump's rescue. She threw away or tried to throw away all accountability, like at one point in the board room when being confronted by Piers, she tried to divert the responsibility/shame to Mr. Trump for making a mistake to have invited her on the show. that just shows how immature she still is as a grown adult. she made a choice to be on the show, no one forced her, that is if she's really relying on that excuse. I recognize that some people would argue that Omarosa is only milking this opportunity as much as possible, but there is also something called "self-respect" or "dignity" or "honor" or "pride". I suppose Omarosa and people who argue for her don't have or understand/know about those qualities/attributes. if she likes to be used and abused, then whatever.

    Ivanka Trump mentioned a good point, saying Omarosa shouldn't have resorted to slandering Piers' children and ex-wife. That was going too far and not gentleman/lady-like. There are civilized and honorable ways to settle disputes or win arguments or seek revenge. maybe she didn't know how or grew up in a different environment, where they settled their disputes in a less civilized manner.

    Piers got carried away at times too. I understand he's just savoring the victory, but he could have composed himself more, being less expressive (even though it's very hard to resist I know), and just walked away, with head up high of course. Then that would have been more classy, like Gene Simmons would have done. Piers, in the board room, said it was his greatest accomplishment to defeat Omarosa. But that just put him next to Omarosa and nothing higher. He is no better than Omarosa for calling this his greatest accomplishment. That is giving too much credit to Omarosa. Piers should know better. or maybe Piers and Omarosa are in a similar league but Piers is a little bit higher than Omarosa on the hierarchy within that league. When Piers, Carol, and Lennox went back to their lounge to watch the other team discussing/defending who to fire or not in the board room, you can see Carol's nerve-wracking facial expression of disgust, in reaction to Piers' reaction to Omarosa's comment on TV. like Carol's still amazed at or not used to Piers' aggression towards Omarosa. like Carol's thinking "settle down Piers (or boys settle down). this is going a bit too far. bordering on disgusting obsession. you're scaring me Piers."

    in the board room, Omarosa, picking on Stephen to try to get him fired by diverting the accountability to him, was just lame. it worked for her in the second last episode to push all of the accountability onto Tito, but this time Stephen knew better and didn't take the bait. maybe Stephen chose not to try hard in this episode, so as to not help Omarosa. who knows. there was this one time during their research in which art to sell, Omarosa tried to talk down and school Stephen. that was such a classic Omarosa move, to make everyone around her look stupid (not necessarily that they are stupid, just appears to be from her tactics), in doing so make her stand out, not that she's any better than the rest but just that by default it would make her look good. she has used this tactic way too much to the point of annoyance. it's gotten old and very predictable. it would only work if others around her are no experts in the task at hand. it's such a ghetto tactic yet she tries to use it every chance she gets, as if that's the only thing she knows. she kept on emphasizing on how-to's in doing the tasks, as if she's teaching a bunch of kids. unfortunately for her, they are celebrities with status and important contacts. even if they don't know how to do a task, it doesn't matter. it's celebrity apprentice for a reason. the main focus is getting contacts to donate money for charity. Omarosa probably realizes this but she can't deliver in that area, so in order to not appear embarrassed or low class, she tries to win her teammates over to her side of fulfilling the tasks, which is to focus on the physical work of the tasks, which is the only thing she can do, instead of the bigger picture, since she has no important contacts to donate money. she does this in every episode. it's the only thing she can do or rely on I suppose. it's just funny though every time she talks about the how-to's in doing the tasks to her teammates by sounding like she's schooling them, one would pause to question how oxymoronic it is for Omarosa to try to pull her stunt like that when the rest of the team consists of celebrities. that picture just doesn't look right. it's almost like watching a little kid trying to convince a bunch of grown adults, at the same time, talking to them in a condescending schooling way. she's just out of their league. simple as that. trying to hide that fact by making oneself (Omarosa) sound or appear superior just doesn't fly, even to a layman.

    towards the end in the board room, Omarosa insinuating something about Piers' orientation, as a last ditch effort to defend herself (at least in her mind) by further slandering Piers, was just uncalled for and childish. it was such a trashy move. her and her ghetto tactics again. why would she do that or resort to use that tactic is beyond me. that is if she really doesn't know at times what she's doing and just go for the cheap shots. maybe her upbringing has to do with this decision-making or lack of dignity. she's only embarrassing herself even more by doing that. the general audience knows it's a lame attempt. I wonder if Omarosa knows or not that she's only further embarrassing herself. nothing classy or civilized or honorable about it. shame on her.

    at least this time, in this last episode, Omarosa didn't wear anything disgustingly provocative/on the desperate side unlike any of the previous episodes. but instead, she went overboard on the ultra conservative side with the turtleneck. weird. it makes one question maybe this is scripted. the repeated art selling contest which Omarosa lost the first time in 1st Apprentice. the sudden wardrobe change in comparison to the trend of previous episodes. the lack of a fighter type of Omarosa that we unwillingly got to know. the sudden defeat look on Omarosa before entering the board room. I know it sounds far-fetched but the way everything came together, it made me question maybe they scripted this last episode in a way by purposefully re-doing the art sell task, as if it's time to get Omarosa out. hmmm...

    at the very end in the limo, Omarosa decided to strike a pose with the backhand "peace" signs, except she did it saying "payce" and with a facial expression on top of that too. who does she think she is? what a tool. where does she think she is? on a gangsta rap video? did she think she needed to make a final expression as if it's her duty to represent/be the role model for her black community or something by acting thug-like? i think what she did was a result of her being too vulnerably exposed, being all shaken up and all. so she was bluffing to hide that aftermath/aftereffect. who knows. this reminds me of the time on the airplane in the 1st Apprentice when Omarosa pulled out the race card and accused the other lady of using the N-word when the other lady said no such thing. this careless slandering is so childish of Omarosa's. I understand it's convenient and easy to use as a tactic to defame others by throwing random negative words around, but there's also "class".

    Source(s): I know my answer is very long. I just love to analyze human behavior I suppose.
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