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Can Serbs survive in Kosovo?

or will more than 3 be beheaded by Albanian Muslims?

from “Albanian Nazi troops in WW2 Launched a Wide Spread Terror Against Kosovo Serbs” by Carl Kosta Savich

On April 6, 1941, Nazi Germany and the axis powers invaded Yugoslavia, Operation Punishment, and Greece forcing the capitulation of Yugoslavia on the 17th, and Greece on the 23rd.

To create an ethnically pure Shqiptar Kosovo, which Albanian called "Kosova", the Shqiptari (Albanians) launched a widescale campaigns of ethnic cleansing and genocide. Ethnic Serbs in the Kosovo-Metohija regions were massacred, and their homes were burned, and survivors were brutally driven out and expelled in policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide.

The Balli Kombetar (BK or National Union) was an Albanian nationalist group led by Midhat Fresheri and Ali Klissura whose political objective was to in incorporate Kosovo-Metohija into a Greater Albania and to ethnically cleanse the region of Orthodox SerbsIt is not possible to ascertain at the present time the exact number of victims of those atrocities, but it may be estimated that at least between 30.000 and 40.000 perished.

Bedri Pejani, the Muslim leader of the Albanian National committee, called for the extermination of Ortodox Serbian Cristians in Kosovo Metohija and for a union of a Greater Albania with Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Rashka (Sandzak) region of Serbia, into a great Islamic state. The grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin El Husseini was presented to Pejani a plan which he approved as a being in the interest of Islam. The Germans however rejected the plan.The SS high Command planed to create a mountain division of 10.000 men. The Skanderbeg Division was formed and trained in Kosovo and was made up mostly of muslim Shqiptar Kossovars. There were only a small number of Albanians from Albania proper in the division. The Skanderbeg division engaged in a policy of ethnic cleansing and genocide against the Serbian Orthodox Christian populations of the regions under occupation by the division in Kosovo Metohija, Montenegro, and southern Serbia. Balkan Historian Robert Lee Wolff, in the "Balkans in Our time", described the genocide committed against Kosovo Serbs by the Shqiptar 21st Waffen Gebirgs Division der SS Skenderbeg as follows:

In the regions annexed by the Albanians, their so-called Skanderbeg division, made up of members of the Albanian minority in Yugoslavia, massacred Serbs with impunity.Historian L.H. Stavrianos, in "The Balkan Since 1453", described the genocide committed against Orthodox Serbs by the Shqiptar Skanderbeg Division in these terms: Yugoslav Albanians, organized in their fascist Skanderbeg Division, conducted an indiscriminate massacre of Serbians.The Skanderbeg Division played a role in the Holocaust, the genocide if European Jewry, by rounding up scores of Kosovo Jews in a group roughly 500 persons deemed enemies of the Third Reich when the division occupied Prizren in Kosovo Metohija.

The division sought to create ethnically pure Kosovo, ethnically cleansed of Orthodox Serbs, Jews and Gypsies the untermenschen (subhuman), who were targeted for extermination.The Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal declared the Shutzstaffel or SS criminal organization and every individual member of SS was found to Be a war criminal guilty of "planning and carrying out crimes against humanity". The Shqiptar Kosovars in the 21st Waffen Gebirgs Division "Skanderbeg" committed war crimes and genocide against the Orthodox Serbian population of Kosovo. The Shqiptar planed and carried out crimes against humanity in Kosovo. Orthodox Serbians of Kosovo were the victims of ethnic cleansing and genocide. This genocide would contribute in the Shqiptar goal and policy to create an ethnically pure, Shqiptar Kosovo, in an attempt to create a greater Shqiperia or greater Albania.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sure Serbs are safe in Kosova!!! Kosova is a state for all it's citizens reguardless of ethnicity. Kosova PM Thaqi has said that all Serbs will be safe.

    Serbs are much much safer then Albanians were under Serb rule.

    BTW You are aware that the youngest of those SS division would be over 80 by now and no danger to anyone. And your using this as a source to demonish modern day Albanians is pathetic.

    But if you want to talk about Nazi pasts Serbia too has a Nazi past.

    What about Milan Nedic. There were many Serb collaberators who gladly helped the Nazis. Chetniks fought for the Nazis. Serbia was the first country in Europe to be declared Jew free.


    And why is Serbia the only country in Europe not to have ensured the restitution of stolen Jewish property?

    Of course Serbia's Nazi past doesn't mean that Serbia is dangerous now. That is the past.

    It is the crimes of the last 20 years that Serbs commited as to why no country wishes to be ruled by them.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Kosovo was ripped off from Albania forcefully 90 years ago as Russia backed Serbia in this theft. European great powers approved it for political deals with Russia. Kosovo has always been an Albanian land since 3000 years ago. The Serbs came down from the Caucasus region only at the 7th century A.D. They spreaded to the south, toward the Balkans invading the Albanian lands. However Kosovo was always populated by Albanians. Only by ethnic cleansing the Serbs managed to move to Kosovo and have small settlements there (they make up only 5-6% of the population in Kosovo) Kosovo has been under the Ottoman empire just as all other Balcan nations were, Serbs included. Before the start of WWI, in 1913, Balkans just came out of the Balcanic wars which were done in order to reshape the boundaries of Balcans after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. The great powers unjustly gave for the first time Kosovo to Serbia as a political deal (Serbia had the support of Russia as they are both slavic nations) despite the upraising of the Albanians aginst this unjust division of the Albanian lands. Historical facts left alone, if you like, the recent reality showed that Serbs denigrated and governed Kosovo with shovinism and terror. A lot of ethnic cleansing happened ever since Kosovo has been under Serbia. Many people killed, Albanian woman raped in order to change the ethnic composition of the population in Kosovo. A much uglier and barbar form of Apartheid happened there. If you know about South Africa Apartheid... The indipendence of Kosovo is a merited solution, an unjust theft that Europe had in its conscience for the last 90 years. And Albanians have celebrated it yesterday with tears of joy. At last, freedom...!

  • 1 decade ago

    Simple question impossible to answer. You have distilled the problem that has existed in the Balkins for centuries. Excess, war, slaughter, deportation, undying hatred. That is the constant. Making sure the "others" have nothing is more important than having something for yourself. Question should stimulate some thought however. It was a good one to ask.

  • 1 decade ago

    Serbia was not a NAZI state, but occupied and divaded by the nazis.

    Altought is true, some did colaborate with Germans.

    But Greate Albania, like Greater Croatia was a true nazi state.

    And they commited genocide and killings of Serbs, Jews, Roma...

    Kosovo is no almost 96% ethicly cleard of all minorities. Years of discrimination, killings and for Europe unheard population growt( on avarage 10 kids per woman) made Kosovo to be black hole of Europe for any minority.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Hopefully it will all cool down.

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