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Why are Albanians who stole Kosovo from the Serbs who owned it 100s of years getting recognition "Kosovoistan"

For the record, 650,000 Muslim Albanians got the "boot" from Albania. If only 10% were "bad apples", that was 65,000 "bleep heads". These "displaced persons" with their "we must take over as Allah wishes it" attitudes went all over Europe as "refugees".

Many went to Kosovo,began ambushing Serb police, but press decided "Serbs BAD Albanians freedom Fighters". Finally, Serbs went in with enough firepower to find cop killers AKA murderers. Then it really got nasty as Serbs were accused of gathering villages and executions en masse. Did Albanians do these things so Serbs would be blamed?

Kosovo had belonged to the Serbs for 200 years. All of a sudden the Albanian Muslims KLA were the good guys and Serbs dissed by the entire world. USA paints planes NATO colors and bombs Serbs from 16000 feet (for safety). This is almost 3 miles cannot "see" what you hit...bad Bill Clinton idea.

Only ONE US plane was ever shot down and miraculously...the pilot survived and was rescued. A chinese Embassy got bombed presumably by US pilots flying for least 3 Chinese killed...bad, old data said it was a Serb target!

Later Christian churches hundreds of years old were torched by Albanians. This continued until Albanians controlled Kosovo.

Now they say,"We're Independent of Serbia". The Albanians murdered and killed and burned and pilaged for this land. Pres. Bush and other nation heads endorsed the NEw Kosovo "Republic". Only Spain said,"B*ll Shiite". Spanish know Irish slang! But they also know Albanians! Source(s) Did you know the Mau Mau of Africa were also Muslims? Their slogan was,"Kill,kill,kill!" I think Kosovo Muslims have a lot in common with them. Who is advising Bush? These kind of decisions make people think Bush is retarded!

6 Answers

  • tom
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The reality of the situation please. The serbs attempted to commit genocide against a group of people, they failed, they cannot be considered responsible enough to take charge any more, so independence was a must.

    But the "stealing of land" has been going on since the beginning of time. Land means NOTHING, it is about people, and if people cannot control their own destiny, cannot go to work, bring their kids up and live life in peace then they need to do something.

    No one seems to have a problem with the fact that the american people "stole" america from the british, or that the british "stole" it from tha native americans, or that the native americans might have "stolen" it from some other people etc.

    No one seems to have a problem that France used to belong to the british, or that britain used to belong to the french, or that the british "stole", ireland, wales, scotland, or that the swiss "stole" land from other countries.

    I could go on all day about changes in borders, who used to own what, who owns what now. It all means nothing, it is the old way of looking at history, that dates and facts were everything, now it is about the people of this world who are trying to control their own destiny.

    And it has nothing to do with religion either, some will use religion as an excuse to fight wars, but then bush, a christian invaded iraq, hitler a christian invaded europe, stalin a christian invaded europe, Milosevic a christian invaded the who of yugoslavia, look at the worst crimes committed in the past and you will generally see a christian influence, they may not have considered themselves christians such as stalin and hitler, but they were brought up in a christian world.

    Why no say that christianity is the worst of all religions? Well the muslims probably do! But not in Kosovo, why? because they were saved from a cristian orthodox country by christian countries.

  • 1 decade ago

    Kosovo was ripped off from Albania forcefully 90 years ago as Russia backed Serbia in this theft. European great powers approved it for political deals with Russia.

    Kosovo has always been an Albanian land since 3000 years ago. The Serbs came down from the Caucasus region only at the 7th century A.D. They spreaded to the south, toward the Balkans invading the Albanian lands. However Kosovo was always populated by Albanians. Only by ethnic cleansing the Serbs managed to move to Kosovo and have small settlements there (they make up only 5-6% of the population in Kosovo)

    Kosovo has been under the Ottoman empire just as all other Balcan nations were, Serbs included. Before the start of WWI, in 1913, Balkans just came out of the Balcanic wars which were done in order to reshape the boundaries of Balcans after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. The great powers unjustly gave for the first time Kosovo to Serbia as a political deal (Serbia had the support of Russia as they are both slavic nations) despite the upraising of the Albanians aginst this unjust division of the Albanian lands.

    Historical facts left alone, if you like, the recent reality showed that Serbs denigrated and governed Kosovo with shovinism and terror. A lot of ethnic cleansing happened ever since Kosovo has been under Serbia. Many people killed, Albanian woman raped in order to change the ethnic composition of the population in Kosovo. A much uglier and barbar form of Apartheid happened there. If you know about South Africa Apartheid...

    The indipendence of Kosovo is a merited solution, an unjust theft that Europe had in its conscience for the last 90 years. And Albanians have celebrated it yesterday with tears of joy. At last, freedom...!

  • 4 years ago

    Stolen Kosovo

  • 1 decade ago

    Please, do not judge us Americans by what Bush is doing. 70% of all Americans disapprove of him. He does NOT represent us. I fully think Kosovo belongs to the serbs!!! And the fact that Bush is yet involved in ANOTHER conflict is laughable. I guess he forgot about Iraq.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Face it Serbs,

    if some of your compatriots didn't act atrociously in the 90's,

    this would unlikely be an issue.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why are Americans who stole land from Indians who owned it for thousands of years got recognition?

    Life is not fair.

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